TikTok 15 Hour potatoes, Are They ACTUALLY Worth it?

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TikTok is full of viral recipe videos, and this one in particular caught my eye, after my sister sent me the link. A 15 HOUR! potato recipe. Is it good? Is it crap? Well, that's what we are here for, to find out.

To make these 15 hour potatoes you will need:
►1.5kg of maris piper potatoes
►About 150g of duck fat
You will also need a suitable roasting dish, parchment paper and a neutral oil for deep frying.
#tiktokrecipes #15hourpotatoes #viralrecipes

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Thanks for testing that out for us Adam! Hope you enjoyed your wine !


Your indignation about the hot pan in the fridge has made my day!!! 🤣


I tell you what helps to clean pans, mix bi-carb lemon juice and white vinegar mix together and rub with half a lemon ! Oh i found this channel thanks to Chris the butcher ! so glad i found it, new subscriber 🙂


To clean the pan: mist with 1:1 Lemon Juice and Bleach - dust with "Bar Keepers Friend" - smear around and let sit for an hour. Then scrub - pops out clean!


Hi Adam. I have a spray bottle with diluted bicarbonate of soda. Spray on your enamel pan and leave in the oven next time you are using it. Then wash in hot soapy water. It works for me, and I clean the oven like this too.


Nice video roast
Potatoes looked nice
Enjoyed watching
Best wishes adam
Ps your cooking better


Look amazing, can I be arsed to make them? Errr No!!! Thanks for saving us some time though Adam x


I Googled it mate.. here it is.. Place the pot on the stove and put a 1/2 inch of hydrogen peroxide and 1/4 cup of baking soda in the bottom. Turn the stove on high and allow bring it to a boil. When it gets foamy turn it off and let it sit for about 10 minutes. This will loosen anything crusted and start to loosen the really stubborn stains. Cheers 🍻


Use a damp washing up sponge with a bit of Wasing powder, I clean dried in marks from my cake pans in this way


The baked on Kak is flavour my brother 😉


You slay my soul!! 🤣🤣🤣 You are so f-ing funny!!!


You are so funny. I enjoyed this a lot.


Adam, have you seen a video from an American bloke named *Byron Talbott?* I'm not putting the link, because you asked me not to put links in my comments, but if you search YouTube for *"Byron Talbott Crispy Potato Stack"* you will find a video that dates from almost 5 years ago (22 Aug 2017), before TikTok was even invented. These "Crispy Potato Stacks" don't take anything like 15 hours to prepare, and the main reason for this is that Talbott doesn't bake them first: he just slices them up very thinly with a mandolin and deep fries them in oil. I estimate total preparation time at around 30 minutes, including the time taken to deep fry them. He makes one *VERY IMPORTANT* point: don't allow water anywhere near these potatoes, because they will fall apart due to the starch being washed away, especially if you soak them after peeling. Also, Talbott's stacks are not as tall as the TikTok version, (In fact, Talbott doesn't peel them at all, just slices them up, stacks them up, chops up the stacks and deep fries them immediately). No need for fridge, freezer, pre-baking, etc. 😉


Adam would the mandolin side of a pyramid cheese grater cut the right thickness?


Sorted did these too, on today's release. Must be a convergence thing. Also, shout out for Emi Made in Japan to which I am also a subscriber. To clean your pan, fill it with water to cover the baked on bits, cover with foil, and simmer for 30 minutes, then immediate take a 3M scrubby and Bar Keeper's Friend powder and put a bit of elbow grease into it. It won't abrade the enamel but will get the bits off.


I use a large stock pot to clean a load of baking dishes. Buy a load of cheap white spirit vinegar, throw your dishes in heat up to a simmer and then chuck in a load of bicarb... 15-20 mins with maybe more bicarb and they will With the hot solution left over, throw it down your toilet and leave it for an hour, quick scrub with the toilet brush and flush.... Nice sparkly bog too.


Another great video Adam. That dish is for retired people who have loads of time on their hands. I love the snippet where you say, they’re all liars. Keep up the good work .


Regarding your baked on Crud. I am a Homer Brewer and there is often a build up of proteins in my Boiler. I give the Boiler (which is also the Mashing Vessel) a periodic application of Sodium PerCarbonare Solution. I buy this as Sodium PerCarbonate but that is often the active ingredient of cleaning materials described as Oxy-something.
In your case the Oxy-something (I have seen this sold as a Wash Powder type thing in a pink tub) is sensible. Make a solution as strong as you wish. (I mix until the solution feels soapy.) and then fully immerse in hot water (mine is about 50C) for a while. Say 30mins and have a look.
This may work for you. Rinse thoroughly afterwards in water of the same temperature you soaked in.
As for the potatoes. Seems a bit like those twenty hour Sous Vide recipes which give you a similar result as a five minute cook. Pointless.


Encrusted pan (not encrusted with jewels): Maybe try spraying it down with oven cleaner, placing in a plastic bag and leave over night? Just an idea. My oven is enamel coated and it works to get the baked on stuff. :D


Your food photography is so good I keep thinking theyre taken off Jamie Olivers website
