Blender 3.2 - Generated and Object mode (texture coordinate, texture space) EXPLAINED!!

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Just made this for myself as a reminder, comments or corrections welcomed in the comments below!

The first part of the vid deals with generated mode, for object mode, skip ahead to 13:44
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Excellent. I’ve read this over a number of times but it was nice to hear it laid out again with visuals.


Moving (or resetting) the texture space is something you'd do if the texture space become messed up. Since I don't use generated at all (I prefer object space for real world sizes), the only times I've used it is to reset where tangent origo is for anisotropic shading using radial tangents. Generated can still be useful though for some, as it can respect some modifiers, whereas object coordinates don't.


That was great explanation. I've tried this in 3.4 and seems edit mode bug is fixed. It shows stretched 5 tiles instead of adding to it
