Leading Neuroscientist: How Intuition, Your 6th Sense & Manifestation ACTUALLY Work | Dr. Tara Swart

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Neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart reveals the neuroscience behind the law of attraction, intuition, and extra-sensory perceptions.
In order to create the life of our dreams, we must first understand what limits us from doing so. Tara discusses the origin of our identity and how the formation of it during childhood can either help or hinder our manifestation. Explaining that by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, we can learn to reinvent ourselves.
She dives into practices for self-transformation, rewiring survival mechanisms, and releasing stress. She also shares her insights from studying Indigenous wisdom, discussing the creative potential of nature, the power of gratitude, and the mystery of consciousness beyond the human brain.

0:00 Intro
2:06 Interoception: The Practice of Understanding Our Bodies Signals
3:57 The Reality of Extra Sensory Perception
7:03 Honoring Your Intuition & Gut Feelings
12:50 Watch Out For Your Thoughts & Rewire Your Brain
16:00 The Science of Identity and How It's Holding You Back
21:40 Harnessing The Power of Neuroplasticity To Reinvent Yourself
26:20 Cultivating Magnetic Desire: Getting Clear On What You REALLY Want
28:42 Top Practices for Self Transformation
31:02 Rewiring Survival Mechanisms to Have an Abundant Outlook on Life
40:53 How Our Hormones Complicate Casual Sex
44:28 How Our Modern Living is Screwing Us
46:05 The Essential Tool to Happiness: Nature & Creativity
53:19 A Grounded Approach to the Law of Attraction
57:56 How Stress Hinders Your Manifestations
1:01:45 Patience: The Essential Key to Manifestation
1:06:35 The Greatest Source of Unhappiness: Navigating the Dance of Being & Becoming
1:14:15 What Percentage of Our Brain Do We Actually Use?
1:19:29 Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times
1:25:47 The Science of Reaching Human potential & Unlocking Spiritual Superpowers
1:36:18 Why Consciousness May Not Be Limited to the Human Brain
1:41:10 What Neuroscience Says About the Pineal Gland
1:46:00 The Most Important Things in Life: Love & Gratitude
1:46:57 Conclusion


Dr Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, medical doctor, executive advisor, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan, and author of best-seller ‘The Source’ which has translations in 38 global territories.

Tara is passionate about disseminating simple, pragmatic neuroscience-based messages that change the way people live and work. She personally advises a small number of executives via personal recommendation only, and speaks at major conferences globally.

Previous residencies include Brown’s Fashion; Annabel’s, a private members’ club in Mayfair; and she was the world’s first Neuroscientist-in-Residence at the Corinthia Hotel, London. Tara was on the EFG Asset Management Future Leaders Panel 2018-19.

Tara is currently the Chief Science Officer at Heights, was Neuroscience and Psychological Advisor at To Be Magnetic and Chief Neuroscience Officer at Arowana International (Private Equity).

In 2020 Tara became the Spokesperson for Aromatherapy Associates and now represents several beauty brands focusing on health, wellbeing and innovative technologies such as the probiotic Symprove.

Tara is a Trustee at The Lady Garden Foundation, a charity for gynaecological cancers.


Know Thyself

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André Duqum

Meraki Media
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I do have a manifestation story where I learned that I had just to ask the Universe and not worry about how it was gonna manifest. My dog is 13 and going blind so she was having a bad case of separation anxiety every time I’d leave for work. Tried the camera so she would hear me, that didn’t work. Tried leaving relaxing music on, that didn’t work. I consulted with her vet and she suggested some natural relaxing soft chews cause we didn’t want to put her on any type of medication for her to relax.Needless to say that didn’t work either.I was asking the Universe for a sign, maybe I can find a daycare, nothing worked. Then after a month or so of going through this ordeal and seeing my poor dog suffer, and thinking I’m running out of options, one day I found an abandoned young cat, and something told me I could bring him to the house and try and see if my dog would like the company, I had never had a cat in my life nor was I a cat person until that day that I felt this connection to this cat, he was so loving since the first time I approached him and he was licking my hands, so I took him with me and introduced him to my dog and it was like two old friends reuniting again, the energy was so loving and soft it was just too perfect! He has brought so much joy into the house and my dog is much happier and healthier! It would never occurred to me that a cat was the solution, but the Universe knew 🥰🐱🐶🥰


I did mirror manifestation years ago..You basically look at your eyes on the mirror and say things like it already happened. I swear to God, my manifestation became my reality in a month.. I highly suggest it!


Tara is a gift to this world. When my dad passed, he was hooked up to machines to keep him alive, along with a brain monitor to see if there was any activity, there was none. However, when my children called him to say goodbye, he mumbled "I love you" to them and shed a tear. So yes, consciousness outside the physical is absolutely possible.


I am a 55 yo man, and cried several times watching this . Dr Tara is just such an amazing sweet and kind soul and André also, two truly beautiful human beings . While I was watching it, I could imagine if the world was led by people with hearts and empathy like these 2 . What a fantastic world this would be .


This lady is amazingly articulate. She has a gift for effortless and clear explanation of ideas and concepts. Well done.


30:26 Wow! This was an “Ah Ha” moment for me! You can’t undo a pathway that is already there… you just need to override it!!! This takes off so much pressure to try to ‘change’. It just clicked for me so much more hearing it said that way! Thank You! 🙏


Your level of “listening “ is on superhero status. I aspire to be able to listen like you - without interrupting and actually listening. I applaud you


One morning at the spa where I worked as a massage therapist, I gave a treatment to a woman I had never met before. I started massaging her neck and face and noticed at the other end of the table what looked like heatwaves coming up from her feet.  
And as the waves kept rising up, a presence made himself known to me. I couldn’t see facial features or colors, I just knew it was a man. He told me to tell this women that he knew that she loved him with all of her heart and that she did everything in her power and that it was enough and she had given him her best and not to be hard on herself, it was more than enough, please don’t worry, and that he loved her so very much. 
This had never happened to me before and was scared to say anything to her because I thought I might freak her out. I was freaked out. I was afraid that if I spoke those words to her that I would be fired for upsetting a client. And, that is what I said to her when I was able to get the words out. And then I gave her his message. He was still in the room with us when I told her everything that he urgently asked me to tell her. She then told me she had been grieving the loss of her elderly father, whom she had been caring for in her home. On the day he died she was worried about leaving him to go to work or stay home with him because he seemed unwell. She fought with herself about it but decided to go to work. While she was at work, he passed away and she felt deep guilt for having left him instead of staying home with him. I was floored. But validated in that exchange, in going out on that limb with them.
When I was engaged to my (pediatric orthopedic surgeon) husband and started meeting people in the medical community, I saw how afraid they could become in the face of topics not based in science. I felt right away that I had to be careful with whom I shared my curiosity and interest in a broader take on spirituality. It’s understandable that the ground can feel shakey for people in the scientific community. Given the supportive platform such as this “Know Thyself” creates and supports a listening for Tara as a (courageous) sacred ground breaker. Grateful for you both!


There are colors we cant see, sounds we cant hear, and all I know is that I know so little. How wonderful it is that there is so much yet to be discovered 💫


When I was about 8 years old, I loved my school teacher so much I used to stare at her really hard when she came close to me. I thought she was so beautiful. She had a mole on her face right beside her left nostril that I thought was really cute. One day she told us she was leaving town and will no longer be our teacher. I was devastated. I kept thinking I couldn't lose her and I must have something that reminds me of her, anything. I wanted to have a mole beside my nostril like her so I would never forget her. I wished it so bad crying all night.

When I woke up next morning, I saw a tiny clot of blood under my skin the size of a mole right beside my left nostril at the exact same spot she had hers. Over the following few days, the skin on top of that clot split open and the clot rose to the surface forming a black raised mole just like hers. It remained on my face for 35 years. My family wondered for years how I got that mole in the exact same spot like my teacher and I never said anything. In my forties, the mole started to change colour and went from black to unsightley greenish grey. All my friends were telling me to remove it. When I told two of them why I was reluctant to do so, they gave me that look like I was either crazy or thought they were stupid enough to believe it. I never told anyone since. Few years later, I had it removed. Now I'm telling you this because I don't care any more "how that sounds" or if anyone will believe. I know how far the "law of attraction" goes. I've been there.


I found Tara about 6 months ago and must say she is such a wise person and a kind soul. I hope the universe continues to open her mind and soul to greater nuggets of wisdom so she can help enlighten a whole generation.🙏💯❤️


This woman is pure brilliance! She has an extraordinary way of combining her scientific expertise/findings with the magic and awe of the spiritual world. Loved this conversation!


When I was a kid I wanted to be an archeologist, went to college, studied anthropology, did my ethnography but didn't finish. But as a kid I would tell everyone I wanted to be an artist. Now In my 30s I started a media company that produces epic animated films. My themes are archeology crime and science fiction. Who knew


Since i started meditating 3 years ago and raising my Frequency i can literally get a knowing of who is thinking about me at the exact moment lol it feels different than when u think of someone and i can feel others intentions now too. We all have these abilities we just have to tap in meditation really helps it's amazing! Our 6th sense


Love the fact that the interviewer allows so much space for Tara to speak


My first time hearing such amazing information. This is really big for me in so many ways. 12 years ago today my mother walked in the spiritual realm leaving our physical world. An hour before she took her last breath. I sat next to her and meditated. I was able to connect with mom in my spiritual form. I walked up the gats of heaven were she looked healed and in a younger form then what she physically looked like in front of me. I head her voice in my mind and saw her through my 3rd eye. It was just the beginning of my spiritual awakening and beautiful journey up to this very moment ❤️🙏🏼❤️


Thank you so much for an awesome podcast.
Want to share what led me on the path to believing that the universe is self orchestrating:
In 1987 I was in the epicenter of a personal crisis. Then the telephone rang and both my friends were on the phone. He asked me how I was and how had the annual holidays been. I lied and said. Fine. Then he said that while he and his wife were on the W. Coast, volunteering at this retreat... He had occasion to sit under a pepper tree and meditate. He then saw me submerged in a deep pool.. Drowning? hands stretched out for help.
Hence their phone call to me.
Upon hearing that i burst into tears, opening the floodgates and related to them, my present turmoil...
Of course there were wise suggestions to support my well being etc and my life did change for the better and today as an 80year old... AM GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE.


Thank you for having this guest on. I am following a very parallel life path. I too am a MD who has pursued these matters since 2020. This spring I will be a guest lecturer in Oceania Cruise lines, to speak about this topic. Everything she has touched on in this interview, will be included. I’m brave and have had the courage to open my throat chakra. I too am excited and curious with the feedback I have gotten so far. She has inspired me to share my truth as she has. I may not have the open credibility that she does, but I do have the same conviction to follow my own truth in my own way.


I’ve been able to manifest my dogs, car and house. So glad for dr. Tara Swart! I’ve been into law of attraction since I was 13, I got one of my favorite books “the secret” and it set off my beautiful, blessed life ❤ I’m 32 now and there’s no limit 🥰


This conversation gave me the courage to believe in myself. I understand more now about self than i have in the past 20yrs? I have been in a very toxic marriage for 26yrs. I have been trying to leave many many times. I have been so busy analyzing why he behaves so badly that i forgot my potential. For the first time i can confidentiality move forward after listening to this conversation. I understand self way more now. I will listen to this over and over as a reminder that i can be free from the abuse. And i know this is public and im ok with that.
