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Some people think that scientists are arrogant because they know more about science. However, every day of your life you rely on others to know more than you about a particular subject and you rely on their designs/theories. Architects that planned your home, construction workers that built it, engineers that designed your vehicle, IT experts that keep your internet experience running smoothly, and doctors that treat your ailments... but when it comes to cosmology and biology, the experts are absolutely arrogant, evil, and clueless. This is an extremely dismissive attitude regarding a science that allows us to have satellites in space for your cellphone functions and allows us to have vaccines against diseases that once ravaged our world.

Yet here comes the average individual to tell us how the scientists are all wrong about evolution and the big bang, but that doesn't sound the least bit arrogant to you? Then they have the audacity to think that they can overturn nearly every field of science, including decades of rigorous study and some of the greatest minds to ever grace this earth. Next, they'll defend their position by saying, "I've done my research." If you have to say you've done your research, then you probably haven't done your research.

This is applicable to any field or view, including religion, but most of the time I come across this mentality, or a variant of it, when conversing with creationists regarding evolution. Evolution is a scientific theory, which is different from the standard definition of the word "theory", making it more of a fact. Actually, evolution is an observed fact. We've got over 200 years of observation of evolution, including through fossils and through observation of things living in our contemporary world. Palaeontology, Biology, and Geology are a few examples of fields that rely on evolutionary science. Few real scientists doubt the evidence or relevance of evolution.

The beautiful thing about science is that if you truly believe that the scientists are wrong and you are willing to prove it with substantial evidence, you can actually overturn the accepted models that we have today. However, if you think that your opinion or one comment that you leave on social media is going to overturn decades of scientific understanding, then you truly are willfully ignorant. There is only one reason to deny the efficacy of evolutionary biology to explain the common descent--you don't like it because it offends your beliefs.

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TAGS (ignore these): arrogant scientists, are scientists arrogant, scientists know more than you, evolution, big bang, biology, cosmology, what do atheists think of hell, do you know where you are going, do atheists believe in god, do atheists believe in hell, historicity of jesus, historical evidence for jesus, atheism, atheist, agnostic, stupid comments, stupid christian comments, derp of the day, typical atheist, atheist stereotype, christian, christians, atheist, atheists, atheism, skeptic, humanist, idiot, stupid, war on atheism, faith, science, evolution, religion, atheists are wrong, christians are wrong, jesus, bible, god, angry atheist, mean atheist, scary atheist christianity, homosexuality, christian, christians, gay, gay rights, lesbian, marriage equality, atheist, atheists, atheism, religion, atheists vs christians, christians vs atheists, bible, sin, leviticus, jesus, god, the bible is really stupid... Obedience to God Cartoon, Obedience to God, obey god, god, jesus, atheist, atheism, atheists, atheist reaction, christians are stupid, stupid christians, funny cartoon, religious cartoon, jehovah witness, jehovah, televangelism, televangelists exploiting the gullible, televangelists funny, exposing televangelists, jim bakker, false televangelists, stupid televangelists, scandal, scandals, christians, christianity, christians are stupid, atheist, atheism, jesus needs money! God's not dead, god, jesus, religion, christian, christianity, christian movie, atheist, atheism, atheists
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"Scientist are arrogant" is an oxymoron. If we knew everything than there would be no scientist to begin with.


I know this guy at high school whom always challenges people on how little they know compared to him, on the subject of science... That’s not very likable.
I’m sure no one would want to share anything with him.


i would also point out that arrogance isn't exactly a flaw. Intelligent people are generally more arrogant but as long as they are capable to admit when they are wrong and always present evidence to back up their side, then i'm ok with that. Arrogance isn't necessarily a bad thing.
What's bad is if you expect people to accept your views simply cuz "some book says so" or "cuz faith" or "cuz i said so".


Do you want an honest answer? Nah, didn't think so...


And in science if we are wrong, we state that we are wrong and fix it.


It’s INSANE to me that I used to believe all this bullshit !! I’m so glad I’ve come to my senses and realized that all I have ever been taught, (through the word of god) was absolute truth…. I love your channel brother, even tho I’m late to the party… 😛


religion and science cannot coexist it seems.


Wow saying scientists are not arrogant by being arrogant and condescending while disregarding valid criticism 😂 giant squid and rouge waves. Two things sailors have told us existed thoughout all of history and were ridiculed by science for but was only recently confirmed to exist because scientists simply can not admit they don't know everything and haven't been everywhere. I don't think the majority of scientists are arrogant just to clarify, but I've definitely met more than i care to know so in my mind the issue is not as clear cut as you seem to think it is.


Is your camera broken? The stern-looking stills of you trigger memories of the disappointment my family has for me. (Jk)
