Collapsed Nose | Plastic Surgeon Reacts

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City Facial Plastics: Dr. Gary Linkov
150 E 56TH ST, 1AB, New York, NY 10022
New York, NY 10022
(212) 439-5177

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This is Horeya Farghaly, an Egyptian actress/celebrity, her story is truly gut wrenching!! She fell off her horse and the whole impact was on her nose only! It was absolutely damaged and the first life saving surgery had many complications and it wasn’t as much cosmetic it was mainly to save anything from it! This impacted her career and her mental health… specially because her life wasn’t easy on other aspects
Then she had a reconstructive surgery that appears not be so successful this one here is the last one of two reconstructive surgeries she had

She is literally so so beautiful you have no idea and the whole audience and her fans here in Egypt really wish to see her happy again, she has such a big heart and a smile that lights any room and she’s a very talented actress too.

I truly wish she can recover from everything


She is sparkling and gorgeous after reconstruction, and she made me really think about how judgmental we all are about “botched surgery” when we don’t know anything about the person or their past.


She’s amazing for being confident to go on red carpets and I’m sure she did a lot of work on herself to feel at peace with people judging her.


She is currently an Egyptian actress and former miss Egypt, beauty pageant, and professional equestrian. Unfortunately, she had had an accident because of a fall, and that affected her back and nose. Gladly, she doesn’t needs any more surgeries for her nose and she started to breath and smell again after years of suffering


Her nose was apparently so damaged from the fall that they had to use bone from her rib to reconstruct it. She probably had a lot of tissue loss too from that kind of trauma and just wants it to be functional with a minimal surgery as posssible. She’s still beautiful. People are so nasty.


Some people are being very superficial in the comments. Take into consideration that maybe she doesn’t want any surgery anymore. You can live a normal life even while having non conventionally attractive features.


Her name is horeya farghaly, she was a pro equestrian and had competed professionally before her major accident when her horse panicked of sth on the ground (I don't remember exactly what it was) causing her to fall off it and then the horse actually fell down on her and hit her face, she has been in and out of surgeries for many years now to have her nose reconstructed so she can breathe and smell again, she also won miss Egypt 2002 and then went on to acting and she's played ever since some major roles regardless of her accident and still does.


She is an Egyptian Actress and former Miss Egypt 2002.
Her name is (Horeya Farghaly)

She fell off a horse, broke her nose, got a surgery but had complications.. Then went through multiple surgeries trying to fix it.
Unfortunately this is as best as it gets.
But she never let that defeat her, she is an awesome person and a STRONG spirted woman with a positive attitude. Beautiful inside out. ❤


Thank you for being so thoughtful and educating the public on potential other reasons this could be happening.


Well, she fell of her horse, broke her nose and then went on to have 27 surgeries in the span of eight years.


You guys are being so judgmental, this celebrity got an accident of falling from a horse.


She fell off the horse and the horse fell on top of her and crushed her nose on the ground she was Miss Egypt and she was always known for her natural beauty and her acting skills and she has been on and off surgeries to rebuild her nose and unfortunately, they made it worse and she had many botched surgeries done on her nose until there was nothing left to work on she lost most of her nose and the producers don’t want to work with her anymore because they call her deformed, it is so unfortunate and sad because she’s such a talented actress and a very kind and talented and beautiful soul ❤


I learned as a child, and held to my heart not to judge by looks . Some of the most perfect looking people can carry the ugliest of souls . This beautiful woman has went through so much, yet she's still kind and carries herself with grace despite the trauma (horse riding accident ) she's had . Go by the character and not the cover ❤


Poor woman, she seems quite lovely, i just hope she's not in any pain.


Poor lady, this is no easy thing to live with. She’s to be admired for getting in front of cameras and doing interviews. She’s brave.


She’s so beautiful and radiant. Those twinkling eyes come from the soul. I’m so glad she doesn’t let people being nosey about her nose keep her hidden. Beauty is so much more than “perfect” features ❤


Good to know her history . Wishing her healing


Amazingly beautiful even with such a nose


This is Horeya Farghaly (Egyptian actress😊). She had her nose fixed after the accident.


It is sad that she didn't have great surgeons! Knowledge is truly power..."If" and "When" I decide to do cosmetic or functional surgery, I will visit YOUR website to see your recommendations for great plastic surgeons! Thanks for sharing this Dr. Linkov! 🎉
