Liberty engine 2.0 replica

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it is not working 4x11volt=44volt
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For a given engine speed, you need to choose the right rotor diameter and number of magnets to maintain the right voltage and frequency. A 230V winding alone will not give you 230V. You need to calculate this, because the video clearly shows that you have too big a rotor - most people don't remember this, but the rotor circumference changes with the change in diameter. You should also remember that the original used n52 neodymium magnets that create a suitably strong magnetic field, a specific rotor material (aluminum alone is not ideal) and remember the direction in which the winding is wound. You also can't thoughtlessly add windings to the cores, because the magnetic force acting on the deeper winding changes. It works when calculated properly ;)


Prova a fondere insieme ad argento e alluminio il terfenolo -D


Hallo Tamas ich habe dein Video gesehen, hast du es noch weiter probiert ? ich habe auch nur so wenig Volt erzeugen können. Was für Material hast du für den Rotor verwendet ?


Sudahkah anda coba sengan gulungan koil kawat yang lebih halus? Karena yang anda gunakan adalah kawat yang tebal. Anda perlu coba gulungan itu dengan travo yang sama


Én-t érdekelné egy ilyen VAS szerkezeti TERMÉK ! Plusz az külső réz tekercsek plusz az esztergályos aluminium 4 vályatos terméke ! Mert van egy motorom ! Amit meg kéne tekerni ! Kérem válaszoljon ?


You use 4 stators, which means: 2 for the operation of the continuous consumer. And the other 2, for free electricity. In your case, you need : 2 ring transformers for your generator.


doesnt work, , , from series to parallel and everywhere in between, ive only manage to light up barely one incandecant.


Szia. Megépíteni készülök. Tudunk beszélni valahol? 3D modellezéssel és tervezéssel kezdenék. Meg is tudom valósítani viszont tapasztalatból jövő infóval többre megyek.


the other things as well is that one should think of a brushlesss motor to drive as the brushes would be worn quickly if one uses it permanently


rotor se compone de aluminio y pllata y cobre y hiero ?
entonces no funcionara


Én is megépítettem a gépet, picivel többet ad a kimenetén, mint a tiéd, 24V/ tekercs.
Hol nézhettük be szerinted? A videó alapján építettem meg én is.


it is not working 4x11volt=44volt >> I agree with you completely, I build engines myself. The calculation is simple: If I need 12 volts, I have to wind more copper on it (depending on the quality of the copper). As soon as I have the 12.1 volts constant, I write down the thickness of the copper wire and the quality and the windings, with the existing iron core. In your case you need 2 x 6.6 volts which are passed on to a ring transformer (2x6 volts to 230 volts}. And from the 230Volt ring transformer to the consumer.


looks very well made to me just connected wrong, should work.
The point of the Liberty generator is that the rotor with permanent magnets and coils, MECHANICALLY starts the generator and does not produce electricity... The
El. generator rotated by the permanent magnet then produces enough current to power the coils of the permanent circuit side, and the excess el. energy for the operation of other electrical device.
You need to connect the current to the coil with the permanent rotor and if the rotor rotates then measure the voltage on the el. generator.
If you get 220/230V on the generator, then it means that everything is fine and the only thing you need is to connect two cables from the generator to the coils of the permanent rotor and then the generator should run itself.


il faut relier les bobines au moteur pour multiplier l'induction.


the original engine is not a fake btw its just that they are very optmistic about thieir output ... the original transformers are just rated at 800 watss each and it does not make sense where the 10kw and 20kw outputs are concerned .. and i have told them that as well it should be about 3200 watts ... that was the one problem as well
the transformers should be rewound for the wattages they want and the voltages they saying ...
the other thing is the speeds that the diver motor is rated at, ,, and then getting 50hz out is something dodgy to say the least as well


Total output not enough, you might need to change magnet with wider same as the stator coil


very frustrating, why don't the Liberty 2.0 gang just make it open source? They will eventually get infiltrated and closed down anyway.


ok so lets help here ...point one the coils are connected wrong and the way it is connected would mean the phases would cancel each other and thus the low voltage ..that is connected like a single phase that cancels itself instead of two phases where they dont cancel each other out .... get that wiring correct and your voltages most probably come right .. with 4x12v you should actually only get 24 volts out per phase ... that is another thing that the coils should be 240 volts each and in that case we would have sine waves not cancelling each other out and the voltages would come right as welll ...perspective from an electronics mech btw lol just cannot sit by and watch all that gorgeous work go to waste and all


Add 4 more points + coils also w/4 at a double coil


Le rotor nest pas le veritable probleme . Mais plutot les bobines
