Liberty engine 2.0 test/III

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From what I have worked out . The density of the metal is 7.09 g per.cm³. Your material used for flywheel should consist mainly of Silver 83.37% and not so much aluminium 16.63%. There lies the problem. It would cost an arm and leg to buy that amt of silver. If anything that could make a difference it would be composition of alloy flywheel. If you buy jewerly silver wire and melt it together with aluminium the Hard Silver solder wire consists of 75% Silver, 22% copper and 3% Zinc. Now combine those ratios with aluminium to obtain a density of 7.09g/cm³ to aluminium. Theres calculators online. 75% silver wire you need 84.9% of weight and rest is aluminium. Gives you a 7.09 density. The 75% silver wire consists of 75% Silver, 22% copper & 3% zinc


So I’m an alternative energy nut too, just so broke and on the verge of homelessness and poverty I can’t afford to reproduce the parts to try replication of the LE2.0 myself.

However it’s came to light in my year of deep research and development into developing efficient hho and h2lpg on demand systems that I’ve came to realize after replicating the exact one from the same channel the Liberty 2.0 motor multiple times now, from what was shown in the YouTube channel if reproduced DOES NOT DO what the video claims .

First hh+ compound doesn’t exist, second there’s no way for the core of the hho reactor stood up even past the shoot of the video without degrading any more less then claiming it was the same one they repurposed for the motorcycle.

I wana believe it’s possible to achieve fuel and energy from way less expensive means and strive everyday to discover the answers.
Not saying the owner of the channels not actually being able to do what they claim, actually I understand the legality and the soft personality that worries about “legalities” and they are obviosuly one, they are trying to develop this technology for profit not to give away so they wouldn’t give all their secrets .

However I believe these recreation videos are all clout videos just to attract views for monetary gain.

Why you may ask? Simple all your doing is showing what’s been known to be possible for over a century, mostly known to the modern man as an alternator.

Every recreation video I see is a “test” video where they are using a power source to operate the machine. This is done every days by millions everytime they start their car. Infact it’s doing so very inefficiently because if you live ever seen an alternator before it’s no where near as big as these and some even produce better results .

I don’t see though, the math and the backing that cost/amount of energy input (using a grid power system you could draw as much power as you want as long as you pay the bill) is lower than the output. Therefore your not proving the affirmative but rather the opposite, and proving the theory true that over unity is not possible.

This is a step back in the development of alternative energy sources, cause the average Joe will watch these videos as I did watching the water powered generator and think “ aw man they might be onto something “ but soon it I’ll be debunked and even it there was just something someone was missing and the system could be perfected the only reason these videos show up is because the AI algorithms deployed by the establishments want videos that will have longer lasting discrediting effects so no one attempts to keep developing them.

If you have to apply outside power to the motor, after building it to spec to recreate what was shown, you are doing more harm than good. You should have been able to put a pull string on that rotor and at least reproduced a machine that would run for a short time . The fact no one has been able to do this really has me feeling the one channel may be more fake than real.

It’s a damn shame what the worlds came too. Oh btw follow my channel if you want real update including all the failures which I’m not afraid to show by someone REALLY developing new ways of
Fuel and energy.

For example, my h2lpg design is the first of any I can find on it and it was really me going out and n a limb and risking many dangers of explosion especially in my closed garage . But I’ve proven I can take electrolysis and use it as the backing to create lpg out of so watered down ruined gasoline it won’t light with a lighter but enhanced with hydrogen atoms as the oxygen is used up when filtered though the weak gas to bond with the molecules needed to release the vapors gasoline holds that need to
Be burned in the first place.

The reason why I know I’m onto something is because even though I post plenty shorts and videos about it across platforms I never get any views, likes or conversations even though I’m obviously actually Proving something that never been publicly dove into before . That or the nets been scrubbed of all existence of such research in which case probably by the time you read this, they will have already added me to the list of Stanley meyers .


The problem is that your coils are too far away from the magnetic field. Bring the coils closer then you will get more voltage. Also the primary coils of the microwave Transformer are not for the best. You will need a greater magnetic field. If you use the secondary coils of microwave Transformers you will get higher voltages and more room to play with


Si quieres que te suba el voltaje, pon las bobinas lo mas cerca del rotor. Yo lo ise y obtuve el resultado, no el resultado esperado pero si 55.7 Volt


Δυστυχώς δεν παρουσιάζεται στο βίντεο την πλευρά με τις συνδέσεις των πηνιων.


Πολλά σχόλια των ακόλουθων είναι σωστά όπως η απόσταση των πηνιων, η αύξηση των ζευγων μαγνητών στο ροτορα, οι στροφές του ροτορα ανά λεπτό, η σύνδεση πυκνωτη όμως υπάρχει αρκετός χώρος ακόμα για τοποθέτηση αλλού ενός πηνίου σε κάθε πόλο και όταν συνδεθούν τα πηνία μεταξυτους σε σειρά η τάση θα αυξηθεί, εάν παράλληλα με την έξοδο συνδέσουμε Ballast η τάση θα αυξηθεί δύο φορές και αν το Ballast Συνδεθεί με πυκνωτή σε σύνδεση σειράς και αυτο το συγκρότημα Συνδεθεί παράλληλα με την έξοδο η τάση θα ανέβει παραπάνω. Στην υπάρχουσα σύνδεση μήπως έχει γίνει κάποιο λάθος στις συνδέσεις των πηνιων ( αρχή και τέλος )??


Herşey tamam tek noksan olan bilgi olmaması..Cihaz normalde iş görücek durumda


Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt the whole purpose of this engine to start it by hand, and it being connected to a motor, will output the voltage at the motor terminals to use as power. Not really understanding what he is proving here.


I am ready to carry out the electricity generation project with angular resonance together with investors who agree to make an official protocol. I have worked for 15 years for this project. After the official signatures are signed, everything will be done openly. 98% of the videos published on are wrong and do not work. I know the mistake they all make.


You need to add more magnet make them 8, adjust your coils to closer to the rotor it will double your voltage


This is not the purpose of these coil. They are not for generate electricity but to produce magnetic field.

They have to be connected to the second generator. Coil 1 and 3 are connected to 220v to generate magnetic field. Coil 2 and 4 are connected together to generate opposite magnetic field to the previous one.

The goal is to repulsed the neodymium magnets. They will allow the second generator to produce electricity, and this electricity is use to power magnetic copper 1-3 and 2-4 .

And it produce infinite amount of energy.


Δεν γνωρίσουμε επίσης εάν στο ροτορα υπάρχει ζεύγος μαγνητών Η μόνο ένας μαγνήτης??.Γενικά δεν γνωρίσουμε πόσα ζευγάρια N S Από μαγνήτες υπάρχουν. Τέλος μπορεί να υπάρχει ένα λάθος Η όλα τα λάθη που υποθέτουν οι ακόλουθοι να είναι μαζεμένα στην κατασκευή.


Think that coil connect in Paralel. but it must in seri connection


Voltage only tells half the story. Power is measured in kilowatts... which is volts multiplied by amps.


It has been peeling off for the past two years.


What if make magnetic coils more bigger 2x if it be more powerful, steel core size allows it to.


رافع جهد يجعل لك نفاذيه مغناطيسيه فيتحقق لك جهد عالي 220v


7 Volt? A bicycle "dynamo" with a little magnet and a small coil, gives already 7 Volt. So what's going wrong?


Two major factors are missing and that is their trade secret


Don't reverse it, connect each coil
