Why You Aren't Getting Job Interviews...And How To Fix It.

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Why you're not getting job interviews - and how to fix it. If you are not getting responses to your job applications, you are likely invisible to recruiters. Here are some ways you can address this and get more callbacks on your resumes.

0:00 - why you're not being seen
1:05 - your resume isn't helping
2:49 - no other ways to find you
4:00 - resume websites
5:02 - Hostinger sites
6:20 - you have no brand
7:38 - you aren't applying enough
8:52 - resources to help get more interviews



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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process, and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks for getting noticed, interviewed, and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

I’ve got weekly videos coming at you, so make sure to subscribe. You won’t want to miss a post. Join me as we explore these things, all from an insider’s perspective!
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Honestly, I've been job hunting for almost two years since coming out of grad school and I've done all of this. This year I've submitted over 900 jobs with only 1 interview. I'm about to give up and go back to school.


At 56, I applied to an internal position that was both a promotion and in a different department within my organization and was recently given the offer. Faced with a strong head wind of dealing with Ageism, IT layoffs/recession and fierce competition internally and externally from people a generation younger. Have a rock solid strategy. Relationship building is key - It's not what you know, but who you know...to receive internal endorsements/praise from colleagues into the hiring manager's ear, especially from those who report to the hiring manager to move you/resume to the front of the line. Let others be your megaphone to often speak highly of your work quality.


I couldn't imagine how many people who have gone homeless because they couldn't find oportunities because of not having their resumes seen or who could not pass the ATS-filtering systems.

Hiring candidates should be a human process and not with machines. This just leads to candidates who lie to get the job. You end up with dishonest workers. The US also lacks non-corporate jobs. Non-corporate jobs create innovative ideas where corporations don't take the risks. The US needs more non-corporate jobs. To do this people need to get hired and be able to save money. People need to save and be able to break-even from the high cost of living.


I miss the days when you could just walk into a business and hand someone your resume.


the first one is on point, once i've fixed my resume my response rate have increased from near 0 replies to 10% reply


I’ve been very purposeful about not doing a “spray and pray” method. I’m being selective about the positions I apply for and try to connect and message the hiring manager or recruiter. The annoying thing is all of the managers or recruiters who like to post about using linked in to your advantage don’t respond to messages. So many of them are very fake! Haven’t seen many like you Brian.


I’ve been following you for a little while. One of your videos talked about knowing the financial health of the company you are interviewing with. Man, that was so spot on and saved me a lot of time and money.

Thank you, brother!


I got an accounting job where the post stated a Masters in accounting as an asset. I got it with a college business diploma with some accounting. I also ended up training a guy with absolutely no post secondary education who got the job just because he was the husband of a lady who worked at the company and was friends with my Manager ( they were from the same East Asian country).


Great advice! I’m a career coach with a recruiting background and I’m always looking for YouTube videos to share. Glad I found your site!

In addition to your sage advice, I would add to make sure your resume is ATS compatible. Many people are lost in the shuffle because their information is not being properly recorded or even omitted. My guess is that you go over this advice in your video about resumes.

The biggest reason why people are stuck in job search is because they stop with simply applying to jobs and waiting for a response. If you want an interview, take the next step. 80% of jobs are found through networking and LinkedIn is this best tool to connect with people inside your target companies. My hope is that your subscribers will watch your LinkedIn video.

Keep the faith, everyone!


Not the issue in my case. It’s not that I’m not qualified for the positions I’m applying for. I am well beyond qualified. Problems is that I took 18 months off to care for my mother. Even though I have reached out to recruiters who have successfully placed me in positions on more than one occasion in the past I have been blacklisted because of the time I sacrificed to help an ill relative. The recruitment industry is completely unregulated and sometimes I think I can’t wait until AI takes over and recruiters will be out of jobs 🤷‍♀️


Please do videos on w2 contracting, since that's what most recruiters find people.


Well, this is all very well and good if you do the kind of work that means you have something to put on a website. My resume is all I have, which you're basically saying is the same as having nothing. In 11 months I've gotten 2 interviews. And no, I'm not applying to enough jobs, because there aren't that many to apply to.


Look into temp/contract jobs at places you want to work. Nothing beats getting your foot in the door.


spot on! This video is a game-changer for job seekers. If you've been feeling invisible in the job market, these tips are the flashlight you need. Time to tweak that resume and stand out from the crowd. Thanks for such great advice!


I'm 57 with 40 yrs in the welding industry plus 23 yrs as a quality inspector. I think my age is the problem. My resume gets compliments on its practicality. I think my age is the problem, any thoughts?


Some of this video was ok, but it's way too short on content compared to your regular quality. For a 10 minute video you spend the first minute saying nothing, the last minute doing the usual pitch for your courses, but then from 4 to 6.5 minutes in you're also pitching a sponsor/setting up a sponsor lead in, to the point I'm not even sure about your website advice. 1:05 to 4:00 and 6:20 to 8:52 is the only actual content, that's just under 5.5 minutes for a 10 minute video.


Agree with customizing your résumé, as a recruiter on the agency side I have candidates that will probably be a great fit for the role when I talk to them but then I ask for them to add a few bullet points in their own words on their résumé to go into more detail about the technical skill sets that they have that would relate to this specific position and they just won’t take the extra few minutes to revise their résumé and it only hurts them and I try to explain that we want to give them the best first impression possible to the hiring manager so drop the ego and just spend the extra five or 10 minutes to change a few pieces of your résumé like the recruiter asks, please and thank you :)


I got my resume professionally reviewed, and I am getting interviews, but I am still waiting for offers.


It’s been almost a year for me and probably 1000 applications. I’ve tweaked my resume, had coaching advice, practice interviews, but only about 20 interviews within the last 6 months and no job offer. I have 30 years in Telecommunications mostly PM and customer service positions. I’ve had professionals look at my resume and are puzzled as to why I haven’t landed. I’m throwing so many Hail Marys in. I’m going to now take yet another advice from you and create and add a website to my resume (I’ll have to go with a free one as I’ve now suffered financial destruction). I’m beginning to think it’s ageism. I should have landed by now….. oh, and I do network and am a part of 3 weekly groups. So what do you or anyone on here think is my issue?


I am trying my best to land at a job but failing from past one year. I am content writer and this thing is happening for the first time in my career.

I am anxious really like what's wrong going on with me?
