How to Use the Cafeteria

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This tutorial is one of five tutorials made for the students of Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy. The majority of children at the Academy do not speak English and come from refugee and immigrant families. The Academy wanted to make the transition into kindergarten easier for these families and students. Working with the school principal and teachers, we developed the idea to create video tutorials that the students can watch at the beginning of school to become accustomed to the rules of the Academy. The five topics of the tutorials consist of:
1. How to Use the Cafeteria
2. How to Stand in Line
3. Going to Recess
4. How to Use the Bus
5. How to Use the Restroom

My roles included Writer, Director, Director of Photography and Editor.

All rights reserved to Resurrection Lutheran Church and Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy.
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I think that it's sweet to involve the kids in the production of the video, because this video was meant for them to watch and learn from. Made by the students for the students is the best way to go.


Not gonna lie these teachers seem so strict like she talks in one tone of voice and it just seems like scary how like you’re sitting there in silence for five minutes at least do two minutes 😊


How teachers expect us to be in the cafeteria:


In the UK we have different options of food. Healthy and non-healthy(in primary/elementary school that I went to).


Thank you for teaching this great behaved kids ❤ you also set up the cafe great! This kids look so happy here 💞💞


These are the most well-behaved kids I've ever seen.


When I was a lunchroom aide we taught the children the responsibility of cleaning up after themselves to help support the custodians so we showed them how to throw their tray away and have atleast one helper to assist wiping the table with the lunchroom aide they are then given hand Sanitizer for the ones who did the extra help in wiping tables. We also had an older child in the mornings to draw out a menu for today’s breakfast and lunch items they really enjoyed and and actually felt responsible


As a highschool senior I am very glad I watched this video. It opened my eyes


Lol, this was how it was like when I was in elementary one point until I moved schools in fourth grade. Lets just say I had one of those classes from 4th grade until i moved schools in 9th grade again that were not entirely there.
Though the difference was the fact we threw our own tray of food away and stack it by the dish washer area instead of letting the teachers do it for us.

Meanwhile the school I moved to in 4th grade literally fed pre packaged foods packaged for us, and then microwaved it before serving it to us.
Even the cheese burgers were microwaved. It was nasty.
Eventually they started cooking there own food, but it still came out bad because the food was either frozen still, or it was rotten.


Why did I enjoy watching this? I'm in high school.


I wish my school was like it because there were always so many food fights and the teacher always was prepared to give out detentions, so I always eat my lunch with my friends in the school library to avoid getting involved with those crazy food fights


I recall we all received a reusable (washable) plastic timber for milk or juice, metal was able silverware, and durable (was able, reusable) plastic tray. Seems like the only waste to toss should be uneaten food or drink. We had nice lunchroom ladies like these too - and tasty food like this ! 😀


Awe...The little girl showing off the sauces!!! So cute!!!!


Wish my school was this big and like this.


In my country we eat in our classroom on our school desk next to one of our classmates so no matter what you most likely always eating next to someone and people mostly bring their own lunchbox I feel like it is way better then eating in a cafeteria room also there is less people cause it’s one classroom so it is easier for people who don’t like crowded places


I wish I could go back to this age…. 😔


I burst out crying I’m so sorry for ur loss😢😢😢❤❤❤❤


When I was in school the government donated surplus food for the lunch program. This included vegetables, etc., from the price support programs run by the Dept of Agriculture. I hated the food at the time, but looking back it was really good stuff ... I just didn't like hardly anything back then. Nowadays, it's all junk food, and the surplus program is long since gone.


0:40 that bring so much memories, the cow jokes😭


The lunchroom was always scary for me sometimes because mostly we would go up to 0 volume when we get too loud but like the one thing is its like your break so like you're allowed to talk because it's your break time I guess?
