What if Padme TOLD The Council About Anakin's Nightmares?

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What if Padme Told The Council About Anakin's Nightmares? Fantasy Folklore

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Really highlights Anakin's biggest problem in Return of the Sith. He was trying to save Padme, but it was always from a selfish desire to not experience the Pain of loss. The only difference here is a wedge is put between him and Padme and he practically treats her like an item.


He would be kicked out of the Jedi order and would be upset at her at first but if he stayed away from Palpitine then he wouldn't be tempted by the dark side.


What if Anakin found a way to restore his right arm to flesh?
Let's say he finds a long lost force ability to restore limbs or finds a machine possibly rakatan or older on a distant planet in either the outer rim or wild space.


Here are some other Star Wars What Ifs you should do:
What if the Rebels won the Battle of Hoth?
What if Han Solo was not frozen in Carbonite?
What if Kylo Ren did not turn to the dark side?
What if the First Order did not destroy the New Republic?
What if the Resistance won the Battle of Crait?


*What if Anakin was born in the unknown region*
*What if the jedi counsel had visions of darth Vader when they first met Anakin*


In the scene where palpatine reveals his sith lord identity to anakin, you can see palpatine almost summon his lightsaber when anakin ignited his blade if you look at palpatine's fingers at that very moment. What if palpatine actually summoned his lightsaber at that moment?


Frankly, its obvious that, despite Padme's intentions, she pushed Anakin right into the arms of Palpatine by going to the Counsel. What she should've done was talk to Anakin first, then went to Obi-Wan, getting him to help Anakin without getting the counsel involved, especially Mace Windu, who has done nothing but loathe Anakin from the get go. But, let's not forget. It's also Yoda's and Mace's fault for removing the right for Jedi to love and marry because they feared it led to attachment and obsession, therefore leading one to becoming dark.


What if Anakin returned to Umbara during the carnage of Krell?

What if Palpatine killed Maul on Mandalore and took savage as his assassin (think of Maul in TPM)

What if Echo never “died” at the Citadel, could be that he was too slow in grabbing the shield and the droid blows up the ship early


Feels like there should be a part 2 to this. Where Luke and Padme defeat Anakin, Leia and Palpatine.
Day 36 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme (Pentre Patrol did his version), Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?


4:50 - Basically crying and running away like a kid throwing a hissy fit instead of a Jedi Okay I guess


7:46 yoda hearing that would make him teleport to courscant asap 😂


That was scary good
Padme thinking she is helping only to have eveyone turn on, her


What if Anakin was granted the rank of master near the beginning of the clone war and learned every force power from the archives


What if Anakin looked after Bobba Fett after genosis


Here are my what if day 22 of asking:

1) What if the Sith Empire Returned during the High Republic era?

2) What if Din Djaran and Bo-Katan fell in love during Mando season 3 and chose to become joint rulers of Mandalor

3) What if Han Solo was rescued from Jabba but Leia was unable to kill Jabba and was left behind whilst the others escaped meaning she remained a slave?

4) What if Padme was Enslaved during the Clone wars?

5) What if Cal and Merrin had a Daughter (for the fact it's a Jedi Nightsister hybrid)?

6) What if Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann had a child?

7) What if Padme was forced to marry for the Republic during the clone wars?

8) What if Jyn Erso survived Rogue one and went on to meet and fall in love with Luke Skywalker?

9) What if Luke and Leia found out they were siblings earlier and both became Jedi?

10) What if Leia finished her Jedi training?

11) what if Luke and Leia weren’t separated at birth?

12) what if Ahsoka found Shin Hati before Baylon Skoll?

13) what if the Ones survived?

14) what if the Daughter survived but lost her powers and became a Jedi?

15) what if Luke had a daughter during the sequels or what if Rey was Luke's daughter? (tie this in to suggestion 8 if you want)

16) what if Kylo Ren didn’t destroy Luke’s Jedi order and so the Resistance had the Jedi during their war with the First Order?

my personal favorites are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11


I was hopeful that Padme going to the Jedi Order would lead to a happily ever after but this... this fan fiction broke my heart.


Interesting story a little dark for my taste but a good story worth watching. Do you think that you'll be doing the same story just the lightside version of it in sometime in the future. Because that's a story I'd like to see. Anyway I just want to thank you for putting out such excellent content. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.


Thank you for everything you do. These What If's are a highlight of my day. I got some interesting What if's that could be fun.

• What If Luke and Leia were switch
- Luke goes to Alderaan and Leia goes to Tatooine.

• What If Luke stayed on Dagobah

• What If Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala assassinated Palpatine.
- Anakin could become suspicious of Palpatine and does some detective work and discovers he's a sith so he and Padme kill him in secret.

• What If Rey was Kylo Ren's sister.

• What If Anakin Skywalker was made Battlemaster during the clone wars.
- Cyin Drelic(can't remember how to spell his name) could die and the council votes for Anakin to replace him.

• What if Kylo Ren was Luke Skywalker's son instead of Han and Leia

• What If Anakin Skywalker had a younger sister.
- she could also be force sensitive and trained as a jedi. How would this effect Anakin's fall.

• What If Count Dooku was made Grandmaster of the Jedi order
- this would happen before his turn but could be interesting.

• What if Anakin Skywalker was sent to Malacore(the planet in Rebels s2 final) during the clone wars.
- Palpatine could send him their to turn him. Maybe he makes a cross-guard lightsaber.

• What If Anakin Skywalker created the Knights of Ren.

• What If Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were Half Brothers.
- Shmi could have been married and had Obi-Wan but they separated then Anakin was born as normal. Over the course of the story they discover the truth. Be cute to see Obi-Wan refer to Padme as his sister in law.

• What If Palpatine and Sidious were two separate people.
- Palpatine could be a caring Chancellor who sees Anakin like a grandson. Sidious is someone else trying to manipulate Anakin. I could see Anakin having an "I told you so" moment to the council. Maybe Palpatine retires after everything and helps raise Luke and Leia as a great-grandfather.

• What If Luke and Leia were raised by Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.

• What if Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee fell in love.

• What if Kylo Ren never turned to the dark side.

• What if Kylo Ren didn't kill Han Solo.

May the force be with you.


Also, fantasy folklore when do you think we can see what if Anakin Skywalker was reborn with all his memories, powers and abilities in episode one and the rest well, you know any commentary followed by what if Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi Mandalorian a new one rebooted one and this new ones what if Anakin and Padme were a force dyad or Luke and leia what if shmi was a Jedi


"What if" Obi-Wan and Yoda together tried to bring Dooku back to the light?
