Kindle Buying Guide: The BEST Kindle in 2023

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In this kindle comparison video, we answer the question, which is the best kindle and also rank the current generation kindle devices.

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#Kindle #KindlePaperwhite #ranked
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I have a kindle from the ancient times of 2010, and it not only still works, but I still love it.
Seeing these reviews has been very helpful. I was considering upgrading because it's so old, but it sounds like I'm not missing anything by continuing to enjoy my reliable workhorse of a kindle. :)


I lucked out at the start of the pandemic I decided to get an Oasis and a used premium leather case on Amazon. When the case was delivered I thought boy the package was heavy. When I opened the package I found an Oasis already in the case. I decided to send the Oasis I bought back and have enjoyed the used Oasis. What a great device for $50.


I have had my Paperwhite for ~2 weeks now and I’m hooked. Previously, I used my iPad for reading (kindle app) and the Paperwhite is so much more comfortable for long term reading. Much easier to hold in a hand for long periods. Also seems to be much easier on my eyes, especially dark mode since I do a lot of reading at night.


I love my kindle scribe and use it several times a week. I use it for journaling. I used to paper journal, but now with the scribe I just put it in my lap and journal away.


I have the 4th gen kindle (2011) and it’s still going strong! It’s comfortable to hold and has page turn buttons on both sides. I will say the battery life shows it’s age but I can still use it for about a week of frequent use without charging.


Woot (which is owned by Amazon) frequently offers previous generations of the Oasis for a significant discount. Dropping that price point to something more manageable makes it a LOT more attractive. The buttons and weighted grip are awesome enough that I’d have a hard time going back.


I absolutely love my pink (plum) Paperwhite. I got it in 2021, originally just as a way to read more as it's more convenient for me than carrying a book. But I didn't realize I would also be able to read other books I can't find in my country or that are written in other languages. And if I don't know what a word means, I can see the meaning without changing devices. I got a clear case and a popsocket for it, and it's the most comfortable thing I've ever owned to read with, I can take it everywhere (plus it's a bonus that I love the way it looks, so I want to use it even more). It's been worth every single penny for me ✨


I agree with your ranking. I am from India.. I have the kindle paper white 10th generation for almost 4 years now. I absolutely love it. It perfectly suits my needs and don’t have to charge it often. My niece has kindle oasis, I found it a little heavier to hold it for a long time.


I got the kindle paper white for Christmas last year and I do love it. I have been experiencing carpal tunnel issues and for that reason I ended up getting a kindle basic. It’s just a little lighter to hold as well as being easier to carry in my purse.


i’ve had the kindle basic since around and it’s been in the storage for a couple years. recently discovered it again and love it! as someone with an ipad already the basic is all i need haha


I just got my Kindle paperwhite signature yesterday that I ordered on prime day. I am obsessed with it. I’m someone who likes audiobooks so it’s great for me. I didn’t think I would love the wireless charging feature, but a friend of mine said it was worth trying. I love it as well. I’ve had several kindle fire hds . I love them for what they are. I had to move on to something that could handle heavy use, but they are great. In fact, the next time there’s another huge Kindle sale I will pick one up just to be able to read my comics in color also to not carry something heavy when I’m traveling and I want downloaded media on a device. Well, I’m disappointed you can’t download the Libby audiobooks. I am very satisfied that I can send the electronic books that I borrow from Libby directly to the Kindle paperwhite.


I have the Kindle Paperwhite signature and I know I paid extra just for the wireless charging but having one less cord sitting around and being able to just plop it on the dock at night when I'm done reading, I feel like has changed my life LOL I find myself reading a lot more digital books now. I'm in love with it! I always wanted an oasis, but not till there's a newer edition for sure lol


I have had a paperwhite for 1 year but recently there was a deal on the sribe and i decided to jump in and buy it. I think it's a very great value if you use it for its intended purpose. Im an engineering student and im often out there reading pdf and taking notes. I still use the paperwhite for reading but after having a scribe i couldn't ever go back to pen and paper. Its way cheaper to buy that than to print pdf in the long term. If we talk about competition all alternatives are more costly (kobo elipse, remarkable, noox, etc) and for conventional tablets, im just not able to read for a long period of time on a normal screen, the e-ink screen is a killer.


I have the paper white signature edition and I love it. It also has a stand that you can set it on to charge and I feel like the battery life is INSANE. I always see people talk about kindles in a bad way because you’d have to charge them, and they don’t want to have to charge while reading, but I’ve had mine for over a year now and have never had an issue with needing to charge it while reading.

Regarding the ergonomics, I actually bought a $15 pillow thing and a $25 clicker and those have definitely been a game changer. The kindle has honestly made me question if I still need books since it’s just so much more comfortable (for me) to read then a regular giant fantasy book.


Team Kindle Paperwhite here! I have found that a popsocket on the back of my Kindle Paperwhite case really helps with holding it and not hitting the power button accidentally! :)


I have the paperwhite and love it. But the Oasis sounds cool, and if they ever update or make a newer version of it, I would def be interested in picking it up!


It's good to see you filming a video again. I hope that you're feeling better!


I just got a new Paperwhite Signature Edition package with the charger and case on a Prime Day deal. My son will be inheriting my 2019 Kindle for his school trips and vacations. I absolutely love the soft light for my bedtime reading. I am hooked and use this device every day. I still buy physical books, but as I get older the debate of holding the weight of the Kindle versus a large book...well, the Kindle is winning. Nice review!


If you wait for the prime day deals the scribe is more reasonably priced. I got it for $289 w/ the premium pen this past prime day and I love it! I have a book pouf and read it the device while laying in bed. It’s my new favorite kindle!


i just got a kindle basic on prime day! Your videos were the biggest help in comparing all the different models. i was mostly between the paperwhite and basic, as i wanted something simple and compact. in 2020, i switched from physical reading to almost exclusively reading on my phone and the main - no, ONLY - reason i went with the basic over the paperwhite is the size! it's SO cute and tiny, similar to reading on my phone but is BY FAR an elevated experience from distracting, colorful, headache-inducingly-bright, shiny screen phone reading. 😆i LOVE my basic so much...but if they released a waterproof version of the basic/aka paperwhite mini, i'd buy it in a heartbeat! i wouldn't even have it in me to wait for a sale. 😂

(btw the skin on your wife's oasis is SOO CUTEEE😍)
