Meet The Kindles! Comparing the 2024 Kindle Lineup

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***Feb 19, 2024: HEADS UP! Amazon has just removed the Kindle Oasis from the comparison grid! Looks like the Oasis is officially disco'd (tragically)! There are rumors of a NEW Kindle device sometime in 2024. Stay tuned for more updates!***
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🌟​What they all have in common: 4:26
🌟​8GB? 16GB? How much memory do you need? 12:45
🌟Does the number of LED lights matter? 22:32
🌟​Kindle Basic: 8:50
​🌟​Kindle Paperwhite: 11:11
🌟Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition: 14:58
🌟Kindle Kids and Kindle Paperwhite Kids: 16:02
​🌟​Kindle Oasis: 17:06
🌟Kindle Scribe: 19:43
🌟How do cases work? 27:55

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Thank you for not only describing the differences but “showing” the physical difference. Best review on Kindle models for a longtime!


I can't believe I watched 30 minutes of a comparison of Kindles. You really have a way to make this stuff interesting.


Of about six videos that I watched to educate me about which Kindle to buy, yours was the best.


Prime Day '24 I was thinking of getting the PaperWhite Signature for the extra storage. Minute 14 of this video saved me $60 bucks or more.
The amounts of storage and what that translates to with books is hard to tie together sometimes. You brought great value to my life today.
Massive Respect for you and your channel!


This was a straight to the point video! Thank you for helping me make my decision! I'm getting the Kindle Paperwhite as a birthday gift to myself!


this is amazing! the first kindle I got was the 2012 model. Last year I upgraded to the 2022 paperwhite last year. So excited to get into reading this year!! great video!


such a comprehensive review! love this! big thanks!


thank you so much for this video! i was trying to decided between the paper white and the basic one and you helped me a lot and i decided to buy the 2023 basic kindle that just got delivered a few hours ago.
keep up with the amazing job! love from Brasil 🇧🇷


Before I saw this there was no way I was going to buy an Oasis. You completely changed my mind. You reminded me of how the kinesthetic enjoyment of holding a book or device is almost as important as the enjoyment of the reading itself.

Unfortunately, I saw this video in late March when the Oases were gone. I was crushed. I flailed around a bit trying to decide what to buy and finally settled on a PW SE. The very next day Amazon put a batch of certified refurb Oases up for sale. I quickly cancelled the PW and ordered the 8Gig ad-supported Oasis that I really wanted!

I have been reading on it for the last 10 days or so and couldn't be happier with the Oasis. Your video was definitely spot on for me. Liked and sub'd. Thank you!


Exactly the video I was looking for, thank you!


Thank you for taking the time to describe and demonstrate all these! I began with whatever year they first came out (even before Oprah discovered them) and am on my 7th now, a Paperwhite that’s begun freezing more frequently. I was about sold on a new paperwhite, but I think you sold me on the Oasis because I’ve so missed buttons to turn the page. And holding in one hand you can enjoy a beverage while reading.


My kindle is ancient. Got it in 2013 and i still use it. No touch screen. Buttons on each side for turning pages, buttons on the bottom for everything else


I have been reading on my iPhone 12 pro max using the app. But now (because of you 👾😄) I just purchased, through your link, the paperwhite light weight 11th generation 6.8" and got it on sale because I have Kindle unlimited - they offered me a special discount. 👏👏👏

After that purchase, I bought a case and screen protector, so hopefully you get some kind of affiliate pay on that too.

Whatever you earn you deserve more because that was an excellent review and from what I'm seeing, a lot of people are purchasing because of you're excellent reviews.

By the way, this is my first Kindle or even E reader. I've always read on my phone 😆

Well done you 👍👍☺️


Right on point, thank you for not wasting my time like so many others do 👍


You are a legend!!! Thank you for this really helped me decide. Your amazing.


Nice to see someone speak to camera and not fill the video with jumpcuts! Bravo sir!
I dont need the amount of eink ereaders that i have but im hooked on the various types and models both from Kobo and Amazon. I have a Kobo Libra 2, Kindle Basic, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Scribe.
Correction note: Scribe is not waterproof


I was trying to decide which one to buy and literally could not tell the difference based on the descriptions. This video helped a lot to understand. Thank u. 🙏


I had an Oasis but as a huge manga reader I ended up trading it in for a 64GB scribe. I ADORE IT. It has some premium features like the Oasis like the autoflip and has the solid metal casing.


Started the video unsure about which to buy (I bought my last kindle in 2014) and finished with a decision. So helpful, thank you!


Very informative, great video thank you for sharing.
