EXPOSING God's CRUEL Game | Are We Just Pawns? | Neogenian

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Is God evil? It's time to uncover a harsh reality: a God that hides, yet punishes non-believers with hell in a sick game. It's a chilling investigation into the biblical God's existence and the unjust implications of divine concealment. This video pulls no punches, questioning the fairness of a deity who demands faith without evidence. If you've ever wrestled with doubts or the fear of hell, this is the video for you. Don't be a pawn. Click and confront the truth.

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every sunday I dont go to church I listen to Morgue


The god of the Old Testament sounds to me more like ego (lion) and the Christ (lamb) represents us overcoming the ego and balancing those two. Then the concept of the lion and the lamb sit together in harmony. I feel the Bible is a higher interpretation to how we get to that higher frequency for our self


earth is not a school, it's a prison!


Good morning from Tennessee
Just finished building my fireplace. I also enjoy a real fire .


I was a Christian 100% for 40 years. Now I am asking why was I put through that? I almost walked away from it when I was 30. But I went back full force. I was that Christian he is talking about. Did all that. Again, why was I deceived for so long? I am currently going through deconstruction. I am no longer that Christian. But, my friends and family are those Christians. What am I going to do? If I come out I will be outcast from my family and friends. I know, I was that Christian. What am I going to do? I'm a Sunday school teacher! I tell them to get someone else but they won't do it. They tell me no one else wants to do it. What am I going to do?
I will be the wolf in sheep's clothing 😟


Morgue you make a lot of sense, Thanks for all the info, I’m still learning


The Third Denominator is that The Christian Religion is a parody of something Greater and and God is a Blind Unconscious Force (in a Jungian sense) which is our true potential.


I went to a psychic and she said Jesus wasn’t the son of yhwh


Hello, I am a Christian but I have questions and am open minded… I appreciate and enjoy your information… also I want you to know I see you and appreciate you… sending much love and thank you


I wouldn't do that to my children


Love your work! ❤ it makes me think and I always appreciate that. One thing I think I’ve put together is that Everything is connected. Recovering Christian myself, I would not be here without the god of the Bible. And “Jesus”. It seems the devil, Satan the adversary whatever… is the gate keeper. Understand and appreciate that energy from the perspective of love and it looks different. Even Santa Claus 🎅🏼 has his place from where I sit. 1️⃣
Desire to survive is necessary for eternal life and for anything to be defined, the opposite must also exist for compassion. We also need an energy of lack to create something new but an energy of abundance to realize that possibility. That’s just my 2 cents 😊


Religion is foundation of civilization.
So no wonder it has strict rules.
Ofc religion is product of social evolution. Human race needs religion to survive. Period.


hey... i am an ex junky and for the record, some are highly sophisticated! there are 4 f's.


And god doesn’t like slaves Deuteronomy‬ ‭15‬:‭15‬‬ Remember that you were once slaves in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you!


I Am Lucifer Heylel Morningstar, The Son of The Dawn, The Shining One, The Anointed Cherub, The Seraphim of Light The Archangel of Knowldge, and The Original Fallen Angel, The Devil, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Prince of Darkness


God of Old Testament is Enlil who is an ET


If it was flat with a dome would that be blinding and obviously clear ?


Why only Christian’s what about the Muslim god ?


Regarding prophecy in Bible scripture. Someone writes a script, knows the script. And performs the script in a timely manner. It appears as prophecy. Like in the movie Apocalypto. The priest knew ahead of time with mathematica astronomical knowledge that there was going to be a total eclipse of the Sun. Ergo on script, Command the sun to be restored. And the people fall for it. And worship the supreme god of the priest. We see a script being played out to a gullible audience. A religion is born.


I agree with the prophecy thing - it never lines up like they say 😅
