Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) | Includes Criteria & Treatment

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, is a debilitating long term condition that affects around 1% of the population. We look at the signs and symptoms including diagnostic criteria, possible causes, risk factors for chronic fatigue syndrome as well as treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Video Timestamps:
0:00 What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
0:13 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms
1:47 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Risk Factors
2:40 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
3:43 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

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Chronic fatigue syndrome
Myalgic encephalomyelitis
Chronic fatigue syndrome myalgic encephalomyelitis
What is chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment
Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms
Chronic fatigue treatment
Chronic fatigue syndrome medication
Myalgic encephalomyelitis symptoms
Myalgic encephalomyelitis treatment
Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome
Cfs treatment
CFS symptoms
What is myalgic encephalomyelitis

Disclaimer: Please remember this video and all content from Rhesus Medicine is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not a guide to diagnose or to treat any form of condition. The content is not to be used to guide clinical practice and is not medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.


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For more medicine videos consider subscribing (if you found any of the info useful!):

Video Timestamps:
0:00 What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
0:13 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms
1:47 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Risk Factors
2:40 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis
3:43 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment


The fatigue is completely debilitating. I would literally lie down on wet concrete in the middle of the road and be out cold. Exertion, exercise, makes it so much worse. The brain fog is awful. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. It’s a terrible life.


I have hypothyroidism and suffer with fatigue, its been a year i can barely go anything. i have dreams, projects that i can't do because my body is too tired... i just got diagnosed with it, started treatment 2 weeks ago don't see any differences... i hope other people suffering too will get out of it, let the time do it's job its coming. giving you strength !


I tried to sleep for 5/7/10/12 hours over the past three years. No amount of sleep changes it. At times I am so tired I will fall asleep on the ground and wake up in pain. I had full blood as well as thyroid tests done. Nothing shows any abnormal signs and yet life is a constant struggle.


To all those suffering: I am so sorry 😢 praying science can find some relief for y’all


I can literally sleep 22 hours a day 😢 24 if I didn’t have to eat and use restroom. I’m so tired of being tied


Ive been unable to work or leave the house for all of my 30s due to CFS. I was making six figures in my mid to late 20s. Life all but ruined by it. People can see when someone's leg is missing.. they cannot see when your energy is missing. And your energy missing is a far bigger disability.


It is a condition where doctors tell the sufferer just to get better and get on with life. My husband has it and has done so since 1977. He behaved like someone who had a stroke.
The arseholes pretending to be doctors were always cruel, rude and verbally nasty. I wish that all doctors were to get it and then see what their opinion is.


July 16 2021 is when my life completely changed. I was supposed to compete in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament the next day but woke up with some nausea and felt very fatigued. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I thought I just had a stomach bug. After a week I did recover but something wasn’t right. I felt off all the time. My eyes became sensitive to sunlight and as I continued to train in bjj I felt more and more fatigued. I began to lose energy to workout and I lost my muscle and became thinner. I couldn’t think properly and my head felt cloudy all the time as if I was hungover. This is known as brain fog and was my worst debilitating and frustrating symptom. I had to quit bjj in october 5th 2021 because I physically couldn’t do it anymore. I barely passed my classes last fall because my memory went to shit. I Started doing tons of research on what's wrong with me. I went to several doctors appointments and saw a neurologist as well as had several blood work tests done on me. My father, who is a very intelligent ER physician, did not know what was wrong with me. I found after hours of intensive research that I had chronic fatigue syndrome(aka post viral syndrome). I was devastated. There was no medical cure for cfs and my life was just getting worse. I was going downhill fast and I knew that if I didn’t fix my health, then I would be bed bound. At one point I was suicidal. But I knew that would be selfish as I have a mother, father and sister who love me very much and would be devastated if I killed myself.

That's when I decided that no matter what I couldn’t give up and I wasn’t going to live like this either. I accepted the fact that no doctor was going to fix me and the only person that was going to save me was myself. That was my first I did hours and hours of research on how to improve my health. I cut out all artificial sugars from my diet. I mainly stuck to meat, veggies, and fruit. I read books such as Joe Dispenza “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” and watched his videos. Joe Dipenza was paralyzed from the waist down and learned the ability to walk again through meditation. I thought, if this man can recover from a spinal cord injury and use his mind to walk again, I could do the same to heal my body. I did hours of meditation as well as did a brain retraining program called the gupta program. I prayed to God. I also took supplements such as coq10. I blocked any negative influence on my life. I also did no fap/semen retention. As I got better I continued to increase my physical intensity when it came to working out. I started off as small as 50 pushups doing multiple physical exercises. My life began looking up again. I started being able to do more things. I gradually gained my memory back. I went back to school. I documented my progress on how I was doing each month.

Today I am fully recovered. I am back to what I was before I got sick. I train multiple times a week in bjj. I am in great shape. I am finishing my last year of college. I just received my blue belt in bjj. To anyone out there who thinks it is impossible to recover from this, don’t give up. Your mind and heart are powerful tools. Use them. Don’t waste your life going to doctors and waiting for the medical system to find you a cure. I was fortunate enough to realize after the first three months of being ill that doctors weren’t going to save me. That realization is why I am here today writing this. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
Some sources/videos I used to recover are cfs recovery, health recovery, harry boby long covid recovery, and joe dispenza-all found on youtube. I also prayed to god asking him for advice and I also did the gupta brain retraining program.


Help I really need a doctor who takes my 5+ years of chronic fatigue seriously, I'm absolutely breaking apart. I'm neurodivergent and not good at advocating for myself in medical situations and I'm so drained I don't speak at my fully capacity. I'm in Ohio thank you and I'm sorry if you suffer from cfs too. This isn't a life 😔😭


PTSD caused mine. I had chronic appendicitis and it made my live a living, painful, panic attack riddled hell for 3 months. I eventually (finally) got surgery, and the pain stopped, but the panic attack stayed for about a year after. I think my body just exhausted itself after spending over a year in constant fight or flight mode. I wish I felt like my old self again. I miss exercising and I’m tired of being out of breath for the littlest things. It’s so depressing. I miss my old life. :(


Thank you for a rare and honest interpretation of what I am experiencing. Many videos regarding ME CFS are misleading. I exercised for over 30 years prior to my new condition that began in 2018 and since then I have barely enough energy to sustain myself. I do not shower every day, meals are way more simple than they used to be, I now only eat twice in a day. If I attempt anything like cutting the grass. I can only do either the front or the back lawn and it is not done when it needs to be. I will crash hard soon after and the next day is shot, more so than usual. I question these videos of people powering through while still exercising and maintaining a somewhat normal life. I have been unable to work since 2018 and my doctor is getting frustrated that my condition has not improved. He also refuses to give me a diagnoses.


I’ve been feeling this way ever since I recovered from Covid. It’s been especially bad here lately. I constantly feel like I have ran a marathon and I practically have to force myself to stay awake at times. Much like everything else, I believe my doctors will just dismiss it if I bring it up. 😢


i don't need cognitive behavior therapy the people who don't believe the illness or the people with it need that badly .


I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia years ago. The symptoms are so similar.


I'm here to learn about Physics Girl's condition and this makes my heart break for her... I hope her quality of life improves as much as possible. Thank you for all the details.


I have all this since I had a brain aneurysm 2 yrs ago. I was a very energetic person my whole life. At 60 I Almont died from an aneurysm and now... I barely have any energy. I'm worn out so easily... all these symptoms. I have had heart palpation my whole life. now I have dizziness, zero energy, brain fogs, almost feels like bad depression !


after overworking and lots of stress in my life I got sick once pretty badly even tho I never spent a day being sick when I was a kid and a teen. I recovered. The illness was gone. but since then I just never could recover. i don't remember anymore when was the last time I would have a day without waking up with a headache and feel so exhausted after like walking 20m. My eyes can't handle the light anymore. Had to quit so many things. life is passing by and nobody can do anything about this. And that's what I truly don't understand. This illness is nothing out of this world, it is not that rare to be unnoticable. I Just don't understand why till nowadays there is literally zero help how to treat this.


this has been my life since my second covid energy, constantly sleeping..I can't do anything except move between my living room and bedroom, if I'm lucky I can get up energy by the end of the day to make it to my kitchen and put some sort of food together. If I go to a store or out to do something by the time I get home I have to lay down and sleep for the rest of the day. Life is miserable.


Thank you. This is the best & most informative & accurate video I've seen yet.
Thank you ❤
