How Much Iodine Should You Take Each Day?

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Iodine is critical for overall health, especially thyroid health. But the question is, how much should you be getting each day? This is an incredibly contentious topic because everyone seems to have a different opinion. What I'm going to do today is break down iodine dosing in a simple and easy-to-understand way so you understand how much you should be taking to minimize negative outcomes while maximizing positive ones.

When you look at the RDA for iodine you'll see that the recommended dosing should be between 150 and 270 (~300) mcg per day depending on whether or not you are a lactating woman or a pregnant woman. Those who are lactating or pregnant require more than the average adult because they need to make up for what a developing child needs.

What happens when you don't get enough iodine? You will end up with a goiter and hypothyroidism which is not ideal.

What happens when you get too much? You increase your risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease like Hashimoto's and Graves' disease.

How can you prevent these conditions? By sticking to the optimal range of 150 to 300mcg per day of total iodine intake.

This number takes into account your total iodine intake from ALL sources so make sure you account for hidden sources of iodine when determining your total intake.

Hidden sources of iodine include beauty products, foods, supplements, and medications.

If your total iodine intake is too high then you may benefit from temporarily reducing your iodine intake to metabolize the extra iodine out of your body.

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This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
#thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto's
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Dr. David Brownstein seems to be the reigning expert on iodine based on 25 years of practice and research. He's also written about 10 books. I would suggest viewers check out his interviews on Nutrition with Judy for completely different information about iodine dosing. After seeing those, I was able to stop taking thyroid medication after decades and produce normal thyroid output using iodine supplementation alone.


Using the Gov't RDA as the basis for dosage is immediately flawed.


I guess you haven't read "Iodine: Why You Need it, Why You Can't Live Without It" by David Brownstein, MD. He would recommend higher doses and would tell you it doesn't cause autoimmune disease of the thyroid. It's always good to listen to those who may challenge us to see if we need correction.


Hard to reconcile how different the famed Dr. Brownstein's advice is from yours. He's an iodine expert, considered an iodine literate doctor, has written several books on iodine, treated thousands of patients on iodine and he starts his patients (not just thyroid patients) on 25 mg of iodine from a form like Iodoral and he claims the opposite of what you say with the claim that these larger doses lead to Grave's/hyperthyroid. American consumption of iodine in the diet has starkly decreased in the last 50 years and the incidence of Grave's has greatly INcreased over those same 50 years. That doesn't jibe with what you're saying about your dosage recommendations.

Interesting discrepency in what you say versus what an iodine expert says.


This video is a prime example of a doctor following studies in his medical books… of which the FDA recommendations for iodine is more than 100 years old and primarily with the concern to combat goiter. This doctor has the antiquated medical book knowledge but neither truth nor experience.


Sometimes a person just wants to know the time, not how to build a clock.


the population of Japan get 12.5 milligrams/day in their diet, and they benefit from this. That is 100 times the .125 milligrams that the government is recommending. Someone is in the wrong here.


If you take too much your body will piss it out or poop it out.


Hmmm... I'm skeptical of your recommendations. I've just finished reading two books on Iodine:
THE IODINE CRISIS by Lynne Farrow and IODINE, WHY YOU NEED IT by Dr. David Brownstein.
I recommend everyone read them...😉


If these recommendations were sufficient we would not have an epidemic of thyroid issues . Always remember selenium


I heard that average person in Japan eating sea food consumes 10-15 mg a day of iodine. And does not develop any hashimotos or other deseases. So official guidlines look like a joke.


People actually get angry about discussing iodine? WTH?? 🤣


I get my iodine (oral) Lugol's from Art Pharma in Canada. The owner requested an interview to asses the right dose for me. He sends me the iodine and I'm on the #2 potency, which is a 1:7 diluted with distilled water and THEN take 2 drops a day. It's more maintanence than therapy and I do have iodine that's topical to use on skin tags and warts... I also take a supplement of Norweigen Kelp, one capsule a day. My mother took thyroid supplenents unwil the day she died! I think with all the EMF around us, it doesn't hurt to have an adequate of iodine in our systems. That's what they treat people with who are experiencing radiation sickness! Just my take on it all!


Great content! I highly suspect that many of the Autoimmune Iodine related diseases we see today are due to Synthetic supplementation of Iodine, including Iodized Table Salt. Populations that have introduced Iodized Salt programs show that communities that consume more Iodized Salt like the Northern Chinese have a tendency to develop Thyroid issues. If you consider Coastal communities who get their Iodine from the foods they eat, there's rarely a report on overdose. Nobody calculates how much Cod, Halibut, Pollock or Oysters they eat to ensure they're in the "safe zone". This also applies to Synthetic Vitamin E - do not do it. Synthetic Vitamin E promotes Cancer (Selenium / E Prostate Cancer study). Eat Butter, Dairy, Egg Yolks, Liver and Coconut Oil.


Iodine is SO wonderful!!!! I mean, people don't realize how precious it is!! My Mother had Iodine I131 when she had Cancer of the Thyroid. She had three relapses, and I'm thankful she's doing as well as she is doing. She's had I-131 twice, and It was hard on her, but she did it!


Is chlorine and flouride in water bad for your thyroid?

Chlorine. Chlorine removes iodine from our cells which is particularly harmful to the thyroid because most people already suffer from iodine deficiency and thyroid tissue requires a large amount of iodine. In addition, studies have shown a link between chlorine exposure and low testosterone levels.

As it is already known that fluoride is more electronegative than iodine, it easily displaces iodine within the body, thereby affects the functioning of thyroid gland.


Many people are low on iodine, yet we have many many people with Hashimoto's.


Great video but you’re forgetting to mention that women need much higher levels of iodine than men after puberty and double the amount when pregnant or nursing. Also please mention the amount of toxins and radiation that the population has been exposed to which takes any of the good iodine out of their body

Yes there are trace amounts of iodine in many different foods, but unless the minerals and vitamins are in the soil, then it’s not going be in the food you’re eating!!!! Most of the foods we have are commercially farmed and have a low vitamin and mineral Content FYI.

The majority of the population is dying from iodine deficiency, not from too much iodine. Too much of anything can kill you, including water.

My mother always told me RDA stands for” really dumb advice”, when it comes to taking the correct amount. They want to make sure you’re taking too low of a dose to cure any disease naturally . They only want synthetic pharmaceutical drugs that they can patent, and make money on, to cure you.

Funny how they can justify massive doses of chemotherapy which obviously is killing the patient, but please don’t take too much iodine. Give me a break 😒 By the way the antidote to radiation poisoning is the good iodine with kelp. You must take selenium to absorb iodine.


We are highly exposed to bromide and fluoride. Just because of our higher exposure to just those two chemicals we need at least 25 milligrams just clear out the damage from bromide and fluoride.


My own research has shown that the recommended 150-300 mcg of daily iodine intake appears to be significantly low for the needs of our body outside the thyroid. The problem is - how much is neede3d and how much is safe? There appears to be precious little studies done to assess our real daily need for this vital element. The good doctor here in this video can only say - don't take too much. Well, what is too much? What studies can he point to that support the 150-300 mcg range? On what does he base his opinion that taking more than 300 mcg of iodine a day increases your risk of Graves or Hashimotos disease? How is it that people who take 25mg or more of iodine daily seem to be perfectly healthy? We really need more research in this area.
