The Simple Bow Drill

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Friction Fire Will Never Be Easy but there are ways to make it "Easier"......In this Video We Will Practice "Possum Mentality" and Construct a Bow Drill from Various Materials.
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You're the first person to demonstrate the minute step-by-step details of doing a friction fire to enhance success. Most vids I've seen on YouTube skip these tiny little steps like tying a certain knot or making the proper notch on the base board (especially the part that allows air flow in the back- never seen that before). The devil makes its home in the details of a thing. Thanks for keeping the devil at bay.


I am an Australian, but I appreciate what America does for the world. Making men like this who willingly fight for the freedom of all. The skills he shows us are incredible.


This is the best tutorial on friction fire I have watched, precise instructions. Excellent.


For those not familiar with what a "Cotton Wood" tree is, it is the common Poplar! The name "Cotton Wood" comes from the fact that the seeds of the poplar look a lot like cotton.


When I head out to the woods, I always try to focus on at least one skill. Headed out to the woods this weekend, and this my focus for the trip. Last time out was your hobo fishing reel. Thanks for the great class, Teufel Hunden.


Corporal, Staff Sargent from Army, my uncle was at or in the Battle of Inchon & Chosin Reservoir and help raised me. So I was raised up by a Chester Puller, like guy. ( I loved him, because after Vietnam 🇻🇳 he and I could talk about stuff; sometimes with just a blind of the eye.)
But, I like him carried my Tomahawk and my K-Bars (2) plus my Gruber Mark 1 and my Buck 10, in Vietnam 🇻🇳. I also carried 4 ponchos and two large C- 4 for cooking and coffee making.
But, I enjoy your videos on everything.
I am medical Retired Green Beret. I am crippled only by physical means but your videos my me feel alive again.
They remind me of my youth growing up learning from Warriors, like my Grandfathers, my father, and Uncles and family friends. The crafts that you teach.
I am damn glad that you are passing it on to your son and other s.
Most of all to us old farts that’s mind is still 17 years old but with bodies that tells us we are 117 years ago. I will not munching the damn weight gains from being handicap.
Thank you for the time travel!! 👍😎


i love your videos! you're so detailed and thorough. the little specifics like 'lock your wrist against your shin' or 'use green wood for the top piece' are invaluable. and every one of your videos are like that, so information-packed i have to watch them a few times to absorb it all...but like, in the best of ways. i really appreciate the encouragement to think creatively about solutions. like using mre bags for water collection and carrying - thank you for not just saying 'you can use mre bags to get water' instead you showed several different ways to try and left the door open for your viewers to try that and maybe come up with more. your videos are genuinely enjoyable. thank you!


This is awesome. Thanks a lot, my teacher said that if we can start a fire with bow drill we will get 100% the entire term. This is really helpful.


One of the best demonstrations of building and using a bow drill I have seen on YouTube. Excellent video.


I appreciated your throwing in the discussion of the beaver chew method of cutting sticks down safely.


GREAT ! Exactly what I had TRIED TO teach since 1967 at the USN SERE school, for 12 yrs. but few Inst ( just here on shore duty ever cared .) Sad . YOU have the right mindset 110%. . Thanks ! 2021, I still teach here at my tipi camp in W. Colo. Mtn Mel -, Deweese, Ret USN SERE .


...I will be using this technique at our Boy Scout Troop meeting this evening, and have directed our Scouts to use this video as a reference. Needless to say, another great video Shawn. Muchos Gracias Amigo...


Thank you for the in depth tree identification. Thank you for your service.


Clearest & BEST explanation of a Bow Drill I have seen! Thanks.


Subscribed a while back watch a lot of your stuff. The bow drill videos were a hit to me. Hell they all were. I like to go toe to toe with Mother Nature especially when it’s cold out. Your videos keep the pain of an outdoorsmen to a dull roar. Who can’t get out as much as I’d like. Keep up the good work. Appreciate your service sir.


We live in the Northeast USA and I will make and practice the bow and drill technique We never know what might happen in the event of a serious survival emergency Thanks very much for your detailed instruction


As you say: Outstanding! Take a bow. I am a city boy, and learned more from your stuff....


"Play like it's real", good advice. Can't wait to get out there and play.


I am uploading a bow drill to my channel very soon and have some other fire making methods. I haven't seen your videos until now, but I have to say this has been one of the most informational and helpful videos that I have seen on the bow drill method... Very informative, I wish I could've seen this video before when I was first learning. I feel like it would've saved me a lot of frustration.

I've also learned using different woods, harder than this that to expel moisture and get darker dust to ignite is to keep expelling moisture from the wood when you are only getting light dust. As in, bow til you have smoke... remove the drill and let it expel moisture and steam and then repeat until you have fine dark dust.

Thanks again for all of your info! :)


This knowledge can save lives but people won't learn how to connect with nature. This video was great and as usual explained with full knowledge and details for making simple.
