Daily Life Living in Japan| Grocery Shopping| Cooking Japanese Food

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✨Hi I’m Lou, I’m sharing my ordinary daily life living alone here in Japan. For today’s video I’m going to Daiso and supermarket to buy grocery. I also cook Japanese recipe for a day.

I hope you enjoy my routine in Japan, cooking Japanese food and grocery shopping video.

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You can purchase the items I used in my videos on below link 👇

#dailylife #groceryshopping #japan #一人暮らし#日本 #生活 #ルーティン #routine #livingalone #routine #productive #日常 #vlog

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💋Also I’m making videos about my life here in Japan please check out my other videos

🌼 Daily Life Living in Japan | Cozy Weekend Night| Cleaning Routine| Japanese Festival

🍱 Daily Life Living in Japan | Grocery souvenir shopping at Don Quijote| Enjoying weekends

🌸 [MORNING ROUTINE] A life of a working woman In Japan| Productive and Healthy |GRWM

🍳 Fun Friday Night Alone at Home| Daily Life Living in Japan 🇯🇵

💜 Daily Life Living in Japan| Ordinary weekend holiday | $1 (¥100) Daiso Shopping

☘️ Sorry for the translation if it’s not accurate I only used automatic translation.🙇‍♀️

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!💕


Рекомендации по теме

Hello my dears! Happy Easter Sunday 🐣. I hope everyone is doing well. Please do enjoy the video I made. Take care always 💋
PS I just opened my small shop if you’re interested please check it out here

Incase you can’t order on the first link please try it here 🙏


Lou, I don't think I've ever left a comment to you until today. I'm in Michigan, USA. You are a strong, sweet, and courageous woman. There is an unseen army around the world who love and care about you. More important, God loves and cares fir you. Lean on Him for strength. Research all you can on your diagnosis. Find out what lifestyle changes might help. Above all, hold tight to your dreams. Rest when you need to. Remember, you are important and loved by so many. Love and prayers, your friend Kelly ❤


Lou, you are so amazing and strong. You may not think so or feel so, but we - your online family - see it in every second of every video you upload. You accept your illness and carry on with the day-to-day business of life. We love you, we delight in you. Your vlogs are so fascinating, yet familiar, especially among those of us who've ever lived abroad for any length of time. You are courteous, kind and respectful; you are resourceful and have a good work ethic but also understand the intrinsic need for a good work/life balance. Any company would be fortunate to hire you as an employee. Your parents are fortunate to have you as a daughter. And we - your online family - are fortunate to have you as our sister. Stay strong, stay healthy.


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s two years ago. One of the first things I had to do was eliminate gluten from my diet because your immune system attacks your thyroid thinking it’s gluten. Making that changed really helped my energy levels. Doctors also recommend eliminating dairy, soy and processed sugar. I have a full thyroid count every six months to make sure everything is normal.


The snack boxes are a great idea to make some extra income. It may help to line the box with bubble wrap and lay it over the top of the tissue paper to ensure the snacks arrive in good condition. Thanks for sharing your daily routines with us.
I thoroughly enjoy watching your videos.❤


I don’t usually comment on other people’s medical situations, but I watch another YouTuber @Sharmeleon - a Canadian who lives in Japan - who also has serious thyroid problems. She made videos talking about having to get several opinions from different Japanese doctors because they are not experienced at treating thyroid problems in Japan. She found treatment and help elsewhere. I hope you have the time and energy to find another doctor who can help you!


Hi Lou. If your thyroid was removed, you should be getting synthetic hormone replacement. I do. If I don’t have medication or the right amount, I get pretty sick too. Get a second opinion.


You have a world of prayers behind you. No one said life is easy. I’m 66 and still fighting. Once you get used to fighting life you’ll be proud of yourself. Never give up, never look back…always forward !


I really like how the grocery stores there have foods portioned out in smaller sizes. Especially the veggies such ( cabbage already in 1/4) and breads. It's really difficult not wasting foods when having to buy larger portioned products. The carrots are huge compared to anything we usually in the US. I also like that you put descriptions of the items & foods for viewers that wouldn't know what they are. Sending many wishes fir you to feel better and whatever you are hoping for career wise find you.


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto two years ago and ever since that day I take synthetic hormone every day and I feel great. This condition requires monitoring at least twise a year. Once a year is absolutely not enough. Also a prescribed treatment is a must. The dose of the hormone you'll take changes through the year, so your doctor should have explained this to you. I suggest taking a second opinion, because treating this condition the right way is a life-changer. I suffered the same symptoms as you and they all disappeared after I started taking the hormones. Good luck!


Sweetie, my son had the same disease, had his thyroid removed, and takes synthetic thyroid meds to replace thryroid function, and he feels great! Ask your doctor if that’s possible for you? And get a second opinion! There’s no reason why you have to live with the Hashimoto’s health issues you’re dealing with! Take care sweet girl! 💞


Use packing paper to fill out the shipping boxes for your candy orders or use much smaller boxes so the contents don’t move around too much during shipping and get damaged.


Dear Lou, just wanted to let you know that I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis as well. I feel poorly most of the time: fatigue, aches & pains, severe depression. That is why I am so proud of you becuase you manage your symptoms so very well & I recognize this. I know that it isnt easy but you work so hard to maintain your lifestyle, even when you arent feeling well. You are doing such a good job! I am praying for your job opportunity & praying for you to be well. I have faith in you and love you! Thank you for sharing views of beautiful Tokyo with us, it is so exciting to see!


Hi Lou-C.Don't give in to gloomy thoughts. Health problems are certainly unpleasant, but you're brave. And you're not alone. A lot of people think of you. We look forward to your videos. You've done great things. Live and work in Japan. Your videos are calm and relaxing. I wish you happiness and love.


I have a suggestion. I have an auto immune disease as well and I was feeling VERY unwell and gaining weight and really, just miserable. I adjusted my diet. I removed gluten and as much sugar and dairy as I could. If I crave bread I try to find gluten free. With pasta or noodles, I found gluten free or got the ones made with rice. I stopped drinking milk and only eat small amounts of cheese in my dishes or as a snack. I still do eat Cottage cheese, but only maybe 3 times a week. I had already given up as much sugar as possible, but I also tried to limit my artificial sugar intake. Lastly, I focused on my gut health and started taking pre/pro biotic, and focusing on foods that promote good gut health. It took about 2 weeks to feel the difference. I almost gave up, but when the changes came.... It has been life changing. I feel so much better. My body feels comfortable again. Some days I catch myself and think, I am SO GRATEFUL I tried something new! I still do have bad days where I don't feel great, but over all, these days are much less and the good days are MORE! Sometimes I do eat gluten. I might be out with family and there are no other choices. When I do that, I do pay for it, but within 1 or 2 days of my regular eating, I feel better again. Once, I ate regular pizza at a restaurant. I didn't want to order a huge gluten free pizza because I just didn't want the left over.... That was a HUGE mistake. I was so sick about 6 hours later. I felt horrible! There was something different about their crust or something, but it made me feel really bad. I will never eat regular pizza again! Also, from doing this, I have lost 30 lbs.
So maybe research this and see if it is something you would like to try! Good luck!


You are not alone Lou! I’m from Ohio, USA and I also have Hashis. I was diagnosed about 13 years ago with it and I take Levothyroxine daily. You are strong friend!


Hello Lou-C Thank you for continuing to share your daily life with us. Don't give in to the negative thoughts. You're not alone. You've done great things. Everyone looks forward to your videos.


Many diet changes can affect autoimmune conditions such as Hoshimotos. I have fibromyalgia and psoriasis and find some relief with gluten free diet. Please know that we are praying for you and rooting for you! Chronic pain can certainly cause depression... I also have that too. Continue self care and give yourself grace. You an amazing lady!


So sorry to hear of your health issues. It's horrible having to suffer with pain and fatigue. You are such a great cook and I love watching your video's. Everything will work out for you. You are a very smart and ambitious young lady so I think it was wise you stay in Japan. If I could order from your shop I would. But I live in .B.C Canada. Japan is so beautiful and so clean.


Hi from England, I had Graves Disease, hyperthyroidism, diagnosed 37 years ago. I had to change a lot in my life.But it’s been better.You will get better too and soon. I completely understand how it feels.For now try to look after yourself, laugh and sing a lot, that helped me to relieve stress and piled up emotions.We all are your fans 🤞🏻👏🏻🫶👊🏻💪
