Avoid this ONE Mistake That is Killing Your Chances of FIXING Things with Your EX

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Worst mistake you must not make after a breakup

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Don't fix it, if he or her ghosted you, respect the dead and move on, period, because if you take them back, without changing they will do it again 💯


I was doing this, after seeing your videos I haven’t been chasing or contact him!! Accept YOURSELF!!


Been in no contact for 3 months ish. I could feel her losing attraction and with it the respect and love she had for me in the beginning. Did all the classical mistakes over pursuing, acting insecure basically not acting like the strong detached cool man I was when I met her almost a year ago. I haven’t begged when she said is over. Obviously I can get into all the details on here… I feel like there are less and less chances she will get In touch as days pass. In the meantime I’m doing my best to move on and improve myself both mentally and physically…


Have been in NC for almost two months now, he said it's never going to work out between both of us even though we both messed up, he has also started a new relationship before ending things with me. I'm happy for him. Life goes on


I’m in not contact for 2 weeks and now she’s been texting me every day to see how work is and every little thing possible. I haven’t fallen into the trap of begging and trying to tell her come home. I just keep it small and never let the conversation go over 5 mins


I've been in no contact for about a month now. It's hard because we talked everyday, we live 2 hours apart and she blocked me on everything and we don't have mutual friends. Some days it drives me crazy wondering what she's doing and I'm completely confused because she never made it clear that it's a breakup she just said that we both have things that we need to fix in ourselves but we can't focus on fixing ourselves by constantly leaning on each other. I'll admit that I did have issues that caused trust issues for me from past relationships and I'm working on myself. I'm not sure where we stand because I still have alot of stuff at her house, clothes, shoes, golf clubs etc. and she has a few things here that she wanted. It's confusing because she hasn't asked me to come get my stuff or asked for hers back, so it makes me wonder is it truly just a break or is it actually a breakup. Or did she meet somebody else and wants to see how it goes and holding on to my stuff leaves a reason to reach out if doesn't work out. I'm at a loss because she was there for me while I was recently fighting cancer she was my rock through the whole thing but as soon as I had my last cancer treatment she said that she needed space. I was completely devastated I fell head over heels in love with her and she took it away. I made all the mistakes of begging, pleading and even crying before I finally agreed to no contact. I know while I was going through the treatment I was at my weakest, the hormones that I'm on blocked my testosterone and I haven't been that manly man that she was head over heels in love with just a year ago and she saw me being emotional and needy for the first time in the 2 and a half years that we've been together. So I'm working on getting my edge back and I'm really hoping that she is truly just needing the space because she doesn't like seeing me that way and to remember who I really am and that it'll bring her back. But for now I keep pushing forward and stay in no contact and work on me. But it's hard.


Very day it happens I use to call and text even using a different number but I stopped


I talked to my ex girlfriend few week ago and she just so cold to me, I'm not crying but I'm really sad about it. Everyday i wakeup after she left me are so hard for me, I don't even want to wake up, I don't know what should i do. Well i hope i get better soon 🤠


Thank you 😀 Can you make a video on when letting go, they can feel that energy from us. But when we have a chasing energy, they feel that desperate energy and repel.


Great video. NC going ok some waves but got a very healthy raise at work and incredible bonus. Great start to 2023


No contact! Ghosted me I’ll respect the DEAD!!!


I don't know if I made a mistake or not. My no contact was broken due to the fact that his niece died. He's been over here every day since. I do love him, and I really hope that he and I could really get beyond his cheating. We have talked and we have been talking. I'm just really scared. I try not to show it, and I try to be strong for him and his family. This shit is so hard because all I want to do is just show him a lot of love and a lot of support. I don't call him or text him.


I don't want him back
I want him gone for good
God will purnish him


If it’s been a month which it will be 6weeks Sunday.. he may be use to not taking to me and move on.. we use to talked everyday all day


im in no contact for almost a month now. she wanted to take "a step back"' in our relationship, considering we've been together for ~around 8 months.

she also said that she felt attraction towards me, but not love, even though we told each other before that we loved each other.

and we had a conflict before NY, where i found out she went on a "non-romantic" date, according to her.

so yeah.


Gm & Thank you so much for your amazing content.


I did all the things wrong. I pushed it way too far. Im pretty sure she thinks she dodged a bullet I don’t blame her I acted crazy after the break up. Her family thinks I’m crazy as well. She will never comeback unfortunately


How does this work if both parties are doing what you say? Isnt no contact going to get him used to not speaking to me? Also hes got more distractions in his life as his adult children are always there and he does everything they say. I think they probably encourage him not to get in touch with me as they now get all of his time and attention. The reason we broke up was not because we didn't get along, but was because he always put his adult kids first before our relationship, he ended the relationship with me and I truly loved him, but I hated the way his adult kids used him, but he always made their needs priority


can you please give your take on my break up?

I'm on day 3 of no contact with my ex of 2 years and the last time we spoke I did ask if this breakup was a mistake or if it's the right thing. She didn't fight for us she, she made it seem like she wanted the breakup. I don't understand how she can just forget about me and accept that she's never going to see me again. I've done so much for her, the only thing that I did mess up on was that I wasn't as affectionate as i should have been. but it's just hard to understand that all the good I did is completely over looked, whether taking her on surprise dates, rubbing her back, complimenting her hair, calling her pretty, telling her I love her everyday being there for her, always trying to help her, spoiling her like getting her nails done. I feel i can improve on being more affectionate and im scared i wont have the opportunity to show her. We have had fights in our relationship and when she gets mad she has said very hurtful things to me and she's slammed things. and so I don't understand why I can accept those flaws but she can't accept mine, even tho Im trying to improve on them. I really want to reach out and ask if we can talk so we can try again but a part of me is saying to let her go because she didn't fight for us. I guess the number 1 thing that kills me inside is the thought of her being with someone else, being intimate with someone else. I just don't know what to do. Im scared that instead of missing me, she's going to just think of my flaws like not being affectionate enough. I really want her back, I want to reach out but I don't when or how to. I'm afraid she's going to reject me.


Day 30 of NC. She said there was a 50/50 of us getting back together but needed space for mental health. I don’t think we’ll get back together at least not any time soon but I still want to make sure I do the right things just in case.
