Albert Mohler — The Fall Of Steven Lawson And What We Can Learn From It

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As most Reformed Christians, and even many who aren't Reformed, around the world know by now, Steven Lawson has disqualified himself from ministry by committing adultery. He has been fired from his church and resigned from OnePassion Ministries (which deleted all videos and deleted their social media), and his material has been scrubbed from G3, other ministries, seminaries, and churches.

How can we deal with the fall of a man considered one of the greatest expositor of Scripture in modern times? What can we learn from the fall of such a well renown Christian leader?

Many videos have been made since the public announcement of the fall of Steven Lawson, but I think Albert Mohler nailed it and I wanted to share it.

And let us not forget, Lawson is now forever disqualified from leadership (Proverbs 6:32-33), but he can still be restored to fellowship (Galatians 6:1). Let us pray for him, for his family, for the church he used to pastor, and for all those affected by such a fall.

And if you are a Christian, whether you are a pastor or a married man who loves the Lord, please contemplate these words:

There is irreparable damage done to many marriages because men meet alone in [social events] without their wives... I suggest that all Christian husbands should automatically refuse [such invitations] which comes to them alone and does not include their wives.
—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

As stated by the Provost of The Master Seminary to the students, Lawson would be away from his wife for 200+ days a year. Maybe, just maybe, a pastor shouldn't be doing so many conferences, and guest preaching, if it causes him to neglect his family. Evangelism is important, but Christian men, remember this: your primary ministry is to your family.



Backup of the source (in case the source is no longer available):


PS: I normally edit my videos to edit out coughs, pauses, etc., but I wanted this one to be completed unedited because I used to love Lawson and this whole ordeal hits a bit close to home for me, so I wanted it to share Mohler's speech as is.
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