A Course In Miracles - How to Control Your State of Mind - David Hoffmeister ACIM

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In this opening session from our "Living Under Christ Control" online retreat, David shares, "We can actually control the direction of our thinking. We can change the purpose of our mind from one of hatred, guilt, and fear to one of forgiveness, peace, joy, and love."

These nourishing shows bring the practice of forgiveness to life! Tune in each week to re-watch a session from one of our “Awakening from the Dream” online retreats. They cover a wide range of themes—from holy relationship to level confusion to mysticism.

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"How to Control Your State of Mind - a course in miracles - how to control your state of mind - david hoffmeister acim.
Sadhguru - Organize your mind and anything you wish will Happen
2020 - Organize Your Mind and Anything You Wish Will Happen | Sadhguru Organize Your Mind and Anything You Wish Will Happen | Sadhguru
Gradually you will learn how to use the mind to reconnect with the body for healing without creating thoughts or cognitions
How to change how you feel in 5 seconds

Simple Technique to Attract Success & Happiness 2015 - Learning how to become emotionally stable 2016 - How To Reprogram Your Mind For Success

Important Steps To Take In Order To Change Your Life

Simple Technique to Control Your Mind | Dandapani Motivation Tony Robbins: Simple Technique to Control Your Thoughts ( Tony Robbins Mindset ) How to Stop Mind Chatter and Get More Done
Therefore, learning how to control your mind is crucial for building a sense of serenity with yourself and your life, whatever your circumstances

also sadhguru tells us how to stable your mind?
however when we learn to control our mind and master our thinking then we have the power and freedom to change our lives profoundly...

joe dispenza - you are the creator of your world - do this one thing to control your mind.. Sadhguru - Organize your mind and anything you wish will Happen
Organize Your Mind and Anything You Wish Will Happen | Sadhguru - YouTube
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Hi there, this is David! I am inviting you to our new weekly online movie gatherings!!! 🎉🎉🎉🍿🍿🍿Every Wednesday!!! On Wednesdays at 5pm MDT and for Europe on Thursdays at 6pm CEST 🎬 More info on our MWGE website below👇
See you there next Wednesday! 😃💖. @t


Years ago I unexpectedly slipped into Christ's control at LAX, heading for Maui with my daughter. I was being my usual super-controlling self when I had this epiphany in the middle of a busy airport, "What if I just let go and let God"? The shift was very sudden, it did not come from ME, and I became a different person. I was absolutely clueless, we were cared for beyond imagination and I was absolutely carefree for the entire week. My daughter kept asking me "Who are you and what have you done to my mother"? I have never laughed so much.
When I returned home I struggled at work, people kept asking me Who ARE You? and I forced myself to remember things and focus. I had no idea what had happened to me until recently, thank you David. But I am different still, in a lot of ways.
When it happens again, and I so hope it does, I will completely surrender. The miracles that week...somehow, through several surreal events at the hotel, we ended up in the penthouse suite with a full ocean view. It was so amazing.


David Hoffmeister makes me feel like it’s going to be okay. No matter how bumpy life’s road is, there’s nothing that can’t be fixed. Nothing happens in life that we can’t handle. You can get through these bumpy roads. Yes, all of you. You can do it.


I love Jesus. Saved me many years ago. God bless you all. To Christ be the Glory


What am I looking for in this? Reminders of how to "Let go, and let God" when responding to others. With each encounter with Christ, I remind myself to be quiet, listen, and wait to hear the Holy Spirit's response. It's a matter of practice. These daily guides help me begin the day with a "warm up exercise" to begin new habits of being in Christ's centeredness, and not seated in the ego. Thank you for these daily guidance videos, they truly help me to re-member to "be still and know that I am God"


I hear Jesus all the time david. At 21.40 i recognized myself, as Helen, getting anxitiy and getting frustratred.. Sorry mispellings, Jesus is Guiding me to you again. You are doing fine David cya


I would absolutely love an update on all the lovely people that asked questions 🙏


For me the repetition is everyday the noise that my neighbors make above me. A child stomps and runs throughout the house and it causes me great anxiety and rage. I'm also at the same job for many years. In general, no matter where I go, I feel agitated and annoyed by people and situations. I am starting to retrain my mind to be more in the present moment instead of being sent off into rage and the same reactions every day. Sometimes I don't know if I am making progress when those same feelings of anger come up in the same intensity.


sometimes negative thinking will make you depressed, always helpless, unable to find a way out for your life. I've been through that hard time, pulling me out of that mess is music, helping me relax, think positively, love myself and the people


Ever since I’ve been a teenager I’ve been the “Tony Robbins” my dad needed. My dad has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, prostate cancer, tromboses, depression and OCD. It’s been a hell of a journey but my positive goal oriented mindset has kept us going. But lately I feel like nothing I can say or do, no matter how positive real loving honest direct beautiful it is, has any impact on him. His will to live has disappeared. 6 months ago he sent me a message “Maartje I’ve taken another morphine pill, my doctor has told me this amount of morphine can be deadly, but if that’s the case so be it”. This is only one of the things he’s said. November next year I’m getting married, so I told him that’ll be something to look forward to but he believes he won’t make it that long. I’m in despair and I wonder if there is any advice you can give me or any person you can recommend me to contact in the Netherlands for help. Thanks so much.


Just now feeling anxious over possibly seeing a person who I was dependent on but also feared my whole life that I cut out for abusive and controlling acts. I recognized my ego and that I was not giving this burden to Jesus.


Fear. Ego....ok ...makes sense....thank u❤


Believe in yourself. Love yourself.A cada uma que eu ouço, não de qual gosto mais são lindas é tudo de de bom parabéns 👏👏👏👏🎼🎻🎶🎻🎼🎻🎶


Linda melodia...me acalma !! Es tá difícil nos dias de hoje com o mundo sofrendo c o coronavirus... só por Deus, oremos 🙏😔


so so so so thankful to stumble on this today!!!! okay not stumble onto it the holy spirit totally lead me here!!!!


"Sound can move and shape matter on molecular level". Masaru Emoto


miracle David is the most important person for ..


Gracias. It’s been quite the day for profound changes for me. I came via Marianne Williamson,
. If “nothing else” she’s sure got me on this path again, not since the books came out. But I know we’re carrying her all the way to the front door of the WH. A sea change whose time has come. I sep. appreciate your using movie references (“People should go to the movies more often. All of life’s answers are in the movies.” Steve Martin’s producer character in Grand Canyon) Certainly Groundhog Day has been a big one. I’ll be checking in again. I can honestly say, while it’s been a long, Tough Road, I am honestly feeling the calm serenity that you folks exhibit.


My sympathetic nervous system took control again after a break for around a year ... I feel overwhelmed by it and drowned in self neglect ..


I feel that the word "influence" comes across better than "control"... also, ego is part of the system so to look at ego as an enemy could only be wrong, maybe peacefully say thank you to the ego for doing it's job but that Christ has jurisdiction over the matter. Peace Always.❤
