The Impact of Vertebral Compression Fractures

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Osteoporosis means “porous bones,” and is a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle, often leading to fractures of the hips, spine and wrists. Fractures are often the first visible sign of osteoporosis and if left unrecognized and untreated can have a profound effect on a person’s quality of life and daily activities. We learn about the causes and how to prevent osteoporosis from Dr. Heather Hofflich, DO, FACE. as well as treatment options with Dr. Douglas Beall, MD including the Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty. Finally we get to hear from two patients who benefited from a kyphoplasty and how their quality of life has improved.


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Stupid doctors keep telling ppl to take calcium for osteoporosis .Calcium dosent work takes other vitamins and minerals to strengthen bones! Calcium alone doesnt work! Ill be glad when they stop that wrong advice!


I think I got nerve damage from my Vertabrae compression fracture


Is there a hospital in South Africa that treats compressed fracture of the 11th vertibra . Very painfull, happen 1 year ago.please help.


My neighbor flew to little town of bogen Germany just over a year ago and had 3 vertebrae replacements. Yes in America we can do one and two soon. In Germany they can replace up to 3 maybe 4soon because they have the technology. He was in bed and pain most of the time and on pain killers and muscle relaxers. He is now on a trip in their sprinter custom camper van across the country from California to Nova Scotia and then down to Florida. Four months. He had a special custom seat and suspension put in. He wears his brace and can’t lift really heavy stuff but he’s mostly pain free and active again. He’s now 62.


i had my first compression fracture at the age of 26!!! I was told I had bones that were more common in someone over 65 to make a long story short many years later I was found to be a full blown celiac of which I am sure was the cause of my osteopororsis .Now I am 68, and am suffering with compression factures but I cant get ssi to approve anything they made me do 6 weeks of P.T. and I think the traction they used did me more harm I am in so much pain and I cant get any help( it took weeks to get a MRI )I would love to get this done hurrah for you who have gotten through the red tape!I dont know how much longer I can take this as well as siactica pain that the wont let me have injections for I am ready to give up !!! I cant find a way to even get comfortable to sleep! this sounds so wonderful!!! like a, real blessing


A spinal fracture is the most difficult condition to recover or heal. I suggest early surgery such as Laminectomy To ease pressure in vertebrae bodies. let spine heal in best natural alignment


My mum have this compression fracture and she can't walk


This isn’t a cure and since this there are risks. Common for the cement to cause other vertebrae to be squeezed and fractures adjacent. But for many it is a life saver.


Bone density should be done on all patients who had chemo and radiation. I didn't even know I had it till a fracture occurred.


i gotta compression fracture i am 16 and i can’t feel it


It sounds unbelievably easy I have osteoporosis am 65 years old male I have had the bone dexa scan The controller said I have 4 compression fracture's of vertebra, HELP.


I slipped on ice a couple of years ago. Suffered a compound fracture on my L-12. I started suffered pain in my right hip. I went to my doctor for a bone dexa scan. Then diagnosed with osteoporosis. Still in pain. Lost muscle mass in my right hip. What can I do to help me improve my health???


No ostioporosis but i have 4 compression vertebrea fractures from a combination of being 320lbs at 16 and being a national wrestler from ages 13 to 15 I rode bmx all through my youth I benched 335lbs at 270lbs at 17 years old a misdiagnosis of a torn labrum hitting my hip on a garbage can at 22mph on a bike and im only 18 years old so they didnt want to "waste" a fucking chest xray


Not just the "elderly". I'm 62, diagnosed with very, very advanced osteoporosis at 61, not "screened" because I was too young; we had to ask for a DEXA. For me, that was...several years (?) too late. I was already having chronic back pain due to injuries that shouldn't have happened, but no doctor/medical professional ever hinted at osteoporosis. My husband fractured two vertebrae at age 59; his doctor didn't suggest a DEXA even though he already had documented fractures. My husband's situation is improvable. Mine is so advanced, even improvement will likely still have me in the "severe" category. I'm strong and active still, I can push through pain up to a point, but my life is nonetheless very different than I expected it would be. Don't lead people to believe it's only the "elderly". Even doctors are like, "meh" I think, because they assume you're 80, 85,'re slowing down anyway just take your meds and get on with it. I'm still trying to work, for crying out loud. Help me, don't write me off as "elderly". (Don't write anyone off, but you know what I mean.)


Y'all old ladies are so lucky it took that long to notice something was wrong. I'm 32 and I have it already. I've already had a kyphoplasty, too.


I've been, diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. In my late 20s, I had 6 fractured vertebrae in my thoracic section. I having been back since. Need to get a check, up. He said I had the, bones of a senior citizen.


What can you do of the fractures are old?
