Explaining Daniel's Prophecies (Part 2) - Chapters 8, 11, and 12

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Daniel's prophecies mention an "abomination" that makes the temple desolate in several chapters... but there seem to be distinct differences between how it speaks of it in chapters 8 and 11 and how it describes it in chapter 9 and 12. Are there two abominations of desolation?

Videos posted on “The Bible Explained” are written, designed, recorded, and voiced by Joshua Barnes.

Outro Music Credit: OurMusicBox (Jay Man)
Track Name: "Beyond Earth"
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I listened these three videos over and over again while refering back to The Book of Daniel in between.I learned a great deal to grow my faith. Now, thanks for your lesson, i am able to understand and the stories are also somehow connected.
Before now, it has been mysterious last 6 chapters for me. God's ways are truly amazing.
God bless you!


i grew up hearing all these teachings... nowadays you hardly hear about them... some "pastors" are afraid to teach Daniel and the Book of Revelation since it might scare people...


Such a great video! It was not only visually appealing but also very insightful. Thanks for sharing this with us.


I was directed by the holy Spirit to read the book of Daniel last week.. and since then I've been even more confused after getting to chapter 11. Now I can boldly read chapter 12 after watching both parts of your video. Thanks so much


I'm so glad I found this channel. Thank you Jesus!


This ha been EXTREMELY helpful. I praise Lord Jesus for you sir.


You did a excellent job of breaking down and explain it so I can understand thank you


Just read Daniel one more time..and was really confused about chapters 8 and 9 and the north south kings. Then i searched in youtube for some videos over the topic for better understanding and came across your part 1 n 2.
I am so glad to find your videos. I understood many things clearly. How chapters 2, 8 and 9 are related and also the Greek kingdom. King Antiochus being the small horn. I even cross checked it on the internet and its all just perfect. Today i understood why Hanukkah is actually celeberated. Gods word is so interesting to study. It takes sometime to overcome our laziness to study it but once you are into it oh boy its absolutely amazing.

Thank you from the heart for these explanations. God bless you abundantly 😊


Awesome and accurate commentary. Well done! Thank God for your powerful and necessary ministry in these last days.


May God promote your channel to many seekers after the LORD! Peace/Shalom! John 3:16


I am glad to see how many people are responding to the video's thank you for your break down of the scripture 😊


Great video. I love all your videos so far. So informative. Just wondering, Dan 11:41, it mentions nations that will be rescued. Is this the Roman Empire, or future Roman empire, or both?

He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon.


Excellent! I have heard and red a lot about Daniel, but this Interpretation is most convincing. And very well structured . 👍


Wow your lecture gives me better understanding. Especially the event in the history that took place as predicted is picture of what is going to happen in the end time.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. How perfect our God is. The prophecies God gave us is absolutely perfect.


We need to study these chapters during our daily devotional time. We no longer hear verse by verse teachings behind the pulpits. It is very sad. I think that most leaders do not know how to interpret the long list of symbolisms, metaphors and allegories in the book of Daniel and other biblical passages.


I've always believed that, since the Roman Empire was split into East & West (with the Byzantine half surviving on an extra 1, 000 years), that the reason for the two legs of iron in the statue was representative of both those halves. Why that's important is because that would mean that of the 10 kings represented by 10 toes, 5 on each foot, means that whatever remnant of the Roman Empire which arises at the End Times will contain 5 countries from the Western Roman Empire and 5 from the former Byzantine Empire. On top of that, there is such a close parallel between Antiochus Epiphanes and the AntiChrist, and that indeed Syria (Bashan in Hebrew) was where he was from and that country was later a part of the Roman Empire, that the AntiChrist will in fact be Syrian, possibly even of Greek ancestry. Tied to that, many have speculated the AntiChrist, since he will "have forgotten the God of his ancestors", would be from the Tribe of Dan which disappears from the Bible list later in Revelations. Several church fathers over the centuries have speculated this, and indeed there is some evidence that not only did the tribe of Dan wander away from Israel and move north, that they might have moved to southwestern Turkey (where a group lived there called the "Danu") and from there possibly even migrated into Greece. Dan's tribal symbol was the snake, and there are several Greek symbols which use snakes such as the Ouroboros (snake eating it's own tail), and both the Rod of Ascelpius as well as the Caduceus which are now associated with modern medicine, perhaps a memory the Danites had of Moses's staff in the wilderness which cured any person bitten by snakes. In addition, a Syrian of Greek ancestry might also likely have ancestors from the Greek Orthodox church, which again if the AntiChrist forgets the God of his ancestors would make sense. Ultimately it seems for the AntiChrist will more likely arise out of the Eastern Roman Empire as the countries in the Middle East are far more turbulent and prone to seeing rulers overthrown, than the much more stable and settled modern countries of the former Western Roman Empire. Lastly, the reference in Psalm 22 about the Bulls of Bashan surrounding Jesus on the cross is a direct reference to the 6th Roman Legion, whose mascot was indeed the bull, being stationed in Damascus at the time of Jesus' crucifixion which Pontius Pilate frequently called upon to bolster security in Jerusalem whenever Jewish holidays, like Passover, took place, and fervent Jewish patriotism was higher than usual causing tensions with the Roman occupiers. All these prophecies point towards Syria being the End Times country that will be the focus of them. I personally don't think this will have anything to do with the Assad regime or his sons as quite frankly they're all known for not being too bright. I could easily see Assad being overthrown, especially if Russia withdraws its support, which may happen by God's will per Ezekiel 38 & 39 which implies Russian forces will be destroyed before the AntiChrist comes to power.


Amazing video, thank you for sharing ❤️🙏 God is good, Amen, thank You Jesus ❤️🙏


ok i just watched part 2 i will just sit back and enjoy your videos. i know you are not a false teacher so GOD bless and keep the videos coming.


28:04 "all you have to do is turn from sin and accept Christ"... It sounds simple and easy but it is hard to turn from sin. I want to encourage new and old Christians to leave behind our sins that are hindering our relationship. Ask the Alcoholic with 20 years sober how hard it was in the beginning, then ask him why he is so happy to still go to meetings. There is Joy in overcoming our defects of character, those sins that so easily beset us but we must believe we can. without faith it is impossible to please him.


Thank you, sir, for an excellent exposition of the great prophesies of Daniel and for doing it directly from the scripture in hand. It has certainly helped me to clarify these events in my mind.
Do you also have an exposition of the other beasts described in Revelation prophesie, i.e., the beast from the land and the sea ?
