Daniel Unsealed 2 - History's Response to Daniel 7

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An overview of the history from the Babylonian empire until the end of time, based on the vision of Daniel chapter 7

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:03 The Dream (Daniel 7)
0:07:42 The Interpretation
0:10:01 The Winged Lion
0:17:51 The Bear
0:27:12 The Winged Leopard
0:39:24 Terrible Beast
0:49:22 10 Horns
0:53:12 3 Horns Plucked up
1:17:13 The Little Horn Power
1:34:59 Heaven
1:44:37 Credits
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This video really does a great job of bringing prophecy to light. I found it very helpful to myself. I love bible history and the stories it tells of God miraculous works through his creation.


This video made me re-align my priorities in life. I feel the nearness of time and the urgency of the message.

Please keep on sounding the alarm, make more videos like this.


so great to have a second installment, I listened to Daniel Unsealed so many times - now this ! yeaahahahaah happy


We thanked God for Paul Godfrey's 1 st video of Daniel Unsealed, that lead us to understanding that the Bible is the true word of God. We seen how history proves, the Bible can be trusted. Paul also the one led us out of apostasy, just listening to his sermons and opening our eyes from the darkness of not knowing what's truth. We found our way out that darkness and we uphold the Bible as our source for guidance and accepting Jesus as the only way to eternal life. We been an SDA since 2016 and found what was missing all along, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).


i watched a sermon by pastor Ivor Myers called "the Avenger of blood" it was about the 6 cities of refuge for those who had accidentally killed and were looking for sanctuary from the next of kin who was the avenger of blood ... how they had to plead guilty to receive protection it really is a great sermon worth a look .. the Holy Spirit really impressed on me (the types and anti-types)through this sermon


One of the best comprehensive, though condensed, Daniel narrative. 🙏 🙏 🙏 . May the LORD gives you more grace for such critical work that shaped the destiny of mankind & GOD ELOHIM eternal purpose in & through it. We vaguely grope the future in uncertainty simply because we failed to know the past via ignorance. Unfortunately, the very instrument GOD uses to enlighten the world 🌎 is blunt, deaf & blind to it all. Unlike the world view of chance, biblical history not only foreshadows but veiled the finished work of GOD from the very begginning progressively articulated in realm of time as planned, in HIS great redemptive work, now in its consummation stages


Subscribed! 🙂👍 found this channel through bible flocks box


Very nicely done! Precious truth the world needs now! Will share on my FB page.


Very well done. Oh, that every Christian would watch this.


Marvelous amazing excellent animation. Amen 🙏 🙏. 🙏. May the LORD gives you more grace, wisdom, knowledge & power to bring to life complex biblical themes & stories as such.


Pretty cool 😎 this is and much better than a classroom. Thank You 🙏


Amen in the name of the lord Jesus amen my dear and beloved sir


Hello sir, greetings from the Netherlands.
Thank you for this great teaching, I am a historicist myself after being a futurist for 35 years because of the teachings of my ( previous) church. ( But I am not SDA)
A friend of mine asked me if there is ( also) a future application of Daniel 2, especially concerning the 10 kingdoms, like the European Union reducing to 10'countries as her pastor teaches , and also the meaning of the iron mixed with clay in the toes. Can you explain this, or do you have other video's who answer these questions?
Thanks in advance!


I was in awe while i was listening to the history unfolded exactly as prophesied by Daniel.but i don't agree that the ten kingdom and the little horn had already come to pass. These could be referring to the new revived Roman empire in a every close future. And the leader of this confederation would be the " little horn". I'm not SDA and it it's ok to disagree on theological doctrine as long as we all believe that " Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came down to earth and died for our sin that "WHOSOEVER" believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life". WHOSOEVER refer to all kinds of people be it Men, women, white people, brown people, black people, Catholic, SDA, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Pentecost, charismatic, gay, straight, transgender, etc could be a "WHOSOEVER". This statement clearly says that we are saved by just believing in Jesus Christ. Nowhere did it mention that we need to perform to earn salvation.Salvation is a gift, already performed by our lord o
Jesus Christ, we just need to receive it by confessing out loud with a mouth about what Jesus Christ had done for us on the cross. Paul clearly stated that "We are saved by grace, not of our own work lest any man should boasts" . Jesus Christ was sinless but was made sinner on the cross so that we who knew no righteousness would be made righteous by just believing in him. He died so that we might live forever. He was stroke so that we may be healed, he was rejected so that we might be accepted. He was poor so that we may be rich. I love the teachings of SDA about Daniel prophecy but their "Holier than thou attitude" is what i don't agree with. They always think that those who don't keep Saturday as holy are not worthy of salvation which is heresy in itself. If we can saved ourselves by observing Saturday as a Sabbath then Jesus sacrifice on the cross is useless and was made of no effect. Im not Catholic but their hatred towards Catholics is unchristian. Catholic, Hindu, Muslim, etc could be saved just by them believing and confessing out the name of our lord Jesus Christ. It is not compulsory to join any denomination to get to heaven. We have seen that the sinner who was crucified along with Jesus Christ on Calvary, was never was a Christian. he committed sins upon sins and nothing good was found in him but he was guaranteed a place in paradise after he believed that Jesus Christ was really the son of God. He never got chance to join any Christian church nor did he get chance to be baptized yet he was justified by faith in Jesus Christ. he never had chance to preach or do good work but still he was assured a place in paradise.if good deeds were compulsory to get salvation, then Jesus would have preformed miracle on the sinner so he could get down the cross so to work his own salvation by doing good, preaching the gospel, give one-tenth of his earnings or by getting baptized, we as humans sometime created human law to undo God' marvelous unfathomable Love., Jesus Christ undermined every single sins or mistakes committed by the sinner just after he put his trust on the lord.


This is very interesting. I always thought this was or actually I always heard this prophecy used for the end times.


i was just wondering what do the body parts stand for, like why isnt the belly that of a Lion/Babylonian or the feet from a Leopard? the body must be its core values (Philosophy and evolution big bang mentality, time fate, destiny, parallel dimensions, Liberal atheism ect ect?) its feet is laws? the law of the Medes and Persians that cant be undone, the one they tried on Daniel to get his head chopped off for not bowing to their god when the music (lucifer was not made with musical instruments just for decoration) played, i think these laws tie in with the Noah hide laws in some way too & Arianism?) then the head is Babylonian the Head Represents the heart/mind/justification, if anyone knows any seminars/sermons on this subject it would be appreciated thanks and Happy Sabbath Day all


Hey Paul great job not only on this one but on the first one also. However I noticed an error that you might want to correct. At the 55:14 minute mark you have scripture stating that it’s Matthew 25:4-14. It is actually Matthew 24:5-14 that you are quoting.


Thank you for your video. Can you please tell me who is the earth beast with two horns in the book of Revelation.


Some people choose to focus on the eastern part of Roman empire (aka Byzantine empire) and the fact that Muslim Arabs and Turks conquered it to claim the Antichrist will be of Muslim background. I'm not sure if it's more correct to focus on western Roman empire as this video does or should one be looking at eastern part of Roman empire? Half of Roman empire now is Muslim (North Africa, Levant and Anatolia). And then there are people who claim that USA is an extension of Roman empire for most US citizens can trace their ancestry back to Roman empire.


Does anyone no which bible version this is based off? Sorry just curious🤔💯✊🏾
