The King Tiger Really Suffers :(

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The German Tiger II heavy tank probably doesn't need any introduction. Some War Thunder players think it isn't very good, but I strongly disagree.

Check the channel "About" section for the link to the creator of my profile picture.

Songs used (in order from first to last):
Various Command and Conquer: Generals Tracks

#warthunder​​​​​​​​​​​​ #tanks​​​​​​​​​​​​ #warthundergameplay
The King Tiger Really Suffers :(
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Hey everyone, this is a little difficult to write but things aren't going great on my end. You might've seen my twitter post joking about having food poisoning, turns out it wasn't food poisoning. My kidney function has deteriorated enough to the point where my blood is slightly acidic, which makes me extremely nauseous and tired pretty much constantly. I got prescriptions to try and make it more tolerable but they don't help much. I've been struggling to get any work done, so I've had to dig into the stockpile I've been building up for when I am recovering from a transplant. I hope I can push through it, but IDK. That's part of why the historical video is taking so long. Just thought I would give you guys an update.

I might scale back how much editing I put into these, just to bring the stockpile back up. Would you guys be ok with that?


I find it funny that in your last match, the AML-90 you summoned at the beginning was the one that got credit for you J'ing out at the very end.
He really was the only one to actually damage you huh.


Whenever Spookston goes "Ooh, hello" when spotting an enemy, I like to imagine he's at an pastry shop/isle and spots something very tasty looking


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a downtier in the Tiger 2. I used to make the mistake of playing WAY too aggressively with it and getting slapped by someone lmao


“A defensive tiger is scary”
*immediately proceeds to play offensively*


I remember when tanks first came out and both tiger 2s were almost impenetrable unless you were shooting it’s side, and even then it wasn’t easy. Oh how times have changed on warthunder.


4:50 He says "Marsch, Marsch". Basically "onward" or "faster" an instruction by the commander to continue forward or increase the speed.


Shout out to that nashorn being an actual teammate and sticking together with somone.


It feels weird when spookston plays quite common vehicles


Yeah this tank is definitely nice to use, and having such a good cannon is so satisfying. I bought this tank's package maybe a month ago and i spent about two weeks or so using it to grind the tree so i could get to the maus. I went from no progress to tier V in that two or three weeks. (obviously the premium time from the bundle also helped), but it also showed me just what i was missing with premiums. IT'S ACTUALLY NUTS. This was the first premium i had ever bought and i had no clue they were THAT effective for grinding.


Hey there Spookston I hope you get well. Also: at 4:48 the crew said Marsch, Marsch which is a command to march forward/advance and is the germaan crew line for "Advance!"


I heard and i could very well be wrong but the reason the bulldog survived the bomb was because you have invisible spawn protection until you move a bit but i think you can still shoot and have the spawn protection. Good tip for AA


Can't believe you had to play this tank, I'm sorry for your suffering :(


Wish you a speedy recovery, man. Your videos have been a solid source of entertainment AND a learning resource for the past... Sheesh, few years? For me !


Here's hoping that you feel better Spookston, the WT community wouldn't be the same without you.

Also, could you do a video on the Sturer Emil? While most just see it as a CAS magnet, the 128mm gun is just a blast to use.


I love the reference’s to Halo with the flood’s music when you are concerned with a threat at 11:08


I remember a few months back, I was in a King Tiger with three other squad mates (friends) and we were stuck and couldn't push the enemy back so I singlehandedly, decided to push all by myself, and this scared the enemy as now they decided to concentrate fire on just me which encouraged my team to push them and take the point, my friends and I were laughing all the way until the game ended and won


Getting to fight Tiger IIs every match as a stock M56 really tested me but glad I didn't have to suffer as much as spookston just did right now


Keep fighting spookston, we love your content but always want you to put yourself first ❤


Ive seen the Königstiger IRL in Finland, Its insanely impressive when you are standing beside it.

Btw you got that Xenomorph blood now, Kinda cool story for the grandkids
