10 Tips For New Drivers

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Here's a video with some cool driving tips for new and not so new drivers, and some of the most frequently asked questions during driving lessons. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions for videos etc., don't hesitate leave them in the comments.

Note: While I try to make my videos as universal as possible, rules and laws may vary according to the place where you’re driving and might be different from the ones in this video. Always drive according to the laws and rules that apply to the place where you are driving. Requirements at the driving exam may also be different than the ones shown here. Always respect the requirements that apply to the place where you are passing your driving exam. This video is not meant to replace your official driving courses.
Рекомендации по теме

Damn! You got right to the point, listing the tips, not fucking around for 10 mins before it, you are awesome


Most of those might be just common sense for expirianced drivers, but for someone who just started driving courses it was very helpful, thanks!


Sad that this video taught me more than my own father and he's been driving over 40 years


That tip about the direction you turn the wheel when you are in reverse really helped me. That's the most confusing thing rn learning to drive


Just passed my driving test and now realize there's so much to still learn. I really appreciate your video. Big thanks from Jamaica.


Would be nice to have this guy as my instructor
sounds like a mexican gangster 


damn i learned how to drive in about 5mins by just laying on my bed and watching this than i have in the car with my mom as my instructor lol


This wonderful man saved my life and FINALLY got my drivers after 37 years of being terrified. I love driving now and it changed my life!

He basically tells you everything that no one lol tells you.
Best video’s out there!


Good stuff! Hope this helps out new drivers quite a bit. I'd like to add some less essential tips:

1. Learn how to back up and park backwards into your stall facing forward. This gives you much better visibility when you're exiting your space and can cut down on a lot of headache when you're trying to leave a busy parking lot.

2. Also, don't rely on your brakes so much. Use following distance and ease off the gas and you'll find that a lot of times, in lower speed situations, you won't have to break or break nearly as much.

3. Know rules of the road. Knowing right of way in various situations will cut down on being overly hesitant and make you safer, in general.

4. When making turns of any kind, if your visibility is obstructed, never assume the way is clear just because the vehicle in front of you made the turn. Confirm that for yourself to keep everyone safe.

5. Modify your driving habits (mostly speed) based on the weather.

6. Know how to do simple maintenance and repairs on your vehicle (especially how to change a tire/plug a flat). Practice them ahead of time so you're familiar with them so that if you actually do need to use them, you're not solely relying on your phone or what have you. In the same vein, prep your vehicle for emergencies that are common to your area as well as stock it with basic first aid/survival and tools. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

7. You can set your side mirrors so that it virtually eliminates blind spots. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that demonstrate this. It's not full proof, obviously, but works fantastically well rather than the old method of setting said side mirrors inwards.

8. If you can afford to, go to a driving school to learn (hopefully) updated driving techniques from professionals. Family and friends can usually only "help" you so much, and their help can be counterproductive/useless. ;)


As a Quebecer who's recently started his practical driving courses, these videos are beyond amazing. Right now my biggest problems are stopping too late, sometimes turning, and sticking too much to the left-hand side of lanes. I'm still getting used to the sensitivity of the pedals so my starts and stops are a little jerky, but I'm slowly getting it. I think my biggest fear right now is everything concerning highway driving (entering, yielding, and changing lanes at fast speeds).


waw didnt knew the last one with the mirror thats cool


This guy is not only explaining it to us from an instructor perspective, but from a mechanic too. That's how you know he's a true Mexican.


very useful information for a beginner!


This helps a lot since I'm learning how to drive thanks man


The tip to know if the wheels are straight: often you are in a narrow spot when doing this... it often helps turning the whell to the side where you came from until you cant turn them more, and then you turn them back and skip the first straight steering wheel position (normally you need 1.5 to 1.75 full turns)...


This video helped me stop a nightmare that often occurred where I would lose control of a car


One of the dislikes is from the dude who stared at him when he was turning. LOL.


Watching before my first driving lesson. 😊 I'm 27!!!! Thank you.


9 years later, and this is still VERY helpful. Thank you! Short tips but to the point 👍👍


For the wheels straight, you can turn the wheel all the way to the right or left, and turn it back to its 2nd straight postion or exactly 1, 5 twists. For example. if you are not able to move forward, or when youve parked the car.
