1 Hour Of Reddit Mysteries

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Welcome to another compilation type video, for you all to binge! This month has been a little rough for JIF and I with a new school semester, prepping for debunktober and assorted life problems. We haven't been able to post as much as we usually do but we wanted to give you something to watch while we work on other videos. New content is coming soon but for now enjoy this complete reddit mystery binge!

00:00 - Intro
00:48 - u/crazysonthrowoff
26:34 - What Is Behind The Door?
32:06 - Redditor Born Into A Cult
50:43 - u/SnappedFingers
1:11:34 - The Reddit Cat Killer
1:31:10 - Eric & Annie

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I firmly believe the first story is true. My baby brother (adopted) had ODD as well as being born addicted to drugs. He didn't feel pain the same way other people did. He use to have fits of uncontrollable rage. I remember as a child, mom having to do restaint therapy on him (basically you had to sit on the floor holding the child in your lap pinning their arms and legs with yours in a sort of full body bear hug. It's not used anymore but this was the late 80's early 90's.) He'd scream he was going to gut her, that he would kill us all. He was five. When he was six I remember waking up one night and he was sitting on his brother's chest holding a pillow over his face. My screaming woke the rest of the house and I took both of my parents to pull him off. That night my parents moved me into the master bedroom cause it had a lock and started sleeping in the living room so they would be closer. I was eight when he set my nightgown on fire with me in it after I caught him in the bathroom one night trying to light a roll of toilet paper on fire. Some children are BORN wrong.


Accounts being created “conveniently” falls perfectly into place for me, its called a throwaway account, that you would create with the purpose to tell one story that might be to personal and you don’t want it to be associated with your normal account. Its also normal for someone who don’t use reddit to create an account for the first time for the same reason, nothing sus about that.


There has been an update in the catacombs case. He came back to his account on Reddit to give closure that he’s not dead, and updated that he was having a downward spiral and mental breakdown and he wants to move on from it.
So I wouldn’t personally label it as “debunked” because that sounds somewhat like a synonym to “hoax” which I wouldn’t call it, because the reality is that this individual was having a mental breakdown, that the community sort of romanticized, rather than really helping him.
This would eventually turn it into a fairy tale amongst internet users, over the help he was reaching out for.
I personally see it as a documentation of a man’s mental breakdown.
If this is an account of such experience, it may even be a helpful source in those studying mental illnesses.


My mom is 84 and still uses cell phones, computers, social media so being old doesn't mean he can't figure out how to use reddit lol!


First story is one of my favorites of all internet history. I just can't get tired of hearing it. Every time I think it is fake, but at the same time is not so out of the ordinary that you can wonder "maybe it's real".


I'm just imagining people on Reddit not being able to fathom older people being into memes or being well written.


"a homeless community can't have electricity because they're homeless" is a hilarious debunk especially when electricity can be stolen, etc.


The first story is the epitome of "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it".


Okay, but that first story, fake or not, is the best 'story' ive ever read, online, irl, it just beats them all. Good god they KNOW how to write.


I’ve never cheered so hard for bad parenting but with the first story I was like “Seems reasonable”


The way he confidentiality debunks these is hilarious at times


The first story - if the son was hurting animals an the family was genuinely afraid of him, and no medications or therapy were working, they should have taken steps to have him institutionalized. He was a threat to the daughter and to them. I cannot believe they lived in the basement for that long, and then waited three years to move. He could have burned the house down with them in it. What a crazy story.


About the cult guy— there were so many cults like that from the 60s even through the 90s/early 2000s. It’s not strange that someone who went through extensive trauma and abuse wouldn’t remember everything perfectly. Idk as a survivor of trauma myself I am more inclined to believe the op was being honest.


Cult story: you're seeing Lagoon NOW not in 1960's/70s. Just because there is now people around doesn't mean there was people back then.


My sister was diagnosed with ODD when she was 9 after being difficult at 4 years old. Her teenage years were the worst and the scariest - pulling a knife on me a.few times even. She's 20 now, and a completely different person. She's very sweet, humble and calm. Idk what happened with the first story, but it sounds like a very severe case of ODD.


For the cult story; the reddit date he created his account makes sense though because earlier in the post he mentioned his wife told him about reddit and he should share his story. So it would make sense as to why he had made his reddit account the same day as the post.


the cult story definitely strikes me as real. also burner accounts aren't always necessarily an indicator of the story being fake, many people just don't want certain stuff to be linked back by to their og account (I've had burners for some AITA posts or confessions even).


Dude, I like the video but I don't think you know what "debunked" actually means.


Regarding dogs not going near doors, or certain places in general: It's worth remembering the obvious, which is that dogs have an incredibly good sense of smell. This means if they don't like going somewhere, odds are they smell something funny in that region that just bugs them. Dogs can smell mildew and mold, for example, and might not be too keen on hanging around such a space. There are quite many buildings that suffer from decay, and thus have worsened/compromised interior air quality on account of such, and so dogs can react poorly to this all by opting to behave in what an owner might feel is a "strange manner", because they just really don't like the idea of being surrounded by the stench of mold growing inside the walls, floor, or whatever else. There are also plenty of other things that can make dogs decide to nope out of a space, or behave oddly in it, such as radon, which can radiate out of the ground in quite a number of places around the globe, and mind you is after smoking one of the biggest causes of lung cancer - the second biggest in many places. So if a pooch is behaving oddly in a certain space, before thinking of ghosts and things that go bump in the night...they might just smell something quite unpleasant there.
It might also be a sign that it's time to do some inspecting and ensuring this isn't what's going on, because you don't want to be exposed to neither mildew, nor radon, as both have quite the negative health effect. As such, if a dog behaves oddly regarding it, you probably don't have a horror monster living in your basement, or a ghost hanging out down there..it's probably just toxic tiny fungus spores floating around, or a highly dangerous gas that is the result of a decaying isotope found naturally in the earth that can give you lung cancer. Which I would argue is kinda as bad as the horror monster, cause yikes, that's not nice.


I think it's important to point out that, just like other stigmatized disorders (such as ASPD), not everyone who has ODD is anywhere near the demon that the child in the first story supposedly was. I know two people who have ODD. They're both, well, oppositional and defiant, but they're also empathetic and do their best to work well with others. I'm by no means denying the reality that some people with ODD can be monsters, just specifying that having ODD does not automatically make you that way.
