Why Eating Liver May Not Be Good: Unspoken Truths about Vitamin A

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In this episode, Grant Genereux and I discuss the following:

1. Grant Genereux's background
2. What is vitamin A? What are the different forms?
3. Why is vitamin A possibly toxic?
4. Signs of vitamin A toxicity
5. How do we get toxic
6. Food sources and non-food sources
7. Why we shouldn't eat liver
8. Signs of deficiency
9. Where can people follow Grant?



1) The acute and chronic toxic effects of vitamin A
Kristina L Penniston and Sherry A Tanumihardjo
Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83:191–201. Printed in USA. © 2006 American Society for Nutrition
PMID: 16469975
DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/83.2.191

2) The effect of hypervitaminosis A and other dietary factors on the young pig
Marlin Dean Anderson
Iowa State University
(1964). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 3834.

3) HYPERVITAMINOSIS A. By Kare Rodahl. Skrifter No. 95.



**DISCLAIMER: I am only here to provide support as a nutritional therapy practitioner and I am not providing medical advice. I always recommend working with a team of holistic practitioners, including your PCP and a certified nutritional therapy practitioner. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.
#vitaminatoxicity #beefliver​ #retinol #betacarotene​ #vitamin a​ #carnivorediet​ #ketotocarnivore​ #carnivoreketo​ #carnivoretribe​ #fatforfuel​ #zerocarb​ #ketolifestyle​ #allmeatdiet​ #highfatlowcarb​ #carbfree​ #ketocarnivore​ #yes2meat​ #carnivorelife​ #worldcarnivoretribe​ #carbfree​ #zerocarb​ #zerocarbs​ #carnivores​ #ketoadapted​ #fatadapted​ #zc​ #nutrientdense​ #eatmeat​ #guthealing​ #nutrition
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Just listened to this again, I stopped eating liver after listening to this six months ago and my rosacea, that started after going carnivore, is almost gone. I've also had less histamine issues, ankle stiffness, edema. Things seem to be improving. Thanks so much Judy for spreading the word.


What I love about you is that you are open to discussion and flexible to change your mind. I asked this question about vitamin A toxicity on Twitter and here on YouTube and no one asked or they call you a lunatic. This is why I have so much respect for you. I took the advice to take a lot of ADEK and high doses of vitamin D and now I have chronic pain in my back, and joints, I'm recovering from an injury to my ankle and now I have a meniscus injury. I'm pretty sure this was caused by extensive take of all these vitamins.


Wow. Thanks for sharing this, Judy. I appreciate your willingness to address controversial topics as well as the research you put in to ensure you provide balanced information.


Out of sheer curiosity I had a look at this gentleman's website to see what prompted him to conclude he was suffering with vitamin A toxicity. His elimination diet coincidentally is also a very low plant-toxin diet, essentially a beef and rice diet. There are too many people to count who have reversed their skin issues and/or autoimmune issues by limiting plant foods, but it's got nothing to do with vitamin A content, and everything to do with cutting out etc etc. I think for this chap probably solanine in the nightshade family was a big culprit but it could have been a combination. He never even ate liver and caucasian people in particular are very poor carotenoid-converters. If anything, his symptoms sounded like significant nutrient deficiencies including but not limited to zinc and vitamin A, and reducing the metabolic burden of metabolising lots of plant foods has brought him relief, along with reducing copper in the diet. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with vitamin A. This reminds me of when Ancel Keys determined that saturated fat was the devil based off of terrible data and interpretation.


Oh great, more food we can't eat. No plants, no meat including fish, so I guess it's just air from now on.


it saddens me a bit that so many people (carnivores?!) disliked the video. Grant's presents his material with an outstanding confidence, based on his long background and experience in the matter. It is known that vitamin A is probably the most important risk related to animal based diets, now even seemingly with some risk for plant based diets. If the carnivore community respected more the possible unknowns of this diet, such diet would have a higher probability of succeeding even with better success stories than we have to today. Being humble about science is paramount!!! So, Thx, Judy!!!


Hi Judy. Very interesting video. This is not a new concept. In the 1980’s organ meat consumption was discouraged because of this very reason. An important fact I learned from Dr. Paul Mason regarding LDL cholesterol is that if a person is not weight stable ( in weight loss mode) his/her LDL will increase dramatically. Mine did just that. As an oldster I really appreciate this information. I know you are sticking your neck out to present this information. I truly believe this information will be very helpful to many. Thank you again for sharing your evolving point of view. 👏👏👏👏👏


thank you Judy. Grant rocks. His blog is a life saver.


That's why one thing doesn't fit all, we all have to find what actually works for us as individuals.
Thank you for sharing Judy! 🙌



- Slowly accumulates in tissues, primarily stem cells
- Difficult to test for vitamin A toxicity
- Vitamin A serum level test not indicative of vitamin A levels
- Serum test primarily measures vitamin A bound to a protein
- Gold standard for measuring vitamin A toxicity is a liver biopsy
- Fluorescence techniques for skin vitamin A measurement not widely available

- Overlapping symptoms between vitamin A toxicity and other conditions
- Uncertainty in distinguishing symptoms
- Supplementation of vitamin A in various foods, including milk, margarine, and bread
- Increased risk of vitamin A toxicity due to accutane usage
- Preformed vitamin A in animal sources more readily absorbed than beta-carotene from plant sources
- Liver, eggs, and butter contain vitamin A
- Caution needed in consuming foods with vitamin A, especially liver and cod liver oil.- Some emulsifiers, like soy lecithin, are commonly added to foods to wrap up vitamin A for digestion.

- Beef liver contains a high amount of vitamin A, around 614 micrograms for four ounces.
- Excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to toxicity, and even organ meats like liver and kidneys can be problematic.
- Vitamin A toxicity can result in various symptoms, including gastrointestinal issues, skin problems, cognitive difficulties, and more.
- Beta-carotene, found in vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes, can contribute to skin issues when consumed in excess.
- The interviewee follows a unique diet, mainly consisting of beef, bison, white rice, brown rice, black beans, salt, and coffee, to eliminate vitamin A entirely.
- Detoxification effects may lead to temporary health improvements but can also result in a rebound effect due to increased vitamin A serum levels.

- Dietary fiber, fat, and salt can help remove excess vitamin A and reduce reabsorption from bile.
- A natural experiment in the carnivore community involves muscle meat eaters and those consuming organ meats, offering insights into the effects of vitamin A intake.
- LDL cholesterol is a key biomarker for health.
- LDL cholesterol is affected by vitamin A levels in the liver.
- Debate in the cardiovascular community about the significance of LDL cholesterol.

- The concern is the content of vitamin A within LDL particles.
- Predictions about LDL levels in carnivore diets.
- Muscle meat carnivore diets may lower LDL, while muscle meat + liver diets could increase it.
- People in the community are sharing their cholesterol numbers.
- A concern that over-supplementation with liver could lead to vitamin A toxicity.

- Suggested that natural farm sources of butter may have lower vitamin A.
- The composition of raw butter may vary seasonally.
- Consideration of alternative fat sources like olive oil, but watch for seed oil contamination.
- The carnivore community's focus on nose-to-tail eating.
- Donating blood to reduce vitamin A levels in the body.
- Offsetting vitamin A intake from minimal dietary sources.

- The importance of recognizing vitamin A toxicity symptoms and reducing vitamin A intake.
- Reducing organ meats, especially liver and kidneys, when experiencing health issues.
- Academic researchers and medical professionals showing interest and support in vitamin A toxicity theories.
- The interview covers various aspects of vitamin A and its potential toxicity.
- A historical study from 1926 claimed to discover vitamin A deficiency but actually observed vitamin A toxicity.

- Excessive consumption of animal products high in vitamin A might lead to health issues.
- The interview suggests considering limiting the consumption of foods rich in vitamin A.
- Vitamin D supplements may contain a potentially toxic form and should be approached with caution.
- Exposure to sunlight can provide natural vitamin D.

- The interviewee has a blog with research and free e-books for those interested in exploring further.
- The interview highlights the importance of research and balancing nutrient intake.
- The discussion emphasizes the significance of moderating the intake of certain nutrients for better health.


I had a very hard crash while on carnivore (with liver) 2 weeks before I found Dr Garret Smith who is friends with Grant. Not only does this explain everything, including PUFA toxicity (detoxes along the ALDH pathway in the liver). This paradigm accurately and constantly predicts phenomena.


Thanks for confusing everybody 😢
This person is eating beans, grains, no fat but has a problem with vitamin A, really who are we kidding here? He has SO MANY other reasons to be unhealthy….
By the way you make it sound like liver is mostly about vitamin A, but it has so many more nutrients!


I will never ever stop eating grass fed ruminant liver. Never!


I thought I was doing great adding chicken liver smoothies and organ pills occasionally with my mainly carnivore (eggs + dairy included) diet for 3 years.

By the time I was almost done with my 2nd bottle of a new liver/kidney blend mixed with other organs, I was dealing with a dry red patch on my right cheek that wouldn't go away for over 2 months!!!

I went out of town for 5 days, didn't bring my bottle of organ blend. It was the only time period where the patch started to fade and become less dry. It's almost gone after a total of 8+ days of no organs. I can't imagine what it's done to me internally. Never again!!


I’m really glad you had Grant on. I read his first e-book long before eating a carnivore diet (started eating this way a little more than a year ago). Somewhere along the way I bought into the beef liver craze and abandoned my caution of consuming too much vitamin a. I ate a lot for weeks on end—probably a pound a weeks for two or three months. Then my hair started shedding excessively, my right hip began to throb, and my weight started to climb despite nothing else changing in my diet. The weight always goes back down and the hip pain stops within a few days of stopping liver (unfortunately, I’m still trying to recover from the large amount of hair loss). I say always because I’ll periodically try putting it back in my diet, and I get the same results. I did it as recently as a few weeks ago. I wasn’t even consuming more than the equivalent to an ounce a week. Only two weeks of a very small amount and those same symptoms returned. I’m even having issues with eggs at this point. I know a great many people value eating liver, but this information is incredibly important to be aware of especially if you aren’t feeling great.


It's interesting that you pointed out that a lot of these symptoms are similar to hypothyroid symptoms because thyroid hormones and vitamin A share the same transport protein Transthyretin so it could well be connected.


Liver is a high histamine food which is probably why it is making some people itch, skin issues, etc. it is also a high sulfur food, which some people have difficulty breaking it down properly, so will cause various symptoms if this is the case. I absolutely DISAGREE that liver causes vitamin A toxicity. No science here and this man and his methods of deduction are absurd in my opinion. I have trouble with liver unfortunately because of the high histamine and high sulfur, as I mentioned earlier. I actually like liver a lot and I hope that those that want to eat liver and don’t have a histamine or sulfur breakdown problem should definitely keep consuming it. Don’t let this ill informed person scare you away from things that work well for your body!


i followed his diet for 2 years as a 17 y/o. beef, rice, beans, and an apple only each day.


Chris Masterjohn made a few YouTube videos about vitamin A toxicity, and these short videos are very informative. Two quick takeaways are 1. A fatty liver resists taking up excess vitamin A, and this is a problem, and 2. Adequate vitamin D can be protective to vitamin A overdose.


It defines logic why people would eat large quantities of liver when ancestrally, liver would be shared among many and reserved for pregnancy, growing children and those with higher metabolic demands. We can't help stupid😢 I am guessing as a computer software engineer Grant was spending a lot of his time indoors. He didn't have a physically demanding labouring job like digging ditches, landscaper, concretor, brickkayer or even farmer outdoors all day in the sun. If he was not employing the use of his muscles, there would be downregulation for the need for Vitamin A. Being sedentary slows down kidney filtration and if you are consuming liver day in day out, you are asking for trouble. Gosh so many conflating variables. We need more evidence before going down this rabbit hole of Vitamin A being a toxin.
