Traditional Chinese Medicine with Master Herbalist Dr. Guo and Bruce Ruben, M.D.

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I am his patient.
Dr. Guo is an amazing doctor!
I trust him!


The basic technique that people can practice without a teacher is simply to just practice breathing in and breathing out with awareness. Breathing in smoothly and breathing out smoothly COMFORTABLY. Don't visualize anything, just be aware. Visualization actually makes what visualize a reality in the Energy Plane. Too much gold light can lead to an imbalance. Awareness and simple breathing is enough. And can take a lifetime to master.


I'm not saying your technique is bad. In fact your technique is VERY healing, since Gold is a healing energy. HOWEVER, doing it for weeks and MONTHS eventually will lead to imbalances, such as awakening of higher energy centers when the student is ready for it yet. In that case, the student may have traumatic issues from childhood that's repressed, and awakening too fast can cause those issues to rush out too fast. Hence, the need for a teacher always there to guide them through that phase


I will give you an example: step 1. Student learns healing meditation with golden light. Step 2. Student practices it for 1 month and gets healing effects. Step 3: The golden light meditation actually starts awakening the high chakras but this awakening forces the body to remove blockages from lower chakras. Step 4: The student starts experiencing violent anger (because of suppressed anger from child) Step 5. The student tells teacher, and teacher tells them to stop practicing and take a break.


So what did you recommend to the patient, I have those same symptoms butt due to not having insurance I can not afford to have my fibroids removed. Please advise. I live in Riverside area if you can recommend a doctor or the herb I need to take. Thanks
I'm also suffering from gallstone attacks and believe to have one stuck in my liver duct. Is there an herb I can take to dissolves the gallstones all together ?


In order to heal the garbage inside must come out. Some people have soo much garbage in them that practicing even good things can be dangerous if not regulated by a teacher. For example: if a person went on a purifying diet they may actually get MORE sick... Why? because all the toxins are flooding their body as it tries to leave. The same principle applies to meditation and breathing. When you have a teacher near by, they can help through this cleansing phase.


Hi, I already had them dissolved by drinking Epsom salt recipe found on internet, but thanks just the same.


We are able to help you with our Chinese Herbal therapy if they should come back. Please let us know. I apologize for not responding sooner.


Whoa buddy, calm down there. I happen to be a medical student and I actually attended an international conference on acupuncture and meridians a while back. I've read plenty on the subject over the years and if anyone needs to some more research it seems to be you. Research done in this field tends to be done by amateur charlatans who want to give their field more credibility. A scientific study is only as good as its methods.


The modern Taoist will disagree with me. But eating like joel fuhrman (he inculdes many WARM soups), is the key to long life. However, Joel Fuhrman doesn't realize that his diet is HIGHLY spiritual, and if people eat it and are not prepared for it spiritually they will create blockages. Joel Fuhrman knowledge is free on the internet. Research it now. However, if your body feels cold, use more of his warm soup recipes.


Dr. Guo seems like he'd be great to train under! ..."lemme see your tongue" : P


Without a teacher, the student may continue with the practices and not give the body time to catch its breath. This can lead to divorce, loss of jobs, sickness, etc. Ancient Chinese theory teaches to BALANCE HEAVEN WITH EARTH. The heaven is the spiritual manifestation. The earth is the Material manifestation. For man to exist, there must be balance between heaven and earth. Golden Light in your mind will overstimulate the higher chakras if done without a teacher guidance.


I would not recommend that technique. A person should not practice these things without the direct guidance of a teacher. Many things can go wrong, such as unprepared awakening of the Chakras and other centers of power. However, it's ok to practice that once in a while, but not for months and weeks. It can lead to mental and physical disorders if not done correctly. Get the book by Gopi Krishna: Kundalini the Evolutionary energy in man.


I happen to be a Medical Doctor, and like you said, you're a "student". Big deal you attended an international conference on acupuncture, what am I supposed to be jumping out of my boots? Also, are you claiming that your international conference is greater than research? You tell me to calm down, but your persistent distasteful attitude only justifies the intensity of my initial responses towards you. Good luck graduating med school... In the mean time, let the big boys deal with the healing.


Stop lying, the only person you feel for is yourself.
