1 Timothy 2:12 - Can a Woman Pastor a Church?

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Stressing the importance of Context when interpreting Bible passages, Pastor Scott addresses certain ill-conceived notions some people have by applying Scripture out of context.

1 Timothy 2:12 is often misinterpreted as an order or mandate to restrict women from teaching, leading, or even speaking during worship gatherings.

Watch the entire message here:
Matthew 12 & 13 The Purpose of the Parables

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Learn more about what the Bible actually says about women speaking in the Church:

Women Speaking in the Church- Playlist


Where does it say Timothy was bullied by rich widows?


Where in the bible does it say that Timothy was bullied by rich women???


Just read this on my own and I have nothing against women but… where does it say anything about the widows ???


Woke churches, not different than claiming the Bible doesn't condemn gay relationships or cheating as a married couple.


Where is the context found? I mean the part about Timothy being bullied by some rich widows.


I tought the writing of Paul where scriprure! Well looks like we cant trust it😒😒😒.

All of the bible is from god and is his revelation dont let her decive you. It is clearly there and you should obey it regardless if Paul wrote it or not! And also can someone tell me where does it say that Timothy was bullied by rich women please. god bless🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


'Timothy was bullied by women...'

I didn't know Timothy was bullied by women.


He also said that to the church of Corinth! Timothy was a Pastor at Ephesus.


So because Paul was only telling this to Timothy, that means it does not apply to us? Only Timothy?


Just because Paul says it, we can't entirely rely on this scripture? please explain 1 Corinthians 14:37 where it says "If anyone thinks they are a prophet or otherwise gifted by the Spirit, let them acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command"


Where is the context of the rich window women bully Timothy


where does it say that? i know what REVELATIO 22:18 says

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:


So did God ordain you and all the others womens who are as Pastors.?


Why cant protestants agree on interpreting scripture? What a broken system.


As for me, I absolutely don't have any problem with women being pastors or leaders in church. God said He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and both sons and daughters will prophesy. How do daughters prophesy to God's people if they don't speak at all in church? Remember, that women held leadership roles in Scriptures, right from the Genesis to the Revelation. Deborah, a woman was a judge In Israel, and she led a whole nation, which is way larger than a congregation. Also, Josiah, a little boy became king at eight years old. This is to show that this concept of women not preaching in church is satanic. The church is not a men's cult but the Ecclesia of God, and anyone can function as He permits, regardless of gender. God calls whoever He wills, and empowers whoever he wants. God can use anybody at anytime for whatever purpose He wishes, and we can't do anything about it, he's God. If God can use a donkey to speak to Balaam and little David to defeat Goliath, what the entire Israel was afraid of, why can't he use a woman to lead His church? Don't demonize what God deems appropriate. If you're a woman reading this, and God is calling you to minister, go ahead and don't let the devil use these religiously brainwashed folks to stop you.


1.-- What does the Bible say about women pastors? A: Nothing. The modern 'pastor' has nothing to do with the church form of the early church: a paid professional Christian. The elders (who appear to include older men and older women in Titus) were not paid, some apostles gained support from the church, but perhaps not all. Overseeing is perhaps the function we are thinking of; but this is a function, not an office.

2.-- Our starting point has to be Galatians 3:28 and its expansion in the lists of 'gifts' which are not differentiated by sex; these are clearly the general case; and are exemplified in such terms in the NT. Thus the specific mentions in 1 Tim and 1 Cor 14 are circumstantial and specific.

3.-- 1 Timothy. The translation of 'exercise authority' plays fast and loose with a rare Greek word, which has the flavor of disparaging or gainsaying. The citation of the creation is perhaps to contest the pagan notion that the female is the generative superior to the male. Thus Paul reminds the people of the true order of creation (not to be confused with the myth of 'headship' v 'head' as source or basis, as in 'the head of the river') A better translation might be 'I do not permit women to disparage men because of their sex after pagan gods'.

4.-- Quietness in 1 Cor 14 is again specific, and in a passage about utilitarian order in the meeting; it appears to be about women randomly asking their husbands questions across the floor; otherwise women would not be able to sing, pray, prophesy, etc. Remember, the 'church' is the body of believers not activities in a particular building or context. We are all always Christians and together always operating as the church.

5.-- The nub of the issue is we still run a Roman Catholic church form with an 'archon' as the 'leader'. This is not the ancient church. Check Daryl Erkel's great essay The Urgent Need for Reformation in Pastoral Ministry at sermonindex [dot] net. In fact we need to generalize the usage 'minister' for all paid and unpaid servants of the church (and not the oxymoronic 'servant-leader')...which should be most people. Some of course, would be 'organizers' or 'coordinators' but no one is a 'boss', 'leader', or 'archon'. We are the body of Christ, not a business organization.


I would like to hear you go deeper in to this topic. When I read that passage, I understand it to be about the lines of authority. At the top is the pastor (who is the husband of one wife) and those under him are not to try to exert themselves over him, or to undermine him.

But I'm not sure who this short clip is for. The men who believe that it is wrong to listen to a woman, even if she is speaking truth, will not have their herd hearts soften by hearing you suggest that any man needed to grow a pair.


“Where two or things are together in My Name, there am I in the midst”. So if there is more than one person listening to a video even on YouTube, should a woman be allowed to make that video or to comment on it?

Who is going to police this unless you want Islam where men go to mosque and the women may listen in the back or another room but do not participate. The man is instructed to display a whip over the fireplace so the woman knows what will happen to her.

Everyone must scratch out all the positive things the Bible says about women and especially that “All are one in Christ Jesus” that “there is neither male nor female, bond nor free, male nor female”. That sounds nice but the Bible also did not end slavery. So why did Christians end it? Looks like the Muslims got it right?

Speech shows others that we are thinking and that we understand.

Why are parents of a girl baby excited when she learns to talk? What’s the good of it?

When a woman cannot speak in church then why do we let the woman say “I do?” in the wedding ceremony?

Why do pastors generally have a lady secretary? If she is in a church function, why is that allowable?

Legalism is very unpleasant. You want a dead church like what happened after the Church Fathers wrote how vile women are? In comes the doctrine that Mary was sinless because women were all too vile to think that a woman could give birth to the Son of God. And didn’t a pope recommend that a man beat his wife with a stick not thicker than his thumb. I suppose this was kindness in that many men were using a much bigger item to beat their wives into submission?

Let us welcome in a new Dark Age.

If we think being stupid is better, a woman who teaches her child at home or helps with homework and then prays also with him, has made that home a church and she can no longer speak or she is sinning against her own son. She may speak to her daughter, and what sort of a mother would go along with this? If the husband and wife prayed together, he’d have to say the prayer and now they are living in a church so she can’t speak in that now hallowed house from then on.

Legalism is a cancer and don’t we all want to die of it?


Where can we find that it was meant for timothy to back that up?? where is also scott teaching on this? Pleasse advise
