Writing a Children's Book using AI: Step-by-Step Guide

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I'll show you how to PROPERLY use AI to write a children's book from start to finish. I'll cover everything from KDP niche Research to generating images with Leonardo.AI to Avoiding Amazon KDP 's AI detection. So grab your notepad and follow along!

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Love how you created a kids book in under 10 mins - awesome. I have several myself but found you looking for AI artwork for your story lines. People have to understand everyone of us has a story to tell and everyone can learn something from anyone. A story you may have that’s never told because financially you can’t afford a ghost writer or illustrator and your message dies along with you. We’re all beacons of light that needs to draw kids, teens as well as adults to inspiration. You may feel you’re not a writer and it feels beneath you to hire a writer to tell your story. Many of us feels that exposes us emotionally and that’s not a good feeling. AI story telling helps you align your thoughts and you add or take away as you see fit. It’s your work with your personal ghost writer you can open up to. Stop hating on this man that’s showing us techniques and technology that can help us. My question would be if you’re not interested in using this, why click on it or make a comment. Maybe AI should have existed when you were a toddler, a book could have been written ( If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Then Say Nothing At All ).


Absolutely Amazing! I have been fuddling around for months chasing illustrators, trying to get them to finish my illustration orders and get going on the next pages, just to get the art done for a book I wrote. Fed up, I'm looking for a way to just do it myself so I can get onto the next books I already have outlined. This will be a game changer for me! Thank you! :)


Awesome job on this tutorial. Everything on point. You're a master editor. 🙌


WOW, you nailed it with this video! Very comprehensive step by step instructions. I have subscribed to your channel.


I write my on short stories, poems and novels. I have a few manuscripts I want to get published. I have experience in the graphic design industry but I honestly have too many concepts to design. I think I may try this. Awesome. Thanks for the walkthrough 😊


This was awesome!! And I really appreciate you answering everyone’s questions too. Dude, put together a step-by-step pdf for like $4.99. I’m sure there are others like me that would love to read along as we watch and try to create for ourselves. Until then.. cheers 🍻


Thank you! So helpful, I’m a writer so not interested in generating AI stories just the illustrations since my illustrators have been unreliable the last 2 years sadly as I’d rather 100% human creatives but to get the ball rolling and my book finally published- AI it is! Thank you for such a great, well balanced video tutorial.


This is by far the best video on this topic I have seen and believe me, I have seen a lots! Thank you!


Your video is very clear and very well done. I really appreciate the help.


Hi I really liked your video! You went into far more detail than I normally see in other "this is what you should do" videos. I do have 1 kids KDP book idea I would like to write and publish... :)


This is amazing content! Thanks so much for generously sharing such valuable information!😃


Please make a video tutorial about consistent character for story book illustrations.


Thank you!!! This is exiting, I’m going to apply this to a book I just wrote


Have you ever thought about just.... making up a story like the good ol' days?


I’m all for ai in regards to something’s. I like ai perhaps for proofreading or further critiquing my own writing. But outlining and asking chat gpt to write it for me isn’t writing. Also the ai art is a database taken from real artists.

I’m not sure on all the copyright rules but I don’t know if ai art is fully copyrighted. If not a lot of ai created ideas won’t be protected. Of course this could change in the future. Who knows.


Any follow up with how much money you make with this book?


Very helpful. I'm making a book similar to this as a digital product and sell it to get me passive income streams.


Hello, I was wondering if I could pay you to create the illustration for at least one of my children's books? You provided the insight, however the session was far too swift for me to keep up with.


Hey man! Great video! Better than the others! But just a quick question if you don’t mind answering, how was your success/money made so far with this method. Do you think it is worth it?


Hi, I have been interested on how to write and Illustrate my own children's books now for a while. This tutorial is definitely helpful. If there is any other helpful tips for someone that is very new to this craft please let me know any tips will be appreciated.
