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Coming back from an amazing trip can sometimes leave us sad and depressed. Post travel depression is more common than you think and the feelings are normal. Here is some advice about overcoming depression when coming you get back from a trip or vacation. I hope this helps! :)

About Me:
I am a New York City teacher and mentor who wants to help high school and college students with their own personal development and self growth. I am a lifelong learner curious about the world and the people who live in it. I have a major case of wanderlust and have lived in France, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Turkey, Italy and the Philippines. I am here to give students all of my tips and advice for school and travel to help make things just a bit easier.

Music I use in the video:
Finally by Loxbeats
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I just came from a week long holiday with family and friends and I have never been depressed like this in my life. I couldn't find any purpose going back to my usual routine. It seems my life is empty. Couple this up getting covid and being in isolation. Thanks for your video I feel I am not alone in dealing with this. Seeing your perspective gives me relief that this too shall pass. 🥰


this is my last night in this country and i will be going home tomorrow! thought I'd watch a video to prepare myself


Going through this now. After 20 days off come to an end Thursday when I go back to work. Wife went back today. Kids go back to school next Tues. We had such a wonderful time on vacation in Tennessee (we live in IL). Wife and I had all last week off together. Its hard and sad.


Came back from 3 weeks trip to Thailand. As someone from Europe it was the first time I experienced something so different yet so incredibly beautiful… I keep just randomly crying now, feeling like I don’t belong to my country anymore… moments there were worth everything but coming back is simply painful ..


I just got home after leaving Reno Nevada and during that time I got to see my aunt and uncle and we went to California and we got to go to Lego land and universal studios and I have never so much fun in my life so yesterday when I got back to my home town I was actually crying cause I wanted to go back so badly. But this video really helped me figure out what I wanna do.


This is so underrated! Thank you so much for this!


As I pack to leave im already feeling it 😢


Just got back from a 7 day camping trip, one of the best I’ve been on we went to Echuca and it’s the most beautiful town. It’s right on the Murray river and it’s so nice there we went in rope swings and out to pubs just me and my family and I had to say goodbye to my dad as he goes to work in a town 3 hours away from where I live and my mum will do the same soon, and just the feeling of being with them and so close makes me feel so good I have been crying hysterically for 2 days but when u try and talk about it people get annoyed because I’m to sad. I know I’ll get better soon but I just had such a amazing time. Thank you for this video❤


This is so helpful. I've never had post travel blues in the past but I'm feeling it this time after a vacation to Tokyo. Thanks for the tips!


I was in Costa Rica for 5 weeks. I miss the country and the people I met so much. Thanks for your tips😭


I've just come back from Portugal and I'm going again late September. Going twice helps my travel blues. Lady year when I went to Portugal just once I was very depressed for a couple of months. This year I don't feel as bad.


This is so right I had it really bad in 2018 after living in nz then Australia and visiting Thailand for a month. Now back off a trip to Thailand for a month I feel it again but more sadness thank you for the videos really helps its not as bad as last time but its like coming down off such a high!


Just got back from UK Europe trip very recently (slight blues), knowing this shall pass too. I have to go back to my old role when I return from leave. Also seeing friends and old work crew on separate nights events has helped too when I got back.😇🙂


Thanks for the advice and tips I really needed this.


Just got back from PR and dread going back to work on Monday and back to my regular routine. I need to change my life so I can travel often 😩


Love you for this. Absolutely comforting ❤


Going through this right now. Thanks for this video!


I came back to the UK from a 2 week holiday in the US with the grandma. We went to visit my aunt and we went to San Francisco together and it was the most fun I have ever had. And I got rly familiar with bellvue. I rly want to be back


Great tips Christina!! Thank you!! I came home with a cold so I'm not able to get into routine. But I'm taking this time to integrate my trip from Mexico before getting back to my teeth regular world!


Ugh thanks for this. I just came back from Cabo san Lucas. And the problem is that I have met someone special there and I feel like this makes it worse. Lol
