This MORNING ROUTINE Will Make You SUCCESSFUL... | Lewis Howes

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What do you think about the solo episode? Let me know what your key takeaways are down below!


-Sleep deeply for 8 hours.
-Make your bed.
-Cold shower for one minute.
-Meditate for 10-15 minutes.
-Set intention/ mention/ goal, in ONE sentence then do something today.
-Eat a healthy breakfast.
-Set a weekly schedule.
-Work at 8 am toward the most thing you care about.
-Try 2-3 for 10 minutes every day.
-Start small, try just 7 days.
-Check with a partner, accountability.
-Schedule your workout.
-Thank living another day.
-Positive attitude.
-Have an aim.
-Drink water.
-It is ok to get out of the row, but don't miss two days in a row.


I’m just catching this wave. I’m glad I clicked on this video. I feel like I’m at my lowest point in life and I’ve been trying to find direction. Bad breakup, lost my housing and started a new job in a field I’ve never been in. It’s an uncomfortable feeling when you lose so consistently. That starting the day off with positivity and getting into better habits is my new jump start. I will bring positivity into the darkest days from now on. I will realize my true potential and reach new levels. I love the ideas and advice the two of you have. Thank you for doing this Lewis. You’ve given me the first steps I needed to work on the 2.0 version of myself.


I read the 5AM club book twice and it changed my Life .


*Losers stop when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed!!*


I would add, what you eat today affects you TOMORROW. If you eat crap today you're going to feel sluggish the next day. There is a delay beetween the moment you eat and its consequences.


Good morning!
My morning routine started when I turned 50 and I have developed sacred morning routine. The first thing I do drink a glass of room temperature water and 1 cup of coffee.
Then I sit quietly and reflect what I could have done better the day before and make a declaration for that day I am about to face. I write in my journal and I have kept a journal since I was, little kid back in Korea. I write what I am grateful for rather that's a thing or people. I do not take anything for granted! That's including my health .
I also work out every morning. Walk my bernese mountain dog after my workout. I read 20 minutes and I listen to faith building pod cast or motivational pod cast (you are one of mine) all this is done before 8 am I work 6 days a week but my morning routine is a must. I have always wanted to start my very own you tube channel but didnt because of fear but I just started it!! Now working on my book!!!! Just because some one told me that no one will ever read my book!!! My greatest inspiration is when someone said no!! Love your pod cast!!! Thank you!!!


The best of anything is to thank God, in everything we should give God thanks and praise. Just saying thank you is not good enough to the air. We should acknowledge God. I thank God for everything. I am not ashamed.


Man, Lewis you're great. I was having a morning where I felt down and not motivated. I fire up this video from LH, and I just had a glass of water, made my bed, started doing serious pullups, realized how grateful I am for life, commited to revising my purpose statement, got a check list together for the day, started cleaning the house, and had a few good ideas along the way. Now I'm feeling motivatd, ready to take on a big day, and writing you this to let you know how meaningful you are. I'm really motivated and impressed with what you have created. Now to meditate, and get the bullet proof coffee! Thanks Lewis, from my life energy.


“Do things that are uncomfortable for you in the first hour you wake up & it’ll go into the rest of your day.” Big big 🔑


I've spent most of my life in and out of prison; about 24 years. I just did a 6 year term and towards the end of that term my life changed thanks to Lewis Howes. We were given tablets and one function was the ability to download pod cast. I was drawn to Lewis's podcast. And it helped to make me realize what I needed to change. I didnt need to attack the drug abuse. I needed to focus on my personal development. If i could become a better person, more efficient, healthier, and more considerate, the list goes on; then the drug abuse would fall away like dead skin. Because the drug abuse was a result not the cause.
Lewis said 'You are best positioned to serve the person you once were" and that simple statement has lead me on a path to help others as i grow myself.
Thanks you Lewis, I hope you will be able to see what I become, and that I will help others like me to change and become the best they can be


That's so true, Lewis. I feel so much better every day when I make my bed in the morning. I work remotely from home, and each time I look at my bed throughout the day, I feel way more organized than when I do not make the bed. It's almost like it leaves an imprint in my mind for the day, and when I make the bed, I feel like, okay, check, that is done, next!


@Lewishowes…this is outstanding! Thank you! I’m in week 4 of my new routine, waking up 5:30 and 1. Praying 2. Gratitude list -10 things 3. Top 10 goals 4. Exercise/walk development


The thought of leaving my bed undone is UNTHINKABLE. Even on a vacation, in hotels. I like a tidy room. That includes my bed.


Listening to Robin Sharma is hypnotic.


Breathe, eat, exercise, sleep. All biology needs its. Master these 4, and everything else will fall into place.


How perfect is this? *rhetorical
you spoke exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you always Lewis!


Good talk. Another thing I like to do is ask myself, "what's most important for me to get done right now?" So, in my head, I have a order in my head of the tasks I want to get done based on priority and importance.


I just started listening to you this past week. Ive been stuck and I am ready to move forward and be productive. Something has to change. I need help and I am ready to make the necessary changes to accomplish my goals that have been sitting stagnant for 3 years now. I am thankful I found you. You cover so much that I need and I look forward to learning as much as I can from you. Thank you so much for what you do.


Make my bed, breathe, workout, write out my mission. I really need to change & improve my habits & my life.
