Dangers and Benefits of Bats -- The Doctors

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Are bats truly a threat, or are they misunderstood, or both? Find out, as Robert Mies, bat expert and founder of the Organization for Bat Conservation, showcases several species of the winged creatures.
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This man got 3 million subscribers and has 3 comments on here


I wouldn’t want to get bit by a bat I don’t want to have rabies either


Bats are gross if they come in my house they are dead


I just caught the second bat in my house here in July/2022 in Pennsylvania. That’s two this month. I haven’t had any bats in my house over the past 35 years. I was in my game room in the basement and one came fluttering across my floor was though he was getting caught in the carpeting.. it was easy to catch it with a small 10 in.² net on a bamboo stick that I got at a dollar store for getting leaves out of my pool.
here at midnight a couple weeks later, another bad fluttered across the room in front of me while I was watching TV in the basement. I was almost asleep, but I’m awake now. I followed where it was going in the basement. It flew into a small powder room I have under the steps going upstairs. I hurried up and closed the door. Then I went outside to my pool and got the leaf butterfly skimmer net.. I slowly opened the basement bathroom door, and I do not see how he could have escaped from there. But I could not find him. after about an hour of searching through the basement thinking that he may have crawled out from under the gap at the bottom of the door, I went and sat back in my La-Z-Boy and tried to watch TV again until maybe it would fly across the room again.. then I heard some mild clanging. It turned out that that that had flown into our small wastebasket in the downstairs powder room. There was nothing in that can except the bat. I put my butterfly net over the top of the opening.. then I put my slippers on and walked the can with the net over it outside, I laid the can on its side and the bat walked out and flu away.
I watched a video of how they get in your house. I think they are getting into my attic through the breather space above the gutters, and they are finding their way to a pipe Galley it goes from the basement up into the attic in through the roof for the bathroom and kitchen plumbing/ vent pipes..
I did some research when I caught the first that a couple weeks ago. They said in that research article that in Canada, millions of homeowners have bats between the walls of their houses without realizing it. They are harmless, but many people have them living in the walls where they hibernate over the winter. I have a drop ceiling in my finished Game room basement covering the ductwork and all of the plumbing, I don’t mind if they live in the wall, I just don’t like their visits into the basement. I’m gonna have to find a way to block that entrance that they have from the attic to the basement and block it..


Maybe the fungus that gives you histoplasmosis comes from insects, basically mosquitoes.
If it's found all over the place in soil but the possibility of it being in bat guano is higher.
Then it could be from mosquitoes that they eat. Mosquitoes are all over the place, for like forever all over the place.
Mosquitoes dying all over the place from old age and other whatnot could be the real culprit.


This "Hollywood Doctors" act like high schoolers in biology class.
