Living with Stroke Survivor Stories – Emotional Issues

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Mood changes and emotional challenges after a stroke are profiled.
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I have a preteen stroke lost my peripheral vision. That was in 1980 when the mental aspects of a stroke weren’t really looked at. I was even sent to Mayo Clinic etc. life went on, however 44 years later the trauma has surfaced and now causing severe depression, anxiety ( which I’ve had since the stroke) but when I even think about the stroke I get emotional, crying, breaking down. I’m seeking help, but lost my job, due to performance issues, attendance. It’s all caught up with me.


My brother suffered a stroke some 3 weeks ago, his right side is paralyzed, stories like these give me hope that my brother will be well again, he will fight this with our support, thank you for sharing.


I’m going on 25 months post stroke and I love survivor stories I rehab every day


I had a stroke 2017..left my left side weak. was in hospital 3 weeks..but I regain abt 70%. wear a brace in my shoe..don't give up..shortly you can improve..stay positive.


I had stroke 2 years ago. I’m still affected by it.


As an artist who survived a stroke, I feel frustrated with losing function of my left hand. I was left handed all my life.


My friend's father had a stroke, the guy literally turned into a horrible monster, mood swings, he acted like a brat throwing tantrums to crying like a baby.
The families definitely suffer, because the worst stroke victims literally emotionally drain their family members, it causes a lot of stress and burdens for everyone.


I still can't believe I survived a stroke with no depression..and I had no support from anyone..its only been since December..2020


I’m living with the disability of having suffered stroke glad I found this


I had a stroke on May 15, 2023. My family was not concerned.


I cry everyday from my stroke, it ok, my stroke was 11, 29, 22 I should have died people....


Stroke is the number 3 Cause of death in the United States and the number one cause of disability. I suffered a stroke January 2023


I had a stroke back in 2016, now I'm going on post nine years and hasn't gotten better as of this day, walking with a quad cane with no use of my left hand or arm is bad for me, my stroke affected my left side I miss doing a lot of the things, that I use to do cooking, cleaning and making up my own bed, combing my own hair and making it look pretty, being unable to make it to the bathroom on time is rally nerve recking, I say I just want to be normal again.


I appreciate this video ~~~ my wife just had a stroke two days ago ~~~ and is hard to understand that she's in a different universe because she cannot move anything on the left side of her body ~ and it frustrates her that she cannot sit up or stand up. The toughest part for these 2 - 3 days is that she cannot eat or drink anything, and... that we don't have enough room on the bed for me to hold her... She was talking better today and keeps trying to open her eyes... I am lucky that I have both my children close by to help hold her hand or massage ~~~~ tough situation. I have already two guitars in her room ~ one of my 12 strings and my classical ~~~ the nurses get up and close the door -hahaaa. Cheers from this side ~ debating if want to take my fender strat and lil Marshall Amp : )_~~~ never been thrown out of a hospital...


Great video!!! Keep up the good content 💚♥️💚♥️


I had stroke in September 2013 and my left side is affected


Did you try Dr Tobacheck in Fla at the INR institute


My Mother suffer a stroke on Jan 7 th and is coming how soon trying to see all the information i can so i can help her, Thank you All for your story


I had a stroke sep 26 2021 and life has rapidly gone downhill. Miserable I'm only44


Stroke 11 days ago and I am paralyzed on my left side
All I can do is lay here in this emergency room hospital bed and fill up an adult they don't have room for me in the regulator part of the hospital. Everytime I try to move so I can stretch and exercise as I was told to do the security guard comes in my room and turned off my television and asked me if that's all I'm going to do all night as watch television so far in my time here
