How to Improvise Solos on Guitar THE HARD WAY

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0:00 Changing your mindset towards soloing
1:27 Your new objective
2:06 Which scales should you learn?
2:34 Major scale modes in the key of G
3:36 How to memorize scale shapes
5:23 Implementing constraints in your practicing
6:03 Don’t be a little bitch and put the work in

You're all a bunch of bitches
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My favorite part about this channel is that you're absolutely hammering in on the fact that this shit is hard, and if you want to be good at guitar, you have to earn it.


If I'm gonna be honest when I first started playing guitar I didn't wanna watch your videos because you liked yelling but now I that I've been playing I understand why and I can see you are the best teacher on YouTube because you have the most in depth knowledge of music itself, thank you for posting guitar master


He is so right. I have played guitar on and off since I was 16 but now that U am 61, I want to kearn guitar correctly now because I want to pkay for the rest of my life no matter how long I have.


Bro, this is actually a useful video. I've been playing a classical guitar for 4 years now and tomorrow, I will get my very first electric, so this is just what i needed. Thank you


The “get a six pack in 1 week” videos of music are annoying


And then proceeds to make a video called "This Hack Lets You Solo Over ANY SONG", two days later


Best guitar teacher out there right now. It always irritated me how guitar players today are so coddled. You’re on the internet how are you scared of learning? I love how you’re harsh on people cause that’s sometimes what people need. Your tactics and info has helped me a lot in my guitar journey 😁


Good vid, savage delivery. After 36 years, I play a solo improvisation gig twice a week. For the first time in my life I feel confident just going for it. I know all the chords, all the modes, many substituions, extensions, and even a couple tricks. It’s all one thing to me now and I rarely think about it any more, I just use my ears and my fingers go where I hear next. If I play a wrong note, I know which note it is instantly and turn it into a new theme, it just took me most of my life to develop my musicality enough to feel comfortable doing so in public.


Honestly your channel feels like the most honest when it comes to actual long term advice, I’m about 6 months into my journey. I’m always trying to “gameify” or introduce fun challenges into my practice time and it’s helped me become more consistent and practicing for longer then I really expect myself too. Thank you for putting out this content, it’s helped more than you know!


i like that his mic peaks everytime he gets stern with us. Really hits home and reminds me of my dad.


Heres whats amazing: check out 5:29. Listen to how melodic and natural and non-repetitive that short solo is ONLY STAYING IN ONE POSITION AND ONLY ON 3 STRINGS. THIS is why we need to learn this. If you can sound this good with those constraints, imagine how good you can sound with the entire fretboard and memorized scale shapes ar your disposal?


But Brandon, what if I’m already 47! 💀


The motivation I needed to pick up the guitar and start playing it properly again. I've been I'm stuck in guitar for more than year and have no idea how escape that. This video will help a lot!!


One thing I found that really helped me thst makes things SOO much easier is just learning your music theory, so what if the Beatles didn’t know it, you aren’t the Beatles!


I'm about to reach my 2 year mark of playing and I already got the major/minor scale fully memorized and just need to get better memorization of the G and B string. Finding your videos about a year ago helped a lot on the best way to learn certain things. The random note generator for learning the fretboard is a literal godsend.


I will admit I didn't get to the end, because although what you say is correct about the modes starting note, you cannot apply those modes to any progression. The progression determines the mode and not what scale pattern you are using. In your example, even though you are physically changing position, you are still playing the same mode all the time because you are emphasizing the notes that fit the mode of the song. I took the time to write this because when I was learning modes at the beginning, I thought the scale you use changes the mode, when in fact you cannot change the mode of a progression (although it can share more than one mode in certain cases). So, yes memorize the a patterns as different ways to play the major scale to match the mode of the progression and not vice-versa.



For real, guitar takes suffering to master and mature through, both physically and mentally, you really have to knuckle down and do the hard stuff to become like those guys you dream of shredding like.

And the beautiful thing is, because of this suffering, it opens up the magic of guitar to ANYONE who believes and commits to it.

Subbed + recomending to EVERY m8 who's learning guitar, I usually recomend books instead because YouTube tutorials are very misleading and condensed to flog eBooks these days.


This is by far the best guitar lesson on improvising solos. This is the way to learn and kick ass. Thank you, Ilm looking forward checking out your future lessons. Peace Out Brandon.


You have changed my guitar playing routines and exercises! You rock man !!


I've learned so much from this guy he's telling the truth. Thank you sir for all your videos and help.
