How To DJ for Beginners: Beat Matching & Mixing | Alison Wonderland (Episode 2.5)

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Episode 2.5 in the Alison Wonderland How To DJ Series, learn how to DJ.

#alisonwonderland #djtutorial #djlesson
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90s DJ here. Frantically searching crates of vinyls for the next track. Back in my day there was no looping. Pure adrenaline rush. Learning a lot from Alice. Thanks 👍


Great lesson, I remember playing a gig one night and the venue owner asked me to let another DJ on the decks to play a few tracks, told me he was a great DJ. When he got on the decks he spent so much time looking for a track that he wasn't paying attention to the track playing coming to the end. I tried to explain to him but he told me he knew what he was doing and didn't need any help. I went to the bar for a drink and waited for the silence. And when the silence came, OMG was he embarrassed. For any young DJ's out there, watch these lessons and learn. Don't be a know it all and don't be cocky, the last thing you want is to be standing there in the silence looking like headless chicken.


Audiotistic 2019 was when you were vibing out to your set and forgot to mix in the next track and i swear thats one of my favorite festival memories ☺️


hey, I'm having a lot of fun watching these tutorials, which is pretty rare. Don't get me wrong- I love any good quality free tutorial ... but making them fun to watch as well as informative really takes this series to the next level.


Thank you sm for this !!

A few ideas for the next video:
1) How to use effects
2) More in-depth on EQ's
3) Scratching basics
4) Mixing two different genres (maybe rap into dubstep or house?)
5) More on using the loop button to transition or just to add to songs

6) Out of curiosity- How do you go about making a mix? Do you practice what you will play before or just have a list of songs that you like and know well enough to choose from and freestyle from that?


"This is how I stay alive in 2020". God, I need this right now.


How have I spent 10 years listening to great DJ's and not made Alison Wonderland one of my influences? This changes now. She is legendary. A fun DJ to watch perform, and so glad to see she's making these tutorial videos!


Whoever edits these is hilarious. You can tell they have a jokes personality


I'm most struck by your honesty and humility, your fun to watch and that accent doesn't hurt.


First of all, you are such a sweetheart for taking your time out to share your gift. You are one of my favorite artists! Providing that I would have been well enough, I was going to be able to see you at Redrock. My Daughter lives in Denver and like me, a big fan. You remind me of her, she is also a musician, but you are so much alike in the fact that you are so down to earth and just play your music being your authentic selves. If I'm better next year, I'll be there to see you!! Love ya Allison ❤


garth with the pro tips. alison with the yawns and moves. best tag team evar


The fact by this 2.5 episode I began to really understand how it goes… I’m excited to learn more


this video series is something I’ve always wanted 😭 can you talk about using the effects on the Mixer? And how / when to use them?
& maybe cover mixing top 40 songs. Rap music is hard for me to mix cause they don’t stop rapping 😅 lol! Thanks for being awesome. We all luv u🖤
Or discuss going B2B. Idk i have so many questions. Ily


I have listened to your music since you started

Do not stop these videos
Do not give up
Keep them coming regular. Like every two weeks but don’t stop.

That’s what keeps me coming back at least for me. It’s so good when someone as famous as you makes a video and keeps them coming. Awesome👍


I’d love to see a video on how you organize your tracks! This one was great, thank you!!


6:17 me every time I kill a transition. "really fun" lol


4:00 "well that's sh... not good" LMAOOO


You are so incredibly talented and an awesome teacher! Love you Alison!


Thanks for helping me get familiar with a technology I've always wanted to get more into! 💯that flow💯


I found all the answers i was looking for in your videos, djying was just like i’ve expected, now i’m sure i can play in front of a crowd even that i’ve touched the mixer just couple of times, thank you❤️
