Postpartum Anxiety | Self Care for Moms

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Hey mamas! In this video I'm talking about postpartum anxiety and the major significance of self care for us moms. Our mental health is paramount, and without our wellness we can't show up for our family the way we would like. Let's chat self care tips, and starting a routine to be the best mamas we can be.
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In February 2020, my husband and I found out we were expecting what we thought was baby number 3. We are military family and had just move to HI. We were uncertain on how we truly felt about the possibility of having a baby during an uncertain time but we decided to face it on. We’ve done it twice before with our 3 and 1 year old.
Then we found out we were having twins! While Twins sounds like an amazing blessing to many, I felt overwhelmed and uncertain since we were 3000 miles from any friends or family members...
Fast forward 9 months later I had my boys.
Experienced traumatic experience 1 week postpartum with eclampsia and nearly lost my life.
Which brings me back to this video.
I experience intrusive thoughts... not about the well being of my baby but rather thoughts of not being there for my children, death! Was always on my mind.
I would feel a sudden tightness in my throat and chest, heart racing and complete loss of control of my ability to control my thoughts.
My boys are 9 months now and although am not 100%, I find this to be true- that a little bit of self care ( home gardening and evening runs) has helped me get to this point. Thanks for talking about this very important topic and thanks for allowing me to tell my story. If you are going through this, it gets better!


I didn't know this was PPA. Once I was home alone with the baby and the baby will not take his daytime nap. I was recovering from csection with no help from anyone and I just cried. Cried like a helpless cry. He is now 3 months and he still doesn't sleep in the daytime. But I now learned to deal with it. I also have trouble sleeping at night ( hence why I'm typing this at 3am!) I know I am not alone in this. First video on YouTube on PP that I can actually relate to.


The part were breastfeeding isnt easy. And yes isolation and loneliness!! So true.


This was so on point ! Grateful for
This video this morning, helps to not feel so alone when struggling with all these things. The hardest part as you said is the mental health piece, or more so balancing my mental health while trying to be the best mom I can be to my daughter! Which is hard to do when you feel depleted . Thanks so much your amazing ❤


I wish there was a way to prepare moms for this...a lot of us don't talk about as we should so we can help each other....after i been talkin about it...i found out how many moms have or had this and they gave me tips and it made me feel better that i was not alone in for this video..💚🙌


having my child outisde of my belly in this strange world. Also being a mom of a black son in America


I had such a good massage once I went from having a panic attack before the appointment to being so comfortable I had no thoughts. I was only in the present. I highly recommend a good massage.


My daughter didn't sleep either and the Phantom cries drove me nuts once she began to nap regularly. I already have generalized anxiety my whole life so I was used to noticing when I was behaving anxiously and my husband was great at pointing it out and helping. Thanks for this.


Thank you for this video. It helped me to gain perspective about how intensely challenging this new experience is as a mother, and how important it is to self love and self care to keep strong.


It’s 1:19 am and I am praying and crying over my kids. I feel so drained from the worry. It comes up in my dreams . I can see my babies blue and cold . The same dream over and over . I’m so tired .


Thank you for this ❤ Self care has been on the back burner; stay at home mom of 3. (3 year old, 1year old, & newborn )


I agree how lonely and isolating motherhood can be. Also not having much time for yourself in the beginning.


Loved this video. Thank you so much for sharing! I struggled with PPD and PPA for the first year. Pretty much most things were unexpected. Healing physically, the difficulty of breastfeeding, the insane lack of sleep. I was caught off guard and it took a long time for me to find balance. My first child is 2 now and I just had my second, so I'm trying to find that balance again.


I’m gonna commit to taking a bath and doing a better job with taking care of myself


Thank you for sharing! You're beautiful inside and out! It really helps to know other people are experiencing these things too. The thing that surprises me the most about being a mom is how fast he grows even though sometimes days/nights can seem long sometimes. Now I miss the newborn phase.


Good video
I meditate every day and almost every night. While pregnant I used to put on a guided meditation videos to help me relax. Now I will find the time to go to the hair salon and get a haircut and new hairstyle.... I am donating my hair to children with cancer and I want to have this new change with motherhood to start with my look...
This will create a visual change in my mind that will coordinate with the change my body went through... it's like a way for me to put both in the same page.


Balance & calm.
Seriously im suffering its hard


Thank you so much for making this video


Also why is this not something doctors or other moms talk about?


Girl you look so gorgeous. I love hearing you speak. New subscriber!!
