Postpartum anxiety, the little cousin of postpartum depression | Royale Dá | TEDxABQWomen

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This video made me cry. I have always been super chill and had rarely ever had anxiety ever until my wife got pregnant. And for over 2 years I’ve been suffering from anxiety and intrusive thoughts about my son and other people’s kids. I never understood how amazing these little children are until I had one of my own. I felt like is there anyone else out there going thru this psychosis? I still have work to do, but therapy was a massive help. Just the first time someone asked me, “So what’s been going on?” it was like I took the deepest breath and talked for 10 minutes straight at least on an intro call. There is also a book called The Power of Now that I started reading, and it is life-changing. It teaches you that you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are from your ego, which is fragile and always under attack, but your actual self is the being that is living inside of this human existence. I stopped going to therapy, and I feel like I’ve been regressing, so I will be going back. Therapy every 2 weeks, journaling, meditation, a good night’s sleep, The Power of Now, and watching videos like this are the things that have helped me. Much love to all the parents out there doing their best every day 🫶.


My husband is divorcing me because he couldn’t handle all the stress of the before and after postpartum depression. Is really sad how many people don’t get it.


I am watching this & I am crying, I have been wondering what the heck was wrong with me for months. I didnt understand what was going on, thank you for sharing this.


I am a stay at home dad with my wife..Lets please don't forget that dads too suffer from it - it comes in different forms. It takes its toll on a family. But we need to educate people what may occur after birth and what the tools there exists that we can use to cope and get through the tough first few years of bringing up our little miracles. men tend to become irritable and easily frustrated and angry.. This in turn does not help out mothers and actually makes the situation worse. Some men just withdraw and are not involved at all and can also be a form of ppd. Spread the word and start the conversations.


Thank you for talking about this im going through postpartum anxiety right now! I have a 4 month old son and my fears are through the roof with intrusive thoughts and anxiety


This is me. Every single word. I don't recognize myself anymore. This is not who I am. Yet somehow I've become this person 😢 my son is 5 and I still have intrusivw thoughts


I really needed to hear this .... I wish this can be advocated in Nigeria


Thanks for sharing this! I’m going through this right now. Docs and people seem to ask the wrong questions pertaining to PPD “are you having thoughts of harming yourself or your child?” - NO, I’m not. So that must mean I don’t have PPD, but I’m terrified in other ways and have this anxiety! It’s PPA! Makes perfect sense.


It makes me so sad watching this. I have a two month old and I am constantly in a state of panic about him. I know he’s fine and I’m honestly starting to drive people around me nuts because of it but it’s so so hard to deal with.


I met Royale in person back in 2019 when my school was visiting KOAT news station in Albuquerque. She is so sweet and nice


6 months postpartum and I’m suffering with anxiety. Worst feeling ever! I went to my doctor he prescribed me Lexapro. I really don’t want to take it because of the side effects so I try control it but know I feel confused like if everything is all a dream. Ill definitely look for help because I want my life back.! Thank you for the video it made me feel better knowing I’m not the only one suffering from this.


Thank you for sharing this. By my son’s first month I thought I was in the clear and I was good. Yet I had those exact thoughts creeping into my head little by little. Here I am now, almost 4 months postpartum and coping through postpartum anxiety. Thank you for sharing this. Making small changes one day at a time.


Talk about it? Talk to whom? No one in our society really thinks it is a thing as all our mothers and grandmothers have gone through all of this without saying a word


I've just found out this is what I have and been struggling with. I felt exactly the same when I found the problem I had has a name, it makes you feel like you're not alone. Luckily I feel like I'm on the other side of it now, some days I still struggle a little but my mind is easier to snap out of the thought process or that dark pathway. I can't say there was anything that made it better but just stop closing off to things my brain was telling me was a danger and the more I seen they werent dangers, the easier it got.
I remember the day I told my husband the most irrational fear I had and he tried to make me feel better. I ended up at the doctors and they said I had an illness phobia. I left feeling maybe I do but why? Only months previous I didn't and I started questioning if all this time I had and it had been building up. Then the other night I was scrolling through the short reels on YouTube and a video popped up called 'I'm scared of my own body' where she described things I had been going through and gave it a name 'postnatal anxiety' I couldn't believe it... all this time I finally found the name to my problem. I finally found that this isn't me, this is an illness. It had been killing me for so long.
I can't advise on how to fix it, I'm sure everyone's idea of fixing it will be different. The things that helped me: Talking, not giving up and try to live normal and not let those fears control your day to day. As you go on you will see these are not real fears and they will fade like you're ticking them off the list "didn't die from whatever was playing in my head" ✔️ each day goes by doing those repeated things will hopefully show you that it's a positive not a negative situation. Try to get in a good routine but don't let your head control you. I hope you all stop suffering very soon because I know what it feels like and I think it's still not spoken about enough or the definitions of it are not clear enough to be diagnosed and it can go unnoticed and wreck your life, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and finding life pointless or not wanting to live like that.
Life isn't pointless, it will stop just please keep going and be strong enough to live the worry your head is creating. You will be ok


I have been struggling with anxiety for months. I’ve been to the E.R so many times & I feel that they just think I’m crazy. What you explained is exactly the type of thoughts I have about my daughter and husband and it’s exhausting. Thank you for talking about this I’m definitely going to talk to my doctor about this because I really need help.


I really needed this...thank you so much.


This really made me feel so seen, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for a long time now, after having my son these are definitely thoughts that have crossed my mind too🥹 thank you for sharing !


I have all these exact same fears... I thought I was alone & crazy. I finally pushed my anxiety & fears to the back of my mind, in mid anxiety attack I was on the phone w my dr. I pushed thru & I finally have an appointment. I can’t handle feeling like this anymore. I’m not even mid way thru & it’s like you’re telling my life story..


I wish more moms would listen to this. I can’t believe it only has 4.2 k views.. 90 likes. It should have so much more.


Omg😢 I am tearing up rn, I can relate to this much!!!!
