10 Mistakes NEW Video Editors Make (Video Editing for Beginners!)

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Here’s 10 mistakes NEW Video Editors make when starting out, and how to easily avoid them! (Video Editing for Beginners)

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-- 10 Mistakes NEW Video Editors Make (Video Editing for Beginners!) --

Video Editing can be confusing as a beginner video editor, and it’s easy to fall into mistakes and bad habits…

First up - believe me when I say, WE’VE ALL BEEN THERE! But unfortunately, some of those little bad habits can cost you a TON of time, and kill the quality of your videos!

While video editing can be one of the most daunting aspects of the video creation process, the good news is that, with some simple tips, tricks, and an understanding of the key fundamentals of editing a video, it can become one of the MOST rewarding parts of your creative process and be instrumental in amplifying your business and brand online!

In this video I’ll be going through the top 10 mistakes all beginner video editors make, and how you can avoid them! I’ll also be sharing the tips you should know to avoid the headaches and help kick-start your journey to becoming a Video Editing wizard!

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1. not thinking about what you’ll have to edit, during the filming process.
2. no plan before editing
3. not having a process
4. file management/organization
5. knowing keyboard shortcuts
6. choosing the right music
7. over-editing (e.g., too many cuts, transitions, effects, etc.)
8. save key editing points in timeline.
9. best software is most efficient for you
10. take notes while filming, move on when you’re pleased with the last take


I think one of my earliest mistakes was keeping too much footage in the final video.

I felt like I didn't want to "waste" footage. But really it just made the videos longer than they needed to be.


As an Emmy award editor for over 50 yrs i need to comment on a few things:
(1) 90% of edits are cuts and dissolves, special effects are normally used for. "Bumpers" however good special effects are never even noticed.
(2) consistency in dissolves. Rbey should be standard like 1 sec dissolves between scenes and 3 seconds to black or up from black
(3) dont confuse post production with pre_production or production itself. Before you get into editing, there needs to be a clear understanding on how the final product should look. Dont wait to get to editing to create the piece.
(4) editing is technical as is shooting. Typically a creative person does not understand the technical process, that's why there is a director. A director makes all creative decisions.
I NEVER edit without a director present. I am not assuming the responsibility of the creative process, yet on the other hand a director should NEVER tell me how to do my job or what equipment to use. There needs to be a symbiotic relationship between the two.
Finally a good editor makes the scenes seamlessly flow together and editor shoild not make creative decisions unless you are a technically competent director
I started in 1960 by edit actually cutting video tape, man has times changed


The biggest timesaver is to actually have a PC that has sufficient spec to edit videos.


To the person reading this, It is my hope that you become really successful on YouTube.


A common error on YouTube, that even those who has been here for years, is not considering audio balance. They just record their voice on default settings, throw it in the clip, and throw in music and other clips at their default values. Then every viewer has to be the audio mixer while watching live, changing the volume over the course of the video.


Great video Justin. Working from right to left is something I've been doing for a couple of years now and it saves me a lot of time! For most of my videos I just talk freestyle (no script) and I move on to the next part once I'm happy with what I said (and how I said it). That means that the last take is always the one I want to keep. So instead of going through 8 takes I just grab the last one.

In the rare occasion that my last take is not the best, I normally leave myself a message after the take saying something like "no, this isn't it. The third take was actually way better". That lets me know during the edit that I have to scroll back and grab that third take.

I do need to pay more attention to the story though. It has happened that I'm in the middle of an edit when I realize that I skipped an essential part of the information, meaning that I have to go back to the studio to shoot the additional footage. Don't let that happen to you because it just takes up a lot of precious time! Having something like a little checklist will prevent that from happening.

And I used to make the mistake of adding things like color grading and audio adjustments in the beginning. It slowed down my computer so much which made the editing process a living nightmare. Now I do all of the editing first and the last steps are color grading and adjusting the audio.


Love all the tips. Just started my own channel . I use my cell phone & KineMaster. So I can do all editing on my phone at anytime. Nothing fancy.


I love the “ruler” at the bottom and your examples of over-editing!! Spot on ideas!! TFS!!


Probably the single best video on the editing process that I've ever seen! And, I'm not a newbie and have been creating video and editing for 10 years, but the way you boil the process down to steps (my favorite is the #2 having a plan) is brilliant


I'm guilty of over-editing and not taking notes. After applying these tips, I'll probably be able to upload twice a week again. Thanks a gazillion!


I'm new to video editing. I am very surprised to find out that I have already been following your advice. Number 10 was very helpful, had not thought of that one. Thanks.


Just watched this video and will be showing it to my intro to video production class tomorrow, this is an amazing video for beginners!!


Who here's been editing for several years and just watching this to bring back memories of your first mistakes?


I'm a beginner, from knowing nothing about video editing, I started learning through video tutorials. Now that I know the basics, I am watching videos like this. And this has been a very insightful video. Thank you! I subscribed! 😊


I started editing my videos backwards and it has saved me tons of time! Thanks Justin 🙌


Exceptional Video Bro! All things I've had to learn from my own mistakes & inefficiency over time


I feel like the process comes after enough time editing. You get me. You learn from your mistakes, and those mistakes dune tune the process, till you get a process you are generally happy with.


You ladies are so blessed to have such a great Dad, & he loves helping you two, & it shows! After it's finished, maybe your parents s/b the 1st ppl to vacay there - free, of course!


Love the graphic at the bottom. Other channels could really learn something from you
