Which Insurances Do You REALLY Need In Germany?

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In the German land of insurance, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the number of insurances that exist. We differentiate the must-have and mandatory insurance policies from the nice-to-haves and describe when they could be helpful.

✍️ Written Guide On Insurance In Germany [Must-Haves For Expats]

🔥 Feather Insurances

🔥 Getsafe Insurances
With our special Getsafe code SIMPLEGERMANY15, you even get a 15 euros discount.

🔥 Hepster Bike Insurance (Getsafe discontinued their Bike Insurance)

🔥 Ottonova Health Insurances

🔥 Tarifcheck Car Insurance:

🔥 Allianz Travel Insurance:

🔥 Adam Riese Accident Insurance:

📣 The links above marked with a 🔥 are affiliate links. When you click on the links of products we mention and purchase them we will receive a small commission. It will not make any difference to you in price, however, it allows us to keep Simple Germany alive and striving.

Understand The Popular Private Liability Insurance In Germany

How to get car insurance in Germany - Step-by-Step Guide

⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction
00:44 - Health Insurance
02:20 - Private Liability Insurance
03:23 - Car Liability Insurance
04:25 - Dog Insurance
05:55 - Travel Insurance
07:15 - How to decide which insurance you should get
07:52 - Home Contents Insurance
08:45 - Bike Theft Insurance
09:32 - Legal Insurance
10:50 - Dental Insurance
12:25 - Accident Insurance
14:17 - Disability / Job Insurance
16:02 - Life Insurance

📺 Subscribe to our channel if you want more information on life in Germany as an expat:

We know how frustrating and painful it might be to move to a new country, especially if you don't fully speak the language. That's why we created Simple Germany.

Simple Germany provides tips & information in English about living in Germany as an expat. We talk about services that are friendly and easy to use to beat German bureaucracy. We also cover the cultural aspects of living in Germany. All of this brought to you from the eyes of an expat and a German duo. We want to help you settle in Germany more smoothly.🍻

🍿 Visit our website for more in-depth information on life in Germany:

☕️ 💜 If this video was helpful to you, and saved you time of research, please consider buying us a coffee as a small donation.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you. You cast light on many other insurance things, which I would have never thought about. Keep up doing this great work, your channel and web-site are really useful.


I am moving to Germany in a few weeks and I have learned much from your videos. I love how organized and to the point your content is. I just wanted you to know what a big help your videos have been to me.
Thank you both!! You are amazing ❤️


Thank you again Jen and Yvonne! really, your channel helps people like me a lot! I visit your channel from time to time, but more often when I have questions about stuff here in Germany. Thank you and happy Holidays!


You’re my favorite new couple on YouTube. Love your simplicity and decency


Ladies this was a great, correct and very informaty video! Well done. And yes, get the Hausratversicherung. It's worth the money!


Great video! So much useful information for our upcomming move to Dusseldorf. Lo aprecio mucho!


Hey guys, this is really a good video! Thanks for making!


This is an incredible video. Thank you ❤❤


I'm from Trinidad and Tobago and I started watching your videos a year ago when I was preparing to move to Freiburg for studies. I really appreciate the information you guys put together. Was hoping you would've mentioned glasses insurance though 🤓😅


Your videos are gems💎Thank you so much for providing this!

Inshallah, I will be in German in Oct 2024 and I have decided to purchase these 6 insurances which I think will be important for me:

1. Health insurance (mandatory).
2. Personal liability insurance.
3. Home contents insurance.
4. Legal insurance.
5. Accident insurance.
6. Bicycle insurance (will try to get it with Home contents insurance).


i came across your channel today and today itself got myself a liability insurance which i have been putting off for 5 years due to no information or fearing the research work about it. Thank you!


Thank you for yet another super useful video! Love the new studio, and the sound is great ;)
Maybe a tip - do compare health insurances on check24 or something, I also opted for TK when I just arrived to Germany (was told it's the one everyone gets), but compared the companies later and realized there are other companies, that offer more and... cost less! Saved 10Eur a months (hello Disney+ :D) and get my teeth cleaning partially covered, too!


Really interesting video, even as a German to compare the prices. What I'm missing is the fact that many of these insurances come in packages and options for wealth-creation. Meaning that if you do not need the insurance, you will get at least the money you paid all the years back. It's like they are managing your money investing in stock market. One example could be BU + retirement + life insurance, so either you could get pension after 6 months not being able to work or additional retirement or your family will get the money.


Thank you for this very informative video <3


I enjoyed the video and I saved it too. Been living in Germany for 8 years now with no insurance except the public health insurance, i didn't even know all these insurances existed 🤦🏽‍♀️ thanks once again


Please make a video in ''Duales Studium''. Discuss all details and all requirements for foreign students.


It's really important to have the BU (disability insurance) as young as possible, bc they really can deny you their service based on your medical history. For me as a person with lots of therapy and some mental health diagnoses I could still get a BU but they wouldn't cover in any case of mental illness.


It’s turning out to be tough to get a software engineer job in Deutschland from the US. Even with a disability! I was asked for a Schwerbehindertenausweis!


Feather also offers dental insurance btw :)


Hi, is it possible to get both public healthcare insurance and private? Reason I asked is because I have pre-existing condition and I want whatever is not covered by public insurance to be covered by private.
