Kamala Harris Unveils SURPRISING Economic Policy Proposal

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"RALEIGH, N.C. — Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday unveiled an aggressively populist economic agenda to an enthusiastic but intimate crowd, providing the most detailed vision yet of her governing priorities since becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

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In a pivot from the raucous rallies that have so far defined Harris’s month-old campaign, the vice president instead opted for a smaller setting of about 250 supporters that allowed her to explain a number of economic policies aimed at “lowering costs for American families.” The event seemed to signal a new phase in Harris’s campaign, one where she will not only hold rallies with thousands of people but also"


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We give billions upon billions to the military industrial complex. There should be no reason why the same tax dollars we help to fund those wars can't go back into our pockets.


They're very popular policies among economically illiterate people.

Price controls lead to shortages. There isn't a single country where it's been tried it where this hasn't happened.

You want to know why food costs so much? Same reason everything costs so much. Extended COVID lockdowns and restrictions reduced supply, and the injection of a ton of cash into the economy increased demand.

Inflation likely COULD have been transitory--a blip--had the following happened:

1) reopen in summer 2020. You could still enforce precautions, and restrict international travel, but do what Florida did.

2) refill the Paycheck Protection Program with unspent COVID money. When the PPP had run dry, that's exactly what Republicans argued to do. There was nearly $800b in COVID money already appropriated that no one was using because estimates of who would need what, and when, were off. So why not just reallocate that money? The Democrats wouldn't hear of it. They wanted new spending. $484b worth (only $310b of which went to the PPP). No new spending, no more PPP.

3) no more COVID stimulus in late 2020. This is on Trump. He should have shut down the government before spending another penny on enabling COVID restrictions and lockdowns.

4) no America Rescue Plan. If the mostly Democrat run states and cities had reopened when the initial wave was over (summer 2020), there would have been no justification to appropriate another $1.2t in early 2021. The ARP enabled Democrat states and cities to remain shuttered--they were being paid to stay closed and produce little during 2021..

5) no Inflation Reduction Act. That act supercharged the already out of control inflation, and it did nothing to reduce inflation. It was just money for "green" projects and Democrat pork.

Adjusted for age demographics, Florida's COVID outcomes were no worse than California's.

Now. What do you think will happen if you give first time homebuyers a $25, 000 subsidy? Home prices will increase. Most home sales are pre-owned. You're basically creating a seller's market. I can now list my home for $25, 000 more than I would have. I might not get that much more, but I'll get more. So you're going to inflate home prices.

Unless you up supply. Which means new homes. Which means builders who need loans. In a high interest environment. Are tax credits going to offset the 400% increase in the cost of borrowing?

Child tax credits? While I agree with them in principle, the way they're done is wasteful. They tax me the full amount, then hand me back some of my money, minus a costly processing fee. "Baby checks" only exist because the government was concerned that the usually sole breadwinner (dad) wasn't going to take care of his kids. They took money from dad and wrote mom a check to make sure there were diapers and onesies. It wasn't to incentivize having babies. If it was, they'd have just given dad a bigger tax deduction.

So why not just do that? Just increase the upfront deduction for dependent children. Take less of my money in the first place.

And of course, all of this is going to cost more money than taxes can cover. Which means more government borrowing, and increasing the money supply. Which is the definition of inflation.


Working class money just keeps going to billionaires and bums


You're wrong. She's absolutely talking about price control. Her father was a professor of Marxist economics and he was teaching that Marxist economics is a good thing, everyone was just doing it wrong. Locking people up and using them as slave labor would be another flag as to where her policies will be taking us.


Ehhhh, idk…guys, I think I like Trump’s Economic plan ‘showing us Tic-Tics’, better.
I mean, Kamala Harris didn’t even have any candy at all.


Also, yes, she did steal trumps idea of no tax on tips.


Yeah, sure, like she's really going to do any of that. She's Lucy with the football, and you're Charlie Brown.




How about raising Social Security’s minimum payments to at least poverty level and making it livable? Get rid of the taxes on Social Security and eliminate the punitive Medicare charges? Seniors need help as much as children if not more so.


I think Walz is behind the political strategy of these proposals. He used the same technique in Minnesota when advocating for popular issues: make the other side oppose popular ideas.


The title is correct. It is SURPRISING. It's like nobody on her team consulted an economist. Any decent economist would've told her price control doesn't work. There are countless studies on this, and they ALL say it doesn't work. It'll lead to shortage. Does she think Americans loved it when stores were out of toilet papers? Wait until all essential items like eggs, milk, bread, meat are out of stock.


Damn you guys get a lot of bots in your comments, it's kind of sad


Why not tax the Mega churches! But that’s a NoNo 🧐🥴


Trump Policy Big Tic Tac and Little Tic Tac😂


The best things is that trump is the loudest voice calling all these policy points "socialism" and "communism" and right now a solid 2/3 of the country think trump has completely lost his mind 😂 So keep railing against it trump! 👏🏻🤣


Just what we need- more government spending to increase our debt!


Imagine running on a platform to fix problems you helped create


I’m not eligible for Medicare. You guys need to do your homework. One of those 10 drugs that can be negotiated is Entresto (which is for the heart) I was paying about $600 a month for that drug under Trump. Under Joe Biden that SAME drug costs me $10 a month. That’s a HUGE savings for me that puts extra money in my pocket.


This woman has no concept of anything shes reading off her teleprompter. Also shes been VP for 4 years and did NOTHING. FFS.


Bernie "socialist" Sanders approved of her "plan" and that should tell the sane people all they need to know about her
