The SYMBIOTE (Or parasite if you're a nerd) From The Cave Explained | How Closed Evolution Works

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First things first, this looks like this because Sony was CONVINCED I was uploading Charles Angels: Full Throttle no matter what I did. Hopefully this doesn't look too crappy but anyhow, In a cave system in Romania, there is unfortunately no 9'6 vampire woman chasing you around. Instead its an infection that should it get into your blood stream, it will immediately begin to alter your body in terrible ways! So in todays episode, lets discuss that!

Thank you for watching Roanoke Gaming and I hope you enjoy The SYMBIOTE (Or parasite if you're a nerd) From The Cave Explained | How Closed Evolution Works


Charlies Angels: Cave monster edition!: 00:00
Yo can someone please tell Sony to suck a railroad spike, and also this system of identifying is absolutely asinine as this is clearly not charlies angels lmfao: 1:06
I can LITERALLY PROVE its not charlies angels, I dont remember Lucy Liu having wings and begin a calloused monster capable of ripping men apar-wait a minute: 17:32
Thanks for watching guys!: 36:34
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I found it interesting how this movie implies that these mutated monsters are the root for human beliefs in demons. That monastery had a mural depicting the mutants attacking people if i am remembering correctly. So at some point the cave parasite was able to infect people and leave the cave to hunt on the surface. Also interesting was the monastery being built over the cave entrance and the presence of dead men in armor within the cave monsters nesting area. This, as well as there being no more monsters until modern humans reentered the cave, implies that some zealous as heck holy knights not only entered the cave to confront the monsters but that they were victorious. The church was probably built to keep the parasite contained until memory of what actually happened faded. Pretty hardcore.


My favorite part of the video is when Roanoke yelled "It's Morben time!" And we watch that guy Morb all over the place


My Grandmother told me a story that when she was a girl she was on a cave tour. The tour guide was a bit drunk and was pointing out the Stalactites and Stalagmites and how the water dripping will make one then drip down and make the other. Someone in the tour group asked what are they called when the two come together. The guide took a moment and said a "Mighty Tight."


I always wanted to see a prequel or sequel to this film.
Either a bunch of knights trying to fight these creatures off and realizing there's nothing they could do but seal the passage off
Or a post apocalyptic event where survivors try to fight off these creatures hunting them day and night.

Really, either one would make for a decent film.


I don't understand the beef between different paths of microbiology, but I guess it's just a thing you understand only when you're part of that job


Something not enough people acknowledge in these types of creatures and their skeletons is the swollen or overly bulbous joints, often looking like severe arthritis. While the irl explanation is it makes it look more disease ridden and scarier, it could also explain the increased strength by lengthening the moment-arm at the joint. Basically allowing the muscle to pull from a higher point and increasing the leverage.

Doubt you'll see this Roanoke, but it's something I've been dying to point out that no ever acknowledges in these creature flicks.


the "it wants out" line is probably more anthropomorphizing than the symbiote actually giving two shits about where it is. she wanted to get out of the cave, so her brain things she would want to leave the cave, but the "monsters" live there, it's their home, they are comfortable in the cave.


I think it's more probable that the symbiote's desire to get to the surface was triggered by it's host (humans) since it's our preferred biome. Since, as you said, all it's other hosts probably COULD get to the surface if they really tried but didn't, the symbiote may have not had any desire until it acquired a creature that actually prefers living above ground.


6:50 It tickles me to no end that Roanoke is still throwing shade at Amy after all this time, got a good chuckle out of that lol


I never took the "it wants out of the cave" line to imply that it actually was a thinking thing. I always thought she meant it in a more figurative way like saying "That car just wants to go fast".


Dude I just realized I've been actively watching this channel for like, at least 3-4 years. Roanoke, my man, I know it may seem strange but watching your videos on marathon kept me sane through some of my darkest times, love ya my man, truthfully a shining, geeky, hella intelligent light in the darkness for me


What if the mind is not lost during infection? The reason the cave monsters might have became that way is due to isolation. The doctor at the end is just crazy because ego.


Ah Yes, a video about a movie I vaguely remember enjoying as a child.
Thank you for yet another knowledge inducing dive into nostalgia Doctor man!


Whenever I see parasites that incorporate traits from previous hosts, it always makes me wonder: what if it accidentally takes the wrong traits??

Eg the gills of the eel, the intelligence of the rats, the sight of the humans. Whatever poor abomination crawls out of that cave will curse the evolution gods for rolling natural-1s on its evolutionary dice! 😆


8:45 Humans can feel dampness and moisture through breathing, and wet environments do have a different scent than dry ones, thats probably what was implied there

(I myself can tell when water is near by smelling the air, and thats probably only easier assuming saltwater)


Yeah I do love when movies imply or even out right say that we'll have to learn to live with whatever monster(s) from the movie, when in reality we could easily turn its entire species into a fossil record


I would love to see a video where you go through to explain the plot, adversaries, and monsters in the game _The Forest_ some time. Between the various cantiballs, cowmen, armsies, creepy babies, and sausage monsters, there's more than enough interesting details to get through. Plus, it would have huge interest when the sequel, _Sons of the Forest_, drops


i love the little detail of recording the voiceover in an actual cave for extra immersion


0:43 If there's one thing I will never forget it's that a good number of folk tales, myths, and legends typically have some reason to exist as an explanation for something. And if the folk tale is "A bunch of guys fought monsters and sealed them away in here" then I'm gonna take that with a grain of salt and caution. You never know when the myths or legends turn out to be true, and in movies they tend to have a VERY BAD habit of being completely true or understatements.


While obviously intended to be taken as the thing is now conscious thru humans in the movie, the fact she says the thing "wanted out" doesn't necessarily mean that it was planning and conscious if looked at in a different way. Considering the thing starts morphing anatomy to the conditions of the cave, it could simply be that the woman's body is being changed, but differently, and that the conditions outside the cave are more beneficial to the symbiosis (perhaps even changing how it ended up morphing her, as the conditions involved in the cave aren't causing it to need to change as much to the bat form, possibly due to more food/warmth/light.)

Her interpretations of said changes then could be, that the thing wanted the current environment, and not the old, as the changes are rewarding her (thru pleasure or thru changes in her feelings of "wants" such as maybe warmth, or drier environments, or even light.) In her current "not fully functioning right mentally" state, she could interpret the things "wanting out of the cave environment" from just what she's getting positive feedback from (avoiding cold and moist areas, low lighting, and more wanting to be around large amounts of "potential hosts" thru things like smell or sound cues.) If every time she's in different conditions that she interprets as the "cave" she's being un-rewarded with some pleasure or drive to remain there, it'd make sense that its less the parasite gaining sentience thru her, and more it just changing the hosts needs and wants to suit it and her just thinking it is taking full control (though technically i suppose it still is, just more carrot and the stick then turning into carpenters the thing).

I guess that mouse seeking out cats and open areas thing would be fairly similar as a concept. The mouse's senses and thought processes are changed, but its still mostly just a mouse with an infection, not an infection in the shape of a mouse.)
