The Wild West of Facebook

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00:00 the current state of facebook
06:30 staged fake videos
11:11 make a wish!
11:20 zac efron
15:30 whats yuour favorite aminal?
16:40 facebook groups are a mess
19:30 scams
25:45 conclusoin

tags: #facebook
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One time I heard my grandma on the phone going, "How dare you try to scam an old lady you should be ashamed of yourself, " and hung up. I was so proud.


Not only has he been gone 3 years and she's pregnant, he's in the Navy and wears a Marine Corps uniform.


4:56 I think I know what’s going on in that one clipped video. He is making some kind of wine or alcohol. He puts the boots in the wok to sanitize them so he can use them to crush whatever fruit he had there. Then he takes that fruit pulp and places stones on top to squeeze the juice out of them. Then he assembles those clay vessels into what looks like a distillery which is used to separate alcohol from a liquid mixture by its boiling point. Granted it doesn’t show him ever fermenting the juice, but that’s my best guess.


I tried reporting a post on FB that asked for people's social security numbers by saying, "If you had as much money as your social security number, how much would you have?" Three people had commented their full socials. FB 'found no issue' with it. It's a shitshow over there.


I’m so glad Temu decided to bring FarmVille back to life. The modern internet was really missing the ‘Spam all your contacts to grow virtual crops’ that was so prevalent in the early 2000’s


They don't want to talk over the phone. They want your phone number for identity theft.


Love that they got a Marine uniform for the "Navy boyfriend".


I've had 3 separate times where people impersonated a facebook friend - which is part of a scam - and 2 of those times the friend was dead, and when I reported the account facebook is like "since this is about your friend, we'll follow up with them!" like okay I hope your ouija board is ready.


My dad uses FB marketplace a lot and he likes to call people to make sure they're real local people, not bots. A bot can text you but not a lot can conjure up a voice to talk to you. According to him people can also be insufferably dumb to deal with over text


I got SAed. I posted a screenshot of the guy who did it to me to warn others in my area and Facebook put me in jail for 30 days for harassment and bullying. They are a huge joke


The "navy boyfriend" video was hilarious because:
- that sonogram machine was a thermometer
- they would have been married already if it was an actual military couple, ain't no one passing up that free health-care, especially pregnant.
- the too big cover/hat
- the unbuttoned Marine Corps dress uniform for the Navy boyfriend


I love your consistent energy. No yelling. No constant wacky cuts. Just a lot of two cents.


That ultrasound wand is actually a thermometer. I literally use them at work. They didn't even look up what the wand even looks like. Watching him rub that thing over her stomach SENT ME


The current state of FB makes the death of Myspace exponentially more painful


holy shit, that guy at 13:01 he was a regular creep at my cinema and he actually groped an actress and got banned for a year or two at the cinema. He was super creepy to all the under age girls and would message my manager on facebook horrible stuff and the cinema never did anything about it even with multiple complaints from staff about safety. It was one of the many reasons I left the company.


the only thing wrong with the fake videos on facebook is that i'm not making the money that people are making with them :(


Meta has done a piss poor job at managing their sites between the scam bots, pron bots, d-rug bots, animal abuse, child related pages that are disguised as "educational" even though it's fetish stuff


OMG tysm for mentioning the "call me" obsession. I've even seen it listed as a red flag for buyers/sellers if the other party refuses to get on the phone with them. I get this if you're buying something expensive but like you pointed out, it's everything down to an $8 used copy of GTA V that I had clear uploaded pictures of to show it was undamaged. Sir, WHAT MORE DO WE NEED TO SAY!?


To me the worst part about facebook is that you never ever see anything a friend posts, and if you do it was from something multiple days ago, even if you used the app then you would never see the post. Instead they shove "suggested" groups and posts on your feed filled with complete garbage. The entire app is basically unusable, and if it wasn't for the events and friends I message on there I would have gotten rid of the entire thing years ago.


Youtubers intentionally blurring their feet is a gag I will never get tired of.
