Misrepresenting God's Character #calvinism

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Calvinism's Unconditional Election Vs. God's Integrity (Answering TULIP)

Calvinism's doctrine of unconditional election is not only unbiblical and unorthodox, but it also dishonors God and causes men to doubt His Word.
In this video, we look at what is wrong conceptually with unconditional election.

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I read over and over in the Bible of many, many folks, who were minding their business and God took the initiative. E.g. Go to Pharaoh, marry an immoral woman, lie on your side for weeks, cook food over dung, go preach to another ethnicity, fall blind to the ground, cutting sycamores, put down those nets and follow me, etc etc. It was God that took the initiative, not the royal 'me'.


Amen. Calvinists like to think that Paul saying in Romans 9 that God can have mercy on whom he wants to have mercy means there are some he won’t have mercy on. Paul was saying just the opposite. The unbelieving Jews were teaching that God could have mercy on some and not others-the Gentiles. Paul was showing that now that the Gentiles had been included into God’s kingdom, along with the Jews, and they were objecting about it he was saying ‘aren’t you the ones who say God can have mercy on whom he wants?? And if he wants to show mercy to the Gentiles also, are you going to object to God??’

Yes, God can have mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he CLEARLY wants to have mercy on all!!


I would love to know what you believe about what God knew about the future when he created.If you take the orthodox view that God had perfect knowledge of all future events then when the time comes for that event to happen could anything different happen than what God foreknew when he created?Does God have to wait to see what people do in any given situation before he decides how he's going to react and respond, or did he already know what people would do and what he will do?Did God already know when he gives a general command for people to repent that not everyone would, and who those people are who will and won't?


So God would not be just if he wiped us all out and started again.


Thanks for preaching again this stinking heresy!


I really like what you have to say, but honestly, have a hard time listening when you get into 'preacher' mode. I would love to see you remake this video and just speak like a normal person without getting all loud and preachy. That's just manipulative, mind control tactics. Allow people to consider what you have to say, instead of trying to browbeat them into it with volume and emotion.


The Church, clearly has been ordained In Christ, before the foundation of the world ! You are teaching the The Lord came to save the ordained false prophets and this is a total perversion of the Doctrine Of Christ ! You must first learn the first principles of the Doctrine Of Christ if you want to be a teacher or God's Word. For they shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His People from their sins. You are teaching that Christ purchased the ordained false prophets that Jude speaks of, the workers of Satan in the church, who believe in Jesus are following a counterfeit Jesus. You are following the error of the wicked and not abiding in The Doctrine Of Christ !
