We tried jackfruit — the huge tree fruit that supposedly tastes like pulled pork

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Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. It has been called a "miracle" fruit because it provides so many nutrients and calories and is relatively easy and cheap to cultivate.

The fruit tastes like a cross between a pear and pineapple when ripe, but more like a potato when immature. Perhaps the most popular way to eat jackfruit in the US is to cook it for a few hours, at which point it takes on the texture, flavor, and look of pulled pork. We tried the raw fruit alongside some barbecued jackfruit, ordered from Candle Cafe, to see if it lives up to its reputation


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There are two types of jackfruit. one is soft and another is hard. I'm not talking about ripeness. The one you ate was hard jackfruit. The soft kind is very sweet banana-gum flavaoured and soft. If you really wanna eat and know about jackfruit then you should talk to a Bangladesh immigrant because our national fruit is the jackfruit. BTW with the soft kind you can make it into a milkshake. Lastly, one jackfruit does not describe them all. There's mild sweet hard jackfruit, sweet hard jackfruit, mild sweet soft jackfruit and my favourite- sweet soft jackfruit. Mild sweet hard jackfruit was probably used to make the BBQ.


The way they cut it triggers me...
For those who can't relate imagine someone cutting an avocado right through the middle, cutting through the pit.


I ate jackfruit for the first time this morning, and I kid you not, I became energized and clear-minded in a similar way to how I get off of coffee, except I didn't crash or have blood-sugar problems (I'm hypoglycemic). I'm going to eat this fruit every morning from now on so long as my wallet allows for it!


Raw jackfruit tastes like meat..ripe one is so so delicious.We have 3 jackfruit trees and I can't wait for summer.


When you're Muslim and have eaten jackfruit many times "oooh so this is how pork tastes like"


1:25 If you're into Hi-Chews . . . it tastes like a Hi-Chew. The consistency is just different.

This inspired me to write a Hi-Chew haiku

You're into Hi-Chews?
Jackfruit tastes like a Hi-Chew.
So I wrote this haiku.

And here's the same haiku with rhyming commentary.

You're into Hi-Chews? (Good for you.)
Jackfruit tastes like a Hi-Chew. (Who knew?)
So I wrote this haiku. (Woohoo!)


Your cutting method is completely wrong. you just have to cut little bit os the top and peel it of. I know it because in our country it is our national fruit


Jackfruit (kathal) originated in southern India and we use the slightly raw version for savoury amazing tasty dishes and the ripe version as fruit. But as someone who has grown up eating jackfruit since childhood...I would never mistake it for pork.


It tastes nothing like pork or any meat for that matter.


"It almost tastes like finely ground beef or turkey"
Two meats that could not taste any less like each other.


Jackfruit is a national fruit of Bangladesh. As a Bangladeshi u all are invited here in next summer. U can have as much fresh jackfruits as u want. :)


These fruits were like godsent for people in india 50 years ago when the season comes jackfruit was the major source of food.
In our home there are 5 jackfruit trees no maintanance required.
Science has proven that jackfruit can reduce the risk of developing cancer and it can also prevent hiv.
Eating unripe jackfruit is good for diabetic patients.
Its the food of the future.


Try Panruti Jackfruit from South India. It is orange colored fruit taste heaven. Jackfruit is one of the three important fruits in the state of Tamil Nadu other being Banana and Mango. Jackfruit seeds can be boiled or just directly put into the fire and eaten. It is cheap alternative to expensive almonds and nuts . Good snack.


The sweet and best tastings ones should be somewhat slimy and stringy as you pull it apart, once you've eaten some your hands should be sticky with sweetness. If it's not ripe it won't give you the best flavour, which is a shame because it's such an amazing fruit. My favourite for sure.


Dry it. It will be a very sweet fruit chip


I grow up eating this . My mom love to put it on dehydrator and fry it to make a sweet chips . Its very fragrant and sweet .


There are a few varieties, regardless, they all start from "babyhood" when they are vegetable NOT fruit, people. I love them
either way . That can't be said of any other
offering from trees. Jackfruit is considered
a solution to hunger and famine. Enough said of my favorite jackfruit.


I'm from Dominican Republic we have the same fruit, but the way we eated is that we boild the seeds with water and salt for about 45 minutes then you let it seat down till they are warm enough that you can grab them with your hands and peel off the Brown shell or sead's and eat what's inside, taste awesome.


This fruit originally from my state it is known as 'chakka' here, we make wide variety dishes from this fruit. Slice them and fry it, it tastes far better than potato chips.


I loved in Vietnam and ate Jack Fruit all the time. Love it!
