Old vs New - Hornby Dublo Against Hornby - Class 08 Shunters

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For a 1950's/60's tooling where the technology and resources available to manufacturers were very crude and unrefined, they did a brilliant job at capturing the Class 8 for the time. I have several Hornby 8's in my own collection that were all based on the old Tri-ang tooling from the 50's which still lives on to this day in Hornby's Railroad range.


Another fascinating comparison - it really emphasises how much better today's ready-to-run model locomotives have become.


My old dublo 3 rail shunter was tempremental from the start. I got it for my 8th birthday in 1964. It would run then stop and smoke a bit. Put it away and try it a few days later and the same would happen. Its still in my Dublo collection.


Great review Jenny, I'm 70 this year and when I compare myself to my brilliant grandchildren who love the railway as well, its very much the same. I'm a bit rough around the edges not so refined, but the grandkids well their something else and it's my hope they will continue to love modelling as much as I do.


Given the fact that designers now have computers to design models, and cnc operated manufacturing facilities to chum them out, the dublo wins every time for me.


I have one of each of these, and yes, the Hornby version is a better model, but the Dublo one has great charm and robustness (the Dublo one is still 100% complete whereas the cab roof vent fell off the Hornby one within a few days - no spares available). Both run equally well on DCC, but the Dublo one will pull the socks off the Hornby version by a country mile.


in the day the Hornby Dublo model would have compared well with the best of them, barring a scratch build by an experienced modeller. Even the high end such as Basset Lowke struggled to get any detail. Its still fun to see a HD loco run around the 3 rail though. For a more telling copmparison, a Rovex Triang '08' looked nothing like the prototype yet was produced for many years.


Amazing how the details have improved over the years.


Hi Jennifer, great review and nicely put over, good extensive knowledge on Hornby and it’s incarnations of Hornby of long ago. Thumbs Up 👍


There really is something charming about the Dublo one, I think it subconsciously has something to do with old the Railway Series artists using that model for reference on Devious Diesel.

One of these days, I really need to get around to finding an 08 of some kind, though I don't fancy the Tri-ang styled ones - As you said, inside frames, proportions aren't right, etc.


Thanks for that Jenny, the class 8 is my all time favourite diesel, the Ngauge versions are very good for there size, take care the noo .Mac


It is interesting to have a comparison between old and new but isn't it a bit unfair to make it a bit of a competition too? Models back then were mainly aimed at the toy market. They are now aimed at the "realistic" modelling market too. Only being a child back in the 50's and 60's I don't know the whole story but I don't think that the modelling world was so important (or lucrative). The money wasn't around for one thing and people were adjusting to life after the war. Their priorities were more on "real life" with less time and money for the pleasures we enjoy today. For their day they were great models and gave immeasurable pleasure. I used to fire metal rockets at my trains, full of soldiers in the wagons, and they never stopped working. I wonder if I could do the same to today's engines. i rather doubt it as mine often just go wrong by only looking at the track.


A Hornby Dublo 08 still soldiers on in my goods yard. It has slimline couplings and replacement handrails and has been resprayed black. South Eastern flush glazing goes a long way to hiding the motor. For now I will continue to use it but, if Hornby release theirs in black, the HD one will go into well deserved retirement.


would be interesting to listen to a comparrison between the Hornby Dublo 08 to the triang 08, as the modern Hornby company owes much more to to the Rovex derived company than the Meccano one. Of course, we all know the Hornby Dublo one would beat the Triang one hands down.


Very nice comparison! I can't help but think 3 train o matic ads and normal YouTube ads is a bit excessive though!


Jenny the Hornby Dublo 08 has separately fitted front ladders. Yes, they are over scale, but the later Triang-Hornby 08 had mould ladders on the bonnet. So at one time, they went backwards and now under Hornby, they are fantastic models. Have incomes kept pace with the value for money? Now that is a question. What I want to know is what does Cupboard Monkey call you? Martin Dhaka, Bangladesh.)


Well made video as always
Do you plan on doing one for the stephenson's rocket?
Keep safe arp


You are not comparing like with like. The Dublo loco does not claim to be an accurate model, being designed for use with the unrealistic three-rail system. The distinction between a toy and a model is that a toy has life, whereas a model is lifeless.


One thing that is for sure is the Hornby Dublo/Wrenn models will be running long after the modern have failed and fallen apart. The modern models are finely detailed but also fragile sometimes to the extreme. I would take the older more robust models over the modern new any day. On balance of the modern 08's in my opinion the Bachmann model is superior.


I'm thinking to get a new one, dough not sure if the Bachmann or the Hornby is the better (overall).
