Hornby | Who Will Win? - Old vs New featuring Jenny Kirk

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@Jennifer E. Kirk pits the Duchess of Montrose against the City of London in this battle of Old vs New.

How will the two locomotives differ?

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Do the same but swapping the coaches over so the Dublo pulls modern coaches and the modern loco pulls the Dublo coaches, I think the results would be quite different as the Dublo coaches have at least twice as much drag probably more on modern track. I’ve seen a Dublo pull 30 coaches elsewhere.


Now run the modern loco on the Dublo coaches.
My Dublo Denbigh Castle struggles with 5 Dublo coaches, but has managed a 10-coach East Coast liveried InterCity 225 rake before with ease. She just needs converting to DCC now.


That was interesting, looked to be a lot more drag on the older coaches, the old locos are lovely, have a few Wrenn and would never swap them for anything new


Well done Jenny loved the video, and glad to see no loco's were harmed in any way.:-)


Nice test great to see you used Duchess's, my favourite loco. However if the new model was in dcc then surely the power is feed differently so would give it an advantage don't you think 🤔. Well done 🤓 🤓 🏍️ 💙 💙


Can you compare the modern 9f vs the triang Hornby 9f


I demand a rerun as the Doublo was at a disadvantage with the over ballasted part of the track, but it was still entertaining. Martin. (Thailand)


Nice Jenny very nice modells greetings from germany 🙂


Hornby We nead Lady HO scale from thomas and the magic railroad plese plese Hornby


Hi Jenny, You can quite easily run your HD 3-rail on your roof space layout. See Gary Hall's marvellous HD layout:
To justify the appearance of the third rail, you will have to add a 4th rail as well and pretend the line is the Epping and Ongar Railway! 3 rail locos run well on modern track as the above demonstration illustrated. This middle rail is C&L code 75, not PECO IL-1 which is code 60. This centre rail is easy to fit. Slide the chairs into place and glue to the sleepers. The lack of slow speed on that old loco is due to the magnet. You can replace it with a modern neodymium one. Thanks for uploading xxx.


Rule no. 1: never give an engine more than she can haul without being defeated. Making a steamy as powerful as a Duchess haul any more than at least twelve coaches in one go, can easily put the engine's motor under massive stress. At worst, the motor can seize up, spew smoke and sparks and eventually explode. Watch Episode 2 of How to Burn Down your Model Railway from Sam's Trains, and you'll see what I mean. Don't let this stop you having fun, it's everyone's hobby including yours. Just be careful with model steamies that are over 60 years old. I'm sure you don't want to burn your own model railway to a crisp.


Great experiment Jenny. It would be interesting to see if a old triang hornby diesel would out perform a new Hornby diesel. I think we need a old class 37 vs new class 37 as the old triang hornby class 37 has a diecast front bogey to gain extra traction.


I feel that the test was not fair in that both engines should have been run on the same track and each tackled both loads. Some of the dates given by Jennifer is suspect. There was no mention of possible variation of bogie variations on Hornby Dublo stock. I have run Hornby Dublo trains with 25 coaches. The performance of any model locomotive is dependant on the care and maintenance it receives.


Hi I would like hornby to new tooling the 1960s tri-ang hornby E3001/class81 electric locomotives


Love hearing English folk trying to figure out Scottish pronunciation 🙂


This was a completely pointless exercise as the respective coaches are vastly different in both weight and rolling resistance. To add insult to injury you actually suggested that the modern loco had a harder task in running on its marginally smaller radius curves: this would have been more than negated by the deeper flanges on the HD loco so was not a factor. Had you swapped the loads I have no doubt that 'City of London' would have romped away and 'Duchess of Montrose' stood slipping (or 'skidding' as you somewhat curiously call it). It's all about the weight on the driving wheels and in this respect HD models were unbeatable, although thankfully today's offerings are improving in that respect.
Of course, with the passage of many decades of improvements in tooling, today's models look far better than the die-cast ones of HD days but please don't insult our intelligence by running such unfair comparison 'trials' such as this. It would have been interesting to see the two locos buffered up and powered up in opposite directions - that would have been telling. Maybe you tried it but edited out that bit?!
