➜ Over 50? ➜ FLATTEN Your STOMACH with This No Jump, Standing Workout

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✅ Recommended Plan
Week 1 👉🏼 Do It 3 Days a Week (1-2 rounds a day)
Week 2 👉🏼 Do It 4 Days a Week (2-3 rounds a day)
Week 3 👉🏼 Do It 5 Days a Week (2-4 rounds a day)
Week 4 and beyond 👉🏼 Do It 6 Days a Week (2-4 rounds a day)
✅ Following along with this video means completing all exercises = 1 round
✅ Repeat for 2-4 Rounds for a complete workout
🟡 Duration: 10 minutes
💪 Exercises quantity: 30
🔶 Format: 1 exercise = 50 seconds work + 10 seconds rest
🧘 Equipment: your body
⏳ Timecodes
00:00 - Body Slide
01:05 - Standing Hip Frontal Rotation Arm Sways
02:05 - Twist and Turn Punch
03:05 - Twist Stepback
04:05 - Standing Hip Frontal Rotation
05:05 - Arms Circle Knee Raise
06:05 - Twist Turn Slam
07:05 - Hands up Side Step
08:05 - High Knee Twist
09:05 - Twist Squat
10:05 - Ear to Knee Side Bend
11:05 - Twist March
12:05 - Squat Front Side Kick
13:05 - Swing Back Knee Drives
14:05 - Standing Side Bend L
15:05 -Standing Side Bend R
16:05 - Standing Abs Rotation Stretch L
17:05 - Standing Abs Rotation Stretch R
18:05 - Standing Front Leg Lift Cross Toe Touches
19:05 - Side to Side Way
20:05 - Back Kick Heel Touches
21:05 - Touchdown
22:05 - Alternating Ankle Touch
23:05 - Twist Chest Out
24:05 - Shoulder Rotation Twist Split Lunge Stretch L
25:05 - Shoulder Rotation Twist Split Lunge Stretch R
26:05 - Standing Side Bend
27:05 - Knee Raise Torso Twist Punch
28:05 - Alternating Hamstring Curl Kick
29:05 - Side up Squat
30:03 - Recommended plan
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A physician or other healthcare professional should be consulted before beginning this or any other fitness program.
In particular, this is true if you (or members of your family) have a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, or if you have experienced chest pain during exercise or within the past month while not physically active, smoking, having high cholesterol, being obese, or having bone or joint problems that are aggravated by physical activity.
Consult your physician or health care provider before beginning this fitness program.
At any time during your workout, you should stop immediately if you experience weakness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath.
Health, fitness, and nutrition information is offered on this site solely for educational purposes.
This information is not meant to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and does not replace it.
Your doctor or another healthcare professional should always be consulted if you have any concerns or questions about your health.
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Рекомендации по теме

Muy bueno eh sudado bastante 🎉🎉🎉🎉gracias mil gracias😊


Gracias por compartir con su público éste ejercicio me encantó lo RECOMIENDO como todos los que aquí presenta realmente buenísimo gracias y excelente día para todos


Thank you for these! I have been doing it 5 days for 5 weeks and down 13 lbs
Easy fun and motivating


Великолепный комплекс упражнений! Огромное вам спасибо!


Me gusta mucho estos ejercicios, gracias.


Siempre muy buenos los ejercicios 👏👌💪❣️🤩😍mil gracias 😊💖❤️💝


Holaa, bendiciones. M gustan éstas rutinas, tengo 58 años y el ritmo de las mismas es edecuado para mi...


Tengo 63 y me gustó el video gracias voy a esforzarme, necesito volver a tener condicion y con comida saludable bajar unos kilitos, gracias. Y bendiciones. ❤🎉


Muchísimas gracias
Gran ayuda se activó hasta minuto 25, 35’


Combien de séance faut faire par jour svp séries plutôt


Me da gusto que sea para mujeres mayores de 50


😅 выдерживаю только половину. 😂😂 здорово!!! Мне очень нравится💓


🥵🥵🥵🥵💪💪depois desse treinos estou me sentindo outra pessoa estou me sentindo cada vez melhor o meu corpo agradece e eu também 🥰🙏🙏 jovania barro alto


سوف ابدأ بهذا التمرين الى شهر ال 1 وسوف اعطيكم النتيجه
رجعوني يوم 1:1


189kcal...soft, ma si prima mattina va più che bene❤


6 days a week, 2-4 rounds a day….fat chance. Like 2 hours a day in addition to weight training and cardio??
