My Awakening Story | Know Thyself | Part 1

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Know Thyself is a short series of videos that aims at guiding into recognition of cosmic consciousness. This is part 1.
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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#nonduality #meditation #stillness #truth #spirituality #advaita #awakening #enlightenment #art #creativity #mindfullness
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Thank you so much for your sharing, Hans.
I am enjoying your videos.
This 'awakening experience' happened to me around 2016, but for only a week.
I had been seeking spiritually, after a classic midlife despair over lack of meaning seeking success and was travelling around Australia in a campervan at the time, in between doing some housesitting.
This day, I followed a simple meditation on a nonduality podcast to stop the mind, and it worked! (Did not replicate later).
It was like the brain broke and I realised EVERYTHING in thinking is not real.
I laughed and laughed and laughed for at least half an hour .
And just kept on with my very simple day.
I was so happy to exist.
I did not want to go to sleep at night that week although I normally just wanted to sleep to rest from life. I was happy to wake in the morning.
This only lasted a week.
It was very obvious it was awakening. Didn't have to ask or tell anyone about it.
I realised everyone around me was just listening to their human thought structures but they were all STILL OK ANYWAY!
My mind started back pressuring me over needing to make money and have a home, and it snapped when a safety issue occurred.
It was also very disconcerting to realise the human beliefs systems and stories are just that...belief systems and stories😁😁
I could defnitely recognise that bit where you said it was like the ego was wanting to guard it's awakening.
I really can't say one can make any assessment or have control of any of it to be honest, but it was definitely the only time in my life I was genuinely happy to be here.
Everything else has been just mostly a distraction, i would think.

I have never told anyone this awakening story, and it has stayed more as a mental knowing, and am much much more free from egotistical pursuits (which generally collapse around me anyway!) Focus mostly on service oriented stuff, but have found myself more stressed and distressed about the world around, so it doesn't feel lived.

I look forward to more of your videos.
Really enjoy and appreciate!


Thank you from deeply for sharing, also for the Turkish subtitle, , , I think each of us awakening path can be different, , , As for me it started deeply suffering of my dad’s pass away but eventually meet at the same point as you mentioned, , , Greetings from south of Turkey, Antalya, , , 🙏🌹🌹🌹


I like how you talk your voice slows me down. Thank you first time listening to you


Thank you for sharing, I had an instant awakening too from not knowing anything about spirituality. A blissful state that lasted for some weeks that had to be let go. The shift happened suddenly and brought some challenges that have dissipated with time. I too journaled a lot. Not sure if anything will come out of it, but a lot of writing came through. I am in Montreal Canada.


I’ve been feeling confused recently about why we are here and what’s the real truth of it all. Feel like I keep going around in circles… today I asked to be shown the truth and I have come across your videos 🙏🏽🤍 already feel like you are bringing me back to peace ✨ thank you ♥️


Thanks I enjoyed this talk I'm in Australia 🌜


I am very happy for you. I really enjoyed listening to your story. I especially appreciated the slower pace 😊


Thankyou for sharing. Watching from Australia 🥰


I find it and then keep losing myself in thought


I had a similar experience with my awakening. One day I walked into a book store and purchased the “power of now” at a time that I was going through a dark night of the soul. The book was literally right in front of me. I experienced that bliss shortly after and now I’m in the stage of receiving inner guidance on my divine purpose. I feel as if I’m being prepared for something with the massive shifts that have taken place within me.


Thank you for sharing your story. Nice to abide with you.


Tnx for sharing from your bloody neighbour in sweden


I am not my thoughts. But I am the “thing” (whatever it is or not it is) that observes the outside world from a localized point.


It's funny how my conditioned mind gets annoyed by this slow pace


Dear Hans, I have a question regarding my identity and ego. I have experienced intense suffering a few years ago and my ego was shattered but my ego developed anxiety and ocd with intrusive thoughts. Before my suffering I had a “normal” life. My suffering woke me up to the truth, and the trauma that I held inside since I was a child. I would meditate for hours a day for awhile until i experienced the dark knight. The question I have is how do I let go of the fear of becoming someone I don’t want to be? I feel as if I meditate, my ego is in extreme terror and does whatever it can to hold on. How do I go beyond that?


I watched a few of your videos but I really don't know what to think about this one. If one recorded/repeated their story many, many times they would get bored with it eventually and dropped it. Telling 'me' story is at the beginning very satisfying, a kind of mental masturbation but even this gets exhausted too. Personal awaking mystery is being reported by the knower trapped in knowing.
"The more talking and thinking
The further from the truth" one ancient said and walked away.


Whcih book was it Hans? Thx in advance


Is this based on Christianity or paganism?


All those awakening stories…did you live alone? What did you told or spoke with people around you? You just stare to them (for ex your wife or kids) without speaking? As you were newly born…
