5 ADHD Tips for Managing NATURALLY | How I Coped Before Meds

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These 5 ADHD tips for managing ADHD without any other interventions come from a lifetime experience of coping without even knowing I had it.

I'm not suggesting that meds aren't helpful. They are, and I use them. However, many of us struggle to get the right support, and to that end, I hope this video helps you think of a few ways you can manage your ADHD naturally. They are seriously the reason I am where I am today. Otherwise, I'd probably be living in a ditch somewhere - no joke!

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Um, I just realized a big IG icon randomly pops up on the video! I have NO idea how that got there. lol. Please ignore!


2:01 1. Work out regularly
5:24 2. Sleep like a champ
6:29 3. Improve your living environment
10:03 4. Do Yoga and meditation
12:43 5. Have customized systems
13:31 Bonus: find out what lights you up and dive into it

Thank you very much!


Holy shit I can’t believe you’re in your 50’s! You’re looking so healthy and gorgeous. Inspiring as fuck


When I realized I was ADHD, it was such a weird relief to know I wasn't lazy, crazy, flaky, or stupid. Better still.was knowing there were other ADHD adult women that I could learn from on how to make my reality better.
Thank you for sharing your journey!


My 91 year old father in law said yesterday “don’t take this wrong but why don’t you finish one project before starting another? Lol. My mother in law looked at me. She knows and answered for me! Bless her. I have really noticed a huge increase in my symptoms. Got a degree and professional certification, raised 3 kids but can’t seem to finish some easy paperwork now at over 50!


Take messy action. 3:33
This phrase really resonated with me. I often get hung up waiting for the perfect time or conditions...


My sister bought me an adult mini-trampoline, and it has CHANGED MY LIFE!!!


40 y/o man here. Hardly can stop crying because this is SO relatable. Thank you so much Caren. I have the same list (gym, sleep, decluttered environment), but it's not always easy. Started as self-employed for 2 years now and realized for a week or three now that I also have ADHD.

Thanks for that feeling of recognition and hope you're doing well!


Since I had children, managing my space to be my source of peace and calm has become near impossible. Overwhelming to say the least. Since learning more about ADHD, and realising that I have it (self diagnosed), the feeling of being overwhelmed has lessened, as I'm now able to take a deep breathe knowing it's because of the ADHD, and am kinder to myself.


Just diagnosed at 64! After the grief process of thinking how this could have made so many things understandable in the past, working now with therapy and medication. Hardest thing, besides trying to achieve my daily goals, is learning how to stop the negative self talk. By the way, now both my adult sons have been diagnosed too!


I was diagnosed at 56. After 4 failed marriages. I am also bipolar and have stress induced epilepsy. I do not take pills for any of it. Meditation, vegan diet and dancing everyday whether I think I want to or not. I have isolated myself for the last six years and it has simplified and helped my life incredibly.
It is not for everyone but for me…. Alone but never lonely (2 dogs, cat and a Flemish Giant rabbit). 😊


Honestly my life before my diagnosis was best described as the wake left by a huge commit hitting the earth, fire, smoke and wreckage. I have changed career 3x and I am only 35 lol, abandoned debt and fines, destructive decision making, insanely impulsive. I got really obsessed with working out before and that helped but then I completely phased it out with by accidentally directing my attention on the next new thing.

My wife deserves a medal in all honesty.


A couple systems to offload memorization onto my environment:

My car keys live in 1 of 3 places (1) the key rack at home (2) my coat pocket (3) in the fridge with my lunch so I don't forget to take that home from work.

I park in the same place every time I drive somewhere...I usually park in stalls that are most likely to be available most times of the day, year round (my kids have stopped asking me to "park closer to the store")


I am a woman who is newly diagnosed at the age of 39. My type is inattentive and I lack all motivation in various areas of my life and just found your channel recently. This is my first video I'm watching of yours and wow. Thank you for putting the reasoning behind your words. I'm currently overweight by 80lbs from bipolar meds and well life. I'm excited to watch your other videos.


I reversed my ADHD (along with anxiety and depression) with a Paleo diet. I was taking vyvanse and adderall daily. I removed all grains, sugar, dairy, legumes, nightshades, and alcohol. Within months, the stimulants were too much… I would become jittery and agitated.

I’m convinced that ADHD stems from the gut. If you don’t have the gut bacteria to break down complex carbs and most protein, you will be affected by an immune response. For those of us with mental illnesses, our brain become inflamed because of this.

Look into it. I’ve been eating this way for nearly nine years. It’s a game changing.


The most important part is: Don't listen to commoners. Boring stuff like daily routines and do what you are told works for THEM, but not for you. Try to hyperfocus into what makes you happy and/or solves problems normal brains can't solve. Don't forget health along the way. Do SOME sports and workouts. Alternate between them. Live polyamorous if that's what you are into. Don't let life become boring. Enjoy ❤️


I have ADD. Went to school for accounting. accounting is all about processes. I love the way it trained my brain.


55 year old, not diagnosed but ticking all the boxes. I used to think that ADHD was hyperactivity which defo isn't me ( apart from constant over thinking). I resonate with all other behaviours/ symptoms. Thanks ❤


i watched this video to try and help me better my organization for add. i lasted 1 minute before my attention went to the comments to see what everyone else said. i think rn its just nice knowing that others understand and experienced the same thing. I'm sorry that you have though. its not often i don't feel so alone. thank you for existing and i hope you all conquer all your challenges!!! :)


I’m 58 and I have ADHD. I am so glad to stumble across your channel and podcast ❤